Pyrethrin soil drench dosage

Never said Bonide did have that.

Southern AG and Evergreen do!

Im still confused on how much to use. lol. i just used half a table spoon for a quart of water and dumped it in the pot. now i think that was to much and you think i should go dump some plain water in to dilute it?
Im still confused on how much to use. lol. i just used half a table spoon for a quart of water and dumped it in the pot. now i think that was to much and you think i should go dump some plain water in to dilute it?

Read the label. figure your % to the values I gave......

One thing some should understand.......It's hard on the plant.....You might just let it set for 10 min and then run a rinse through.. Some let it set 20 min..Some don't rinse..

Up to you..
I haven't drenched in a long time, or even used pyrethrin.
Placing shallow pans of water containing a bit of dish soap near plants prevents gnats and aphids.
They drown instantly, before reaching your plants.
Try it, it's free and simple.
Probably a dumb question but if i use 1 gallon pots would i use 2 cups of the mix?
You water as you would do normally, for mixing concentrate; 1-2 tsp/gal H2O.
Then simply water it in, do not repeat on the next watering; as insects quickly build tolerance to any pesticide.
Roots don't care for water drenching pesticides in, so this is a last resort; as sometimes our efforts to rid plants of pests cause more damage than the pest we are trying to eliminate.
Since my last post, I found another means that is helping, fabric pots; no more drainage holes.!
wait 2 inches of DE um where have you been getting your info?.they die because the serrations from the diatoms cut their skin and they can not retain moisture and it gets spread through out the entire grow medium and is effective when it dries i would rather suggest that than watering with insecticide plus the plants use silica to grow so each to their own
I can see that working as the pot drys they have gotten it in their joints and boom rips them to pieces
I've had better results with Neem as a soil drench compared to pyrethrum. Neem is also a pretty rounded fertilizer as well, even when extracted. I was spraying Neem oil on the top over the last few weeks, but it only killed the adults, and the larvae would continue to emerge. Gave it a drench of Neem oil a few days ago, and there seems to be no more coming out of the soil and none on the sticky traps..
I just soil drenched w/Pyrethrin last week, with no negative effects.
Leaves are still pointing to the heavens.
It's a last resort, usually after Promix sells me a bag of infected peat based medium.
One watering kills everything.
Shallow pans of water placed near plants with a bit of dish soap is my usual means of preventing and controlling gnats/aphids.
They go for the water, then immediately drown...and I enjoy watching.:lol:
What was the rate per GL

What was the rate per GL
Depends on the product, I won't be growing during summer months indoors anymore; too much hassle with heat/humidity...and insects.
If your product is concentrate, like mine; one teaspoon/gal.
Roots don't really care for go easy...and keep a vacuum handy if possible for the flyaways.
Best wishes on your grow.
frrom what i have found its 3/4 teaspoon-2 teaspoons per gal. depending on the strength. but at the same time this stuff life shelf is literally halfed in abiut 12-15 hours and by day 5 theres only 3% residuals left which is why you should wait seven days till you apply again. and during that time use a different soil drench like use concentrated h202 and i go a little over board with it. helps dry out the pests and eggs. also something to use to help fight root aphids would be to use diatamaceous earth or gnat gnix on the soil surface.