Read this, if you don't want to give your identity away on rollitup

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I have been floating around the forums for the last 12 years and have seen endless members come and go.
I think it's safe to say, every grow forum is watched by an online crime force, they collect information to identify you.
Just a few things to think about next time you upload pictures and say it's your birthday.

Never give out your dob. (I use a fake one)
365(days) x 60(years) = 29,100 (between 20 and 80)
In a room of 30,000, they can narrow you down to one person
If they know your sex that's 1 in 60,000 people :o
I was referring to his comment about bdays being 1in 30000. Didn't realize how many pages of replies there were. Lol
Sorry son, but this is pure alarmist bullshit. Maybe in the UK you should worry about bobbies, but in other countries the law enforcement does not spend time on looking for useless info about minor criminals.

<--- That's my actual photo. My real location and birthday have been listed here for 15 years.

Ulp! I better watch out the window for cops! :lol:

Ermagerd! :o

Honestly, even though you are a forum mod or whatever this is bad advice. Since I’m far removed I’ll share how it STILL is in some places. I’m originally from eastern NC in a small coastal town. Before I was able to move to my current state it got so bad I couldn’t even have my personal smoke on my person( had to have my freaking mom bring me smoke). Cops illegally searched me more than once, even with my daughter in a car seat on the side of the road, no probable cause. They did end up busting like 4 people in our circle since they did pop one “friend “ with enough to put him away the next 10 years and of course he rolled, LIKE MOST PEOPLE WOULD. I learned many hard lessons along the way. People if you’re in an illegal state, don’t forget it. Some of these people have been living the good life in states like Cali and Colorado so long they forget there’s still a very real drug war in the rest of the states. Plenty of people doing time on those states for growing, I can promise you they wish they were more quiet about their business. The fuzz are still about, it’s still illegal federally, just because they haven’t popped you doesn’t mean they still can’t/won’t. Be safe out there and keep it growing on ✌️
Getting info and rooting around online until they uncover something are two different scenarios though.
Rooting about on line is highly unlikely your neighbors reporting a smell, chit chat in the pub, getting caught with a joint can all lead to a visit.

In the UK for drugs and firearms there's no warrant or such required if they have sufficient evidence/reasons to peruse.
Rooting about on line is highly unlikely your neighbors reporting a smell, chit chat in the pub, getting caught with a joint can all lead to a visit.

In the UK for drugs and firearms there's no warrant or such required if they have sufficient evidence/reasons to peruse.
That was my point. You can stay off the internet completely and still get brought down by some dork with a good nose. If cops get info they have to follow up on it.
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