Read this, if you don't want to give your identity away on rollitup

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What the fuck are you talking about? I have a few issues wrong with my garden and wanted to get to know some people and see what they thought. I feel like this is not a good place to learn or teach. Seems to be a bunch of ego and shitty people. Fools I tell ya. I’ll dig through the BS and find the people who are actually doing work.
So far the ass hats that have been responding are the fools that come through the garden and are “breeders”, but they can’t get past the first day of training. A year later they’ll still not know how to lift a clone dome off and put it back on! Serious. This is real shit. Put the lid back on you dumb fuckers
This is a good site. Unfortunately you stepped into a horrible thread that was doomed from the jump. Stick around and let your garden do the talking.
It's like when I was a kid...we used to roll with a bottle of Jack Daniels in the car and on a weekend night when we couldn't find a party we'd just cruise and get loaded. The cops in town would stop us, confiscate the bottle and tell us to go home. Shit doesn't work like that anymore. Also, amazing that most of us are still alive.
for sure after drinking that gut rot and driving.
What the fuck are you talking about? I have a few issues wrong with my garden and wanted to get to know some people and see what they thought. I feel like this is not a good place to learn or teach. Seems to be a bunch of ego and shitty people. Fools I tell ya. I’ll dig through the BS and find the people who are actually doing work.
So far the ass hats that have been responding are the fools that come through the garden and are “breeders”, but they can’t get past the first day of training. A year later they’ll still not know how to lift a clone dome off and put it back on! Serious. This is real shit. Put the lid back on you dumb fuckers
Where are the pictures of "few issues wrong with your garden" you wanted help with?

You've made 46 posts in less than a day and have yet to ask for help or share photos.
Wow. Idk man. I only took a pic of half that room because you guys are kinda being assholes. If I showed the tray that’s deficient you’d have a reason to laugh. Lol

it’s fucked. Well not totally. I have been battling root aphids for a sec. Im not sure if it’s the aphids or a deficiency. Or a deficiency because of the aphids. Half the tray with yellowed top leaves bottom leaves fine and healthy but possibly stunted plants not sure how they’d turn out if healthy. Other half of the tray showing normal fade. All new strains in this room. So haven’t had a chance to dial it in yet. not sure of the yield or smoke yet. Not a welcoming site I’ll tell ya that much.

edit: I posted a few pics back a post or two.
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