Coco for micro grow?


Well-Known Member
So without venting too much let's just say I'm rebuilding my setup and I am wondering if I should switch mediums. I'm fairly lazy so I've been rotating organic soil with various amendments and it's been working for me.
One thing I'd like though is to maximize my small 2x2x3 space and since soil takes so much space due to the big pots I was wondering if I could save space and reduce pot size by switching to Coco. Thoughts?
I haven't done Coco in years but I think I'm open to the idea of switching because soil is putting me through the wringer.
I'm not that lazy and honestly I've been very active lately because I've been having to screw with it so often. If I'm going to fuck with it all the time, why not Coco?
I think he just meant it's a lot of work, doing coco in small pots without automation. I'm having to feed my solo cup coco plant 4 times per day, and it's dry each time lol. Coco is great though, I love it, you are just really tied to a schedule if you handwater.
Just by what you wrote. Coco is more work. Not less.
Yeah I guess I just worded myself badly. I'm lazy for not wanting to try something new. When my grow space shrank I kept things fairly similar on a smaller scale and it's been working for a few years.
In the last few weeks I've been struggling with my setup and shits been dying. I have been changing soil, watching more closely, sterilizing more on top of my usual and every time I think I have it figured out it turns south.
To avoid being too long winded I really am thinking I'm going to switch. I already ripped everything apart, threw away most of my stuff, bleached it all and am headed out the door. Might come home with Coco this time.
I think he just meant it's a lot of work, doing coco in small pots without automation. I'm having to feed my solo cup coco plant 4 times per day, and it's dry each time lol. Coco is great though, I love it, you are just really tied to a schedule if you handwater.
Hey are you still growing in %100 Coco moving forward? I thought it was you that had the post with different Coco mixtures in testing but for the life if me I can't find that thread. I just want to know if I need to pick up perlite or anything else to mix in. Your reply is much appreciated! Thanks
1 gallon coffee can of straight coco (no perlite) with a $6 auto just after stretch. No training, Watered 2x/day from week 3-ish on.20210103_125139_HDR.jpg
Last pic of her, left front, Still fed 2x/day 1.0 EC.
The front right plant is in 2 gallons of coco in a 3 gallon fabric pot., folded down. Same strain but trained low and wide.
1 gallon coffee can of straight coco (no perlite) with a $6 auto just after stretch. No training, Watered 2x/day from week 3-ish on.View attachment 5072171
Last pic of her, left front, Still fed 2x/day 1.0 EC.
View attachment 5072177
The front right plant is in 2 gallons of coco in a 3 gallon fabric pot., folded down. Same strain but trained low and wide.
Nice Plants BroLooking really healthy..
try out hempy style grows. You can do a lot of different mediums including coco, but perlite is most popular
See and this is exactly why I was thinking of switching from soil. I always struggle with high humidity, especially once I'm in flower with big ass pots of soil.
The last little while I've been dealing with fungus killing my seedlings. I thought I figured it out but this morning when I went to check soil moisture one of my seedlings had a dark stem and had tipped over(soil was dry btw).
Needless to say this pissed me off and crushed my spirits. But I tossed everything I could and everything else got bleached. I even threw away all the soil I just purchased, and all my old stock.
I'm definitely changing everything, and even ripped off all my reflective plastic and put up new. It's better so I'm not all upset but I really hope I don't have to deal with this anymore.
Coco and 30% perlite for sure. If you have a decent sized or even better a plumbed drain pan, you could rig up a very simple gravity drip system using a bucket or res of some type, some small hose and 2-3 adjustable drippers.

You can go all in and grab a low pressure tank tap timer and fully automate times and duration. You'll still get the essential runoff. A must imo. Mine are generally just set and forget watering/feed systems and so simple. Just filling the bucket/res daily avoids the problems with aeration and warm water in my climate.

I use 15 litres for 3 plants in 20litre pots, per day at peak flower. At least a 1/3 runs off down the drain out on the garden.
See and this is exactly why I was thinking of switching from soil. I always struggle with high humidity, especially once I'm in flower with big ass pots of soil.
The last little while I've been dealing with fungus killing my seedlings. I thought I figured it out but this morning when I went to check soil moisture one of my seedlings had a dark stem and had tipped over(soil was dry btw).
Needless to say this pissed me off and crushed my spirits. But I tossed everything I could and everything else got bleached. I even threw away all the soil I just purchased, and all my old stock.
I'm definitely changing everything, and even ripped off all my reflective plastic and put up new. It's better so I'm not all upset but I really hope I don't have to deal with this anymore.
Hempy stylee'
this is what converted me to hydro. I think if you try a full grow hempy style and suceed you will get into hydro. It starts with the right nutes, and a good ppm and ph pen (with proper maintanence )