Hps bulb???


Well-Known Member
For the price and performance of grolux i changed them most grows ocasionaly two, my thinking is 5% over 600g makes it money well spent, even 1% = a quarter how :-) much a quarter where you live lol.

Old tech i hear, I don't mind old tech.
Combustion engines they're crap :-)
Ya I mean thats an extra 60 to 80 dollars. In my area its flooded everyone names their own price but bud I get from my friends has been better than the shops weed. The shop charges $40 for 2 g's and I get better for $30 for 3.5 from friends.


Well-Known Member
Im running some leds also but don't wanna give up the hids I feel like a mix is best. I swear I'm ditching the wing reflector though. Way too much heat Im really looking into getting a cmh to replace the mh/HPS. Should I put the wing reflector I n the middle and raise it up a lil. Then put the small led on the left? So 2 leds with an HP's in the middle so both plants get both?


Well-Known Member
Does anybody feel like some not all of the reggie we smoked In the early 2000s was just as good if not better than now. I mean maybe it was people growing the same stuff just getting some seeds. I remember getting buds the size of 2 litters of almost seedless fire. There was also the dirt brick shit. Thats why I'm looking back into organics and running nftg and microbials.


Well-Known Member
I have typically used "Plantmax" bulbs which are cheap but my local store no longer stocks them so got a "ENERG" instead (same price).

Didn't notice any difference.



Well-Known Member
Looks dank but its either Synganic or Organic. I know someone who grew with General Hydro 3 part and said because they used teas its organic.
So I'm running all nectar for the gods and teas and inoculates, people say its organic but I think a couple of the bottles arent.