Strongest strain you have ever smoked?

A strain in OR back in 01 called " The Original". No idea why it has the name nor what it is. My best friend has grown that same strain since 99 but got it from an old head who had it at least a decade prior. I smoked it on 2 occasions, 2nd time I was reluctant due to how hard it hit 1st time b
Sativa: Kali Mist ...Wake and Bake
Indica: Afghan Gooey...Couchlock Vegetation
Hybrid: Cinderella 99...It's like life got a better graphics card.
Haze: Ghost OG.....drool, nodding,..avoid standing when inhaling.
THC: Golden Goddess 40% thc. ( more headache than high).
Sativa: Kali Mist ...Wake and Bake
Indica: Afghan Gooey...Couchlock Vegetation
Hybrid: Cinderella 99...It's like life got a better graphics card.
Haze: Ghost OG.....drool, nodding,..avoid standing when inhaling.
THC: Golden Goddess 40% thc. ( more headache than high).

I had a cut of the original C99 soon after it came out . I loaded up my room with it several times because it was such an easy plant to grow . Smoked way too much of it . Laid waste to many brain cells I'm sure .
I stopped in Amsterdam after visiting Africa for a week. A bong rip of Blue Cheese (Barney's) left me in an auditory and visual hallucinatory state. Wound up in the fetal position back at the hotel room. My experience was a result of taking a break and then smoking high THC variety. Tried growing the strain but not the same.
It's funny reading through this post. "What's the strongest?" "Wellll... back in '95, '03, 2010... had this stuff ten years ago..."
"When I was your age I walked to school through ten feet of snow! Up hill! BOTH WAYS!!"
Yeah, you young whipper snappers won't ever know what that was like. Hey boomers, can I get an "amen"? A high THC percentage is not "all that"; there were other compounds in that old school weed that made it better than the stuff nowadays. Ignorance truly is bliss.
... A high THC percentage is not "all that"; there were other compounds in that old school weed that made it better than the stuff nowadays ...
Amen! The effects of late 70's weed was different than the bud of today. Conversely, I find that the effects of todays high THC bud last longer. 6 of one, 1/2 dozen of the other.
Sativa: Kali Mist ...Wake and Bake
Indica: Afghan Gooey...Couchlock Vegetation
Hybrid: Cinderella 99...It's like life got a better graphics card.
Haze: Ghost OG.....drool, nodding,..avoid standing when inhaling.
THC: Golden Goddess 40% thc. ( more headache than high).
Golden Goddess 40% thc, wow is it a racey high?
Rockstar cut was gifted to me from my local “pet supply” shop.
I’ve found it to be my weekender;
Friday/Saturday nights only kinda high.
In a daze and useless the next day.
Math? Forget about it.

for daytime/w&b,
C99 has changed my life.
Great focusing high that lasts.
Been picking moms out of a 6pack of reefermans seeds for the past 5 or 6 years. Finally ran one last summer that was short and stout.
Will fit a tent nicely.
I’ve handed samples to friends I see getting too couch locked during the day, as I vape and charge up w c99 ready to charge!
they’re troweling out the glue on the couch, ready to end the day and call it last run.
some shit called skunk somebody passed me Texas Jam 1 Van Halen show during Runnin with the Devil 1978. Didn't know the dude, elbowed me "been savin this all summer for this song" dude. high as a kite.....yup
70s Gold, 80s skunk, 90s Garlic Bud, 00s Blueberry, 10s headband, 20,s Strawberry Banana.

I still have Garlic bud Like my friend said ... Wow music sounds awesome on Garlic bud.
It sure does. And that's what old school weed does best.
No doubt select few Columbian Gold bags would cause hallucinations. Most all CG caused severe paranoia and blood red Chinese eyes and severe cotton mouth. Then a raging munchie fest.

That is why old schoolers miss it and won't stop talking about it.
There is no current weed I know of that delivers on all points like CG.

Acapulco Gold was delicious and delicious and delicious. Smooth smooth smooth.... then boom... nuclear bomb instantly in your lungs, when you stopped hitting it,

It was bad the expansion.... I mean it hurt lol 2015 11 26_1181.jpg