Making fun of how people die

Math tough for you huh?

if you were benching 200lbs and I added another 100lbs, how many pounds are you now benching?
This is the most childish conversation I've ever seen. I don't know if I should feel sorry for you or just pretend like it hurts my feelings to let the underdog get one up.
You really should get a job
Besides the gym
I own my own business. I'm at my desk right now.

I have a general manger, and floor supervisors that do the work as well as 18 floor workers that do the physical jobs. .

I make decisions about budgets and supply chains and review the reports on gross profits and expenses as well as accounts payables. . That's it. I literally do nothing all day. .
What's funny is all their antimask and hateful bullshit they post about how everyone that's got a vax is dumber than them and then die from it. They're making fun of the irony if your talking about r/hermancainaward
Im not sure if you're talking to me or about me but I'll bite. I don't wear a mask and I am not vaxed but I believe in freedom of choice. Want to wear a mask, wear it. Want the vax, go get it. If you don't, don't. That's a personal decision and I can only make that for myself. Never judged a single person. Only the people telling me what I have to do when clearly the supreme court agrees with me.