Its all politics. Mostly the left.
It has gotten so out of hand that if you don't agree with someone, they wish death on you or celebrate it if it happens.
News articles love to show you a covid denier die of covid, but never the double jabbed with a booster fat women that's dying of covid.
Same idiots that scream "free health care for all" want to take away health care for those that don't get the shot.
Dave Chapel had a good one when it came to the rapper, Da baby. He shot and killed someone at Walmart and his record sales never missed a beat, but if you say anything against the LGTBQ community and they want to cancel you like you have done the worst thing ever.
We lost compassion for people who are different or think differently, or at least on the internet or news media.
In real life people act a different way. Much more docile. I bet the people in the politics section wouldn't dare talk to me like they do here in real life.