Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

I wish I hadn’t dwindled my savings trying to help family members who shit on me afterwards. I would be in a lot more secure position today. I have just about brought myself out of it but it’s been a real struggle to get back on my feet. It’s very hard to do that as we get older. I wouldn’t let myself be used like that again.
I wish I hadn’t dwindled my savings trying to help family members who shit on me afterwards. I would be in a lot more secure position today. I have just about brought myself out of it but it’s been a real struggle to get back on my feet. It’s very hard to do that as we get older. I wouldn’t let myself be used like that again.
I'm sorry they treated you like that. Nothing worse than giving money and help to people who don't appreciate it, family or not.
Especially when they're in year 6 of a 4-year degree. ;)
I had both of mine pay their own way, it's amazing how that cuts down on the 6 year ride:). With all the grants and loans available to kids today I think they should have at least some of the burden of their tuition. I worked my way through school and it didn't kill me. I know some folks have the means to pay the whole way but I've seen some of my friends really go deep in debt for degrees their snot nosed kids will never need/use and it's crazy to think about.
I had both of mine pay their own way, it's amazing how that cuts down on the 6 year ride:). With all the grants and loans available to kids today I think they should have at least some of the burden of their tuition. I worked my way through school and it didn't kill me. I know some folks have the means to pay the whole way but I've seen some of my friends really go deep in debt for degrees their snot nosed kids will never need/use and it's crazy to think about.
Even worse, I've seen folks spend their retirement 401K's and IRA's on their kid's education. The kids have the rest of their life to pay off the loan debt(s) but if you're 50 or 60, you don't have much time left unless you want to work until you are 75 :(
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I helped my kids out believe me. I found them jobs through contacts, gave them money for spending when I could since they are both pretty hard workers but I'm a firm believer that college isn't for everyone and having to pony up their own cash helps to thin out the 6 year party crowd. I don't know how many second mortgages I've heard of to pay for colleges. My sister has 4 kids that all are going to big name schools or did and the money is staggering. 30-65 thousand a year. Hell when I was growing up that was a pretty good salary, still is for a lot of us.
I left home when I was 17 and made it on my own with no help from anyone. I encouraged [they might say demanded] my children to be independent and strike out on their own. My daughters both got degrees on their own with no financial help from us.The youngest got a fellowship for her PHD. I did help my son get a job in my trade, he inherited my tools, has done well and has made me proud.
I forgot to mention not only am I over 50 but now so is my car, a 71 Pontiac Lemans. So I guess we're both old farts. It's broken down now just like it's owner but at least it's cheap to fix:)
I've had my fair share of muscle cars... and I'm looking forward to an electric LOL
I will soon be 56. If I knew I would live this long I would have taken better care of myself.
But hey life in the fast lane right? Been staying on the shoulder lately lol.

I'm pushing 69....you're absolutely correct, living hard takes its toll , but look at the fun we had in Crazytown...the memories. My attitude hasn't changed, work hard , play hard . I just can't quite " play" as hard as I use to.
I'm pushing 69....you're absolutely correct, living hard takes its toll , but look at the fun we had in Crazytown...the memories. My attitude hasn't changed, work hard , play hard . I just can't quite " play" as hard as I use to.
I will totally agree with your attitude!!!! Except I can't work as hard anymore, but still "play" hard on occasion!!!!!
22 years of busting my ass building a successful company has taken its toll on me physically, mentally I'm still in my 20's, and my body feels it after "playing hard" LOL. Can't play like I did 30 years ago and not expect to feel wrecked.
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I will totally agree with your attitude!!!! Except I can't work as hard anymore, but still "play" hard on occasion!!!!!
22 years of busting my ass building a successful company has taken its toll on me physically, mentally, I'm still in my 20's, and my body feels it after "playing hard" LOL. Can't play like I did 30 years ago and not expect to feel wrecked.
Check your math . Must be stoned or you worked way to hard.