The trump family is an international crime syndicate

I didn’t know where to put this link and didn’t want to start another thread. This is an appropriate time to bump this thread anyway. Funny shit lol.

Trump instructed Michael Cohen to make sure Don Jr. went to jail instead of Ivanka - Raw Story

he still might have a chance with her as he gazes at her pussy.


open mouth that she fucking gross is this fucker?
is there a proper term for his love of Princess? like a reversed Oedipus complex or something?
Jocasta complex is when a mother wants to f her son but Trump wanting to do that to princess is just a sick conflation of his pedo orientation coupled with his admiration for her aesthetic (“she’s a piece of ass”) grading it 10.
He’s a sick puppy and they should all be tried
When Trump dies, all the cards will fall.

Don Jr. is way too sleazy to take seriously. Eric is, I mean cmon LOL. Ivanka and her skeletal husband will slip-up or not have the right people wiping their tracks & get popped for some huge white-collar crime. Melania will attach herself to some other rich guy, or disappear from the limelight doing a bunch of luxurious nothing. Barron is anyone's guess.
I didn’t know where to put this link and didn’t want to start another thread. This is an appropriate time to bump this thread anyway. Funny shit lol.

Trump instructed Michael Cohen to make sure Don Jr. went to jail instead of Ivanka - Raw Story

She has leverage against him. Multiple abortions of multiple rapes. That's what I heard. Everyone knows it.
When Trump dies, all the cards will fall.

Don Jr. is way too sleazy to take seriously. Eric is, I mean cmon LOL. Ivanka and her skeletal husband will slip-up or not have the right people wiping their tracks & get popped for some huge white-collar crime. Melania will attach herself to some other rich guy, or disappear from the limelight doing a bunch of luxurious nothing. Barron is anyone's guess.

Bet barron becomes a dj.