New york

Yeah…the land of plenty…of red tape. If they don’t get the cultivation guidelines set out for patients soon then when they go Rec they won’t have the supply to keep up with demand even for a second, can’t expect the medical facilities that are already struggling to keep up with demand to supply the whole states recreational product as well. But yes…yay for positive momentum NY.
Yeah…the land of plenty…of red tape. If they don’t get the cultivation guidelines set out for patients soon then when they go Rec they won’t have the supply to keep up with demand even for a second, can’t expect the medical facilities that are already struggling to keep up with demand to supply the whole states recreational product as well. But yes…yay for positive momentum NY.
A lot better than, the way the bunch in frankfort ,ky. did on the medical bill, in kentucky.
A lot better than, the way the bunch in frankfort ,ky. did on the medical bill, in kentucky.
Looks like you guys got screwed by the pandemic and a couple of stick in the mud senators…that’s a super tough spot to be in for the people out there, but on the bright side once one body passes a bill for legalization it’s only a matter of time before they get it or a different one all the way through
What red tape?
That is awesome! Way to think outside the box FTW!! But what I meant by red tape, was the medical and recreational programs working as they should and were intended to right from the start, or I guess to be more fair, somewhat near the start. It’s awesome that there are loopholes to be exploited, but I myself at least am tired of loopholes and workarounds and the facades. Marijuana gets legalized as a medicine and as a recreational substance and this guy still has to sell a sticker for $40-60 so he can accept money from his customers for the actual product. Imagine working tirelessly to grow and curate all of that product and run a productive business only to have to masquerade as a sticker salesmen, that’s not even a thing…the man deserves to own his enterprise as do we all I feel
The medical cultivation laws are almost in place. 6 plants maximum, 3 flowering, unless you're a caregiver then its 12. I paid the 200$ for the diagnosis and medical card, which they issue from the NYS Dept of Health.

Non-patients are getting screwed - they have to wait 18 months after the first legitimate dispensary is opened to cultivate, which could take another year.

Us medical card patients were supposed to have the green light 6 months after the legislation was put into effect, and that deadline passed around Oct 20th... right around when they formed the panel and agreed for a 60 day comment period to finalize the changes - which was delayed further another month and expired on Jan 18th.

So now what? More waiting with no exact timelines in place. It seems suspicious to me that they don't follow through on the proposed dates... it should be going through any day now but our government is crooked as a muhfucka.
The medical cultivation laws are almost in place. 6 plants maximum, 3 flowering, unless you're a caregiver then its 12. I paid the 200$ for the diagnosis and medical card, which they issue from the NYS Dept of Health.

Non-patients are getting screwed - they have to wait 18 months after the first legitimate dispensary is opened to cultivate, which could take another year.

Us medical card patients were supposed to have the green light 6 months after the legislation was put into effect, and that deadline passed around Oct 20th... right around when they formed the panel and agreed for a 60 day comment period to finalize the changes - which was delayed further another month and expired on Jan 18th.

So now what? More waiting with no exact timelines in place. It seems suspicious to me that they don't follow through on the proposed dates... it should be going through any day now but our government is crooked as a muhfucka.
Yeah I’ve been watching closely since 10/20 to see how the cultivation guidelines shake out but like you said the deadlines pass and then nothing happens. I personally want to know how the designated caregiver portion works. Is it just, I know another medical card holder that can’t grow their own and they are allowed to give me the rights to grow their plants? Do I hold their actual medical card? How does it all work?
Here's an interesting one:

These guys claim to be working on getting us med patients an even 'better deal'. Of course they're lawyers and playing word games like the people above selling stickers and giving away free weed.

I reached out to his law firm and got the go-around me answers, wouldn't answer my questions about time frames and along with the medical cannabis committee.. claim to offer answers but don't. At least not anything about when we can expect these clearly written laws (supposed to be 6 months after original deadline) to actually be accepted and openly stated as in effect..

I've also sent several emails to the committee, they don't answer at all.

The caregiver thing is new to me, I remember it when living in California, its another one of these bendable, pliable, rules - I think you have to live with another med patient, but 3 or 4 more patients in the household isn't going to add 6 more plants 2x, etc.

6 is enough for me... I just want some goddamned confirmation that its legal..
Here's an interesting one:

These guys claim to be working on getting us med patients an even 'better deal'. Of course they're lawyers and playing word games like the people above selling stickers and giving away free weed.

I reached out to his law firm and got the go-around me answers, wouldn't answer my questions about time frames and along with the medical cannabis committee.. claim to offer answers but don't. At least not anything about when we can expect these clearly written laws (supposed to be 6 months after original deadline) to actually be accepted and openly stated as in effect..

I've also sent several emails to the committee, they don't answer at all.

6 is enough for me... I just want some goddamned confirmation that its legal..
Absolutely, my fiancé can get her card and then I could be her caregiver and legally grow 6 mature and 6 immature, 3 of each for each of us. That is the way it reads, but the verbiage is very unspecific when it comes to that, it mentions “designated caregiver” but doesn’t say whether or not the ratio of plants per patient stays the same or doubles. It doesn’t specify a maximum number of patients a caregiver can cultivate for etc. certainly not the types of oversights you see in a law pertaining to a federally controlled substance. I just want some sort of validity, I am proud, I want to be able to be able to stand behind my work someday you know.

that's the only info I can find on the subject, there must be more resources. I'm guessing you could go the same route as with getting a med card- call one of the privately licensed business you paid when you got your card/diagnoses proof. they probably have more info as to the steps you must take to be able to be a caregiver..

I agree with wanting confirmation. they can't not issue the results some time soon...
Absolutely, my fiancé can get her card and then I could be her caregiver and legally grow 6 mature and 6 immature, 3 of each for each of us. That is the way it reads, but the verbiage is very unspecific when it comes to that, it mentions “designated caregiver” but doesn’t say whether or not the ratio of plants per patient stays the same or doubles. It doesn’t specify a maximum number of patients a caregiver can cultivate for etc. certainly not the types of oversights you see in a law pertaining to a federally controlled substance. I just want some sort of validity, I am proud, I want to be able to be able to stand behind my work someday you know.
My bad guys I lied, it says 6 plants per patient you are designated to care for, (now it doesn’t say 3 mature/3 immature, but I think that’s safe to assume), and if a caregiver is designated to care for more than one patient they get one extra plant per additional patient. That’s kind of shit. 3 mature plants isnt much, especially with certain med strains. Think, how are you supposed to really do concentrates with only 3 plants? I agree with that lawyer that wants them to follow California’s lead to leave it up to the doctors, letting them give a medical consent to grow more if they have need for more.
Who doesn't agree with NY following the the California way of doing things... I think its just a matter of time my friend..

I doubt they're going to amend their own rule book, which thankfully, also seems to support the rule that landlords cant boot you for growing a couple plants in your closet.

It will probably take a few years and then maybe 'the doctor can prescribe the patient more plants' rule will be put into effect

Although I could be completely wrong. I've been off now about how long it will take to just get us med patients those basic cultivation rights..
To be a caregiver the patient would have to be incapable of growing their own by physical or mental reasons, or under the age of 21. Another thing to keep in mind is the maximum punishment for growing outside of the regulations (plant count, weight, ect.) is a civil penalty not to exceed $150 or $200 (forgot which dollar amount it is).
To be a caregiver the patient would have to be incapable of growing their own by physical or mental reasons, or under the age of 21. Another thing to keep in mind is the maximum punishment for growing outside of the regulations (plant count, weight, ect.) is a civil penalty not to exceed $150 or $200 (forgot which dollar amount it is).
I can live with that
they're criminal, never forget. they want to outsmart and get as much money as they can, however they can get it, cost you the most, best outcome for them. using all rules and fine print to their advantage.

they know people everywhere are getting cards and are just waiting for the green light. they also know many people are growing and using it as a validation that they are ok.

meanwhile they have stepped over, circumnavigated, changed and claimed no responsibility in their very own rules that stated 6 months from passing the original mrta policy when Cuomo was in office that 6 months from that point forward cultivation would be legal..

that's what our government does. it squeezes its own people for whatever it can get.
Ive lived in NY for 22 years, there is always a bill or proposition that sounds great on paper and then in the amount of time from conception to inception is when the real work starts, to try and hide in as many ways to cut their constituents out and cut themselves in as they can. Then the career politicians either completely ignore that they aren’t doing as promised, like in this current situation or they have a pile of excuses as to why things aren’t happening or why all the things people liked about a legislation are magically gone when it Is actually put in place…lies and doublespeak, I feel like NY is historically the most corrupt state in the union.
Ive lived in NY for 22 years, there is always a bill or proposition that sounds great on paper and then in the amount of time from conception to inception is when the real work starts, to try and hide in as many ways to cut their constituents out and cut themselves in as they can. Then the career politicians either completely ignore that they aren’t doing as promised, like in this current situation or they have a pile of excuses as to why things aren’t happening or why all the things people liked about a legislation are magically gone when it Is actually put in place…lies and doublespeak, I feel like NY is historically the most corrupt state in the union.
If you consider Texas a totally different country