
I agree about the robotics. What we really need is a better propulsion mode. Stop funding SLS, private industry is “all in” with chemical rockets.
1000%. I get they are excited to go go go but seriously. We need better tech when 90% or more of your weight is fuel. Then once up there even with gravity slingshots assisting it takes decades to reach the edge of the solar system.

I feel we’re on the cusp of discovering some basic beginnings though. They keep smashing atoms and sorting through the wreckage we should be able to figure more out. A miniature black hole warp drive should get things moving.

I don’t watch much tv at all and generally disdainful of it. I have a soft spot for the show ancient aliens though, I can’t help it. Even if they go too far. I’ve always agreed with the premise way back even before I knew others thought this way too. Anyway. One episode they were showing off the properties of Mercury. How it’s a super conductor when cooled and will levitate objects in a magnetic field. Wow okay that’s freaking cool!
1000%. I get they are excited to go go go but seriously. We need better tech when 90% or more of your weight is fuel. Then once up there even with gravity slingshots assisting it takes decades to reach the edge of the solar system.

I feel we’re on the cusp of discovering some basic beginnings though. They keep smashing atoms and sorting through the wreckage we should be able to figure more out. A miniature black hole warp drive should get things moving.

I don’t watch much tv at all and generally disdainful of it. I have a soft spot for the show ancient aliens though, I can’t help it. Even if they go too far. I’ve always agreed with the premise way back even before I knew others thought this way too. Anyway. One episode they were showing off the properties of Mercury. How it’s a super conductor when cooled and will levitate objects in a magnetic field. Wow okay that’s freaking cool!

Miniaturized black hole warp drive...??

My problem is the words "black hole", nothing escapes from why?
Miniaturized black hole warp drive...??

My problem is the words "black hole", nothing escapes from why?
When they turned on the LHC there was all kinds of talk that they were going to create a black hole. It didn’t.
We’re talking about smashing electrons and creating a miniature black hole that lasts for nanoseconds and vaporizes. If it hasn’t been done yet they are close.

If we could control it and somehow ride/surf the event horizon we could really get closer to light speed travel.

Only problem then is it’s still not fast enough!! Our Milky Way is estimated at 100-150,000 light years across. Andromeda is like 2 million light years away.

If we don’t learn how to fold space galactic/intergalactic travel isn’t going to happen how we’d want. Manipulation of black hole tech is just the only thing I can imagine allowing us that kind of power.
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Miniaturized black hole warp drive...??

My problem is the words "black hole", nothing escapes from why?
Tiny black holes will convert a lot of accreted matter directly to energy, to the tune of ten or twenty per cent conversion.
The two technical issues (I am not saying irreparable because I can’t handicap our tech, say, a thousand years from now) are that small black holes evaporate very energetically, and they are massive.
Theorectically plauseable idea, in a 1000yrs who knows what mankind would be able to do.....

i would also love to see NASA get away chemical rockets maybe move to something else......i can totally see a possiblity of maybe going Nuke with ION engines......

i did a little research at Cern also.....the have made the anouncement that they are not looking to do a cosmic black hole, but they are looking at the posssiblity of doing what they call a quantum black hole, according to them it's safe

and if you go to the more info section......and i kid you takes you the angel&demons web site for more info........
Daaaamn that’s amazing!

I’ll have to look at the angels and demons thing. Admittedly it’s been some years since I’ve had time to really sit and read. Particle physics is no joke.

Mathematically theorized extra dimensions make so much crazy stuff at least theoretically plausible. I try to be open minded.

It’ll be a while I agree on worm hole travel. It’s fun to think about though. I’m betting they start seeing their micro black holes like they think. Higgs Boson was the same recently. Theorized and found which was incredible and huge for physics.

I’m saying 200 years or less to stable worm holes and testing begins. 300 to ships and people going through. Just for fun. The internet has greatly accelerated our learning curve as a species.

They will figure out the graviton and unify the theories. Baby steps for sure.

Could something go wrong with a particle accelerator? Maybe, but we’ve detonated actual nukes on the surface on this beautiful space ship we’re all living on in the name of destruction. I think the reward greatly out weighs the risk.
When they turned on the LHC there was all kinds of talk that they were going to create a black hole. It didn’t.
We’re talking about smashing electrons and creating a miniature black hole that lasts for nanoseconds and vaporizes. If it hasn’t been done yet they are close.

If we could control it and somehow ride/surf the event horizon we could really get closer to light speed travel.

Only problem then is it’s still not fast enough!! Our Milky Way is estimated at 100-150,000 light years across. Andromeda is like 2 million light years away.

If we don’t learn how to fold space galactic/intergalactic travel isn’t going to happen how we’d want. Manipulation of black hole tech is just the only thing I can imagine allowing us that kind of power.
Interstellar travel is almost in our grasp. Slowboats going 300 km/s can reach the nearest two dozen stars in twenty thousand years. The crew need not even be biological.
and if you go to the more info section......and i kid you takes you the angel&demons web site for more info........
I couldn’t find this but I was definitely down a rabbit hole. I only found them talking about Shiva which makes a lot of sense. Where did you find that?
Interstellar travel is almost in our grasp. Slowboats going 300 km/s can reach the nearest two dozen stars in twenty thousand years. The crew need not even be biological.
Agreed. They’re still learning from voyager 1. Have to wonder how long it’ll keep ticking and that was launched just before I was born. Send the bots.

Somewhere they have isolation chambers set up to simulate what it’ll be like on a months or years long space mission so you can see if you’re going to crack.

Earth is a really, really nice oasis. Even with the damage done. Hopefully we can slow it down but it’s not looking good.
I couldn’t find this but I was definitely down a rabbit hole. I only found them talking about Shiva which makes a lot of sense. Where did you find that?

and if you really want a rabbit hole.....go here

all sorts of projects here with space and physics...think Cern is in the physics area if i'm right
Funny I read that page but didn’t see the title. The major religions that rely on their supernatural gods were all scared LHC would disprove god. Feathers ruffled for sure. They talk of other dimensions which if proven would lend credibility to ‘supernatural’ being misunderstood technology. There is nothing on that page about demons or angels though which makes that title odd.

Maybe hoping to grab internet searches for stuff on this? And that their success doesn’t mean you can’t still believe in whatever.
Agreed. They’re still learning from voyager 1. Have to wonder how long it’ll keep ticking and that was launched just before I was born. Send the bots.

Somewhere they have isolation chambers set up to simulate what it’ll be like on a months or years long space mission so you can see if you’re going to crack.

Earth is a really, really nice oasis. Even with the damage done. Hopefully we can slow it down but it’s not looking good.
Voyager is hampered by two issues. Its Pu-238 power source (half-life about 88 years) is down to about two-thirds its initial power.

Also, at its current distance, it has to run its underpowered transmitter at extra super slow data rates.

A Googling suggests we are pretty much at the precipice.

Funny I read that page but didn’t see the title. The major religions that rely on their supernatural gods were all scared LHC would disprove god. Feathers ruffled for sure. They talk of other dimensions which if proven would lend credibility to ‘supernatural’ being misunderstood technology. There is nothing on that page about demons or angels though which makes that title odd.

Maybe hoping to grab internet searches for stuff on this? And that their success doesn’t mean you can’t still believe in whatever.

so what are ya looking for Esoteric stuff, cause i've been currently reading the songs of solomon....weird book i have to say
Voyager is hampered by two issues. Its Pu-238 power source (half-life about 88 years) is down to about two-thirds its initial power.

Also, at its current distance, it has to run its underpowered transmitter at extra super slow data rates.

A Googling suggests we are pretty much at the precipice.

which on passed heliopause? was that 1 or 2??