fluc⋅tu⋅ateYessssss... the dollar slowly and steadily decreases in value over the long term which in the end, comes out to be a large fluctuation from its original value.
Yeah, and my savings is invested in gold and platinum.I am, and I want others to have good info to make good decisions.. not put trust into a fiat currency and bullshit financial tools like CDs, savings accounts, stocks, bonds, money markets, etc..
Are you kidding? You don't know anything about bank runs because there haven't been any in a long time, but that's one of the problems with a gold standard. Everyone always thinks every modern crisis is the end of the world. News flash: it's not, and it's been a lot worse in the past.it matters because it compares a system we used to be under, and that has worked for thousands and thousands of years, compared to a system which has self destructed itself in less than a century. yes it has its problems and flaws, but not near like the problems we are facing today and the ramifications of our ignorance and trust in financial mumbo jumbo.
If a currency is based on a commodity, then its value changes with the commodity. Why do you think this is a good thing? And if our money is worth nothing, then I'll be happy to take yours.because you are giving examples and justifications based on a system that we do not even follow. and again a gold standard currency may not be the finite answer, but a currency BASED on a commodity is much safer and more stable than this monopoly money we are using.
Trust me, if we were on the gold standard right now, you'd be complaining even louder about how bankers were manipulating the gold supply and screwing us all over.yes well the law of supply and demand is not a concrete law, it can still be manipulated by outside sources. economic theory, is just economic theory.. the laws of economics are not constant, and easily influenced. it is based on certain assumptions that must be maintained in order for the theory to work, you are basing your observations on certain assumptions that may or may not be real, and in the REAL WORLD, and what is really happening, and who really controls aspects such as supply and demand, will dictate the outcome, not the theory of economics.
my bad, i used the wrong word, way to point it out.. doesnt mean that the concept that i conveyed was not correct.. what do you want me to say? it will end up to be a large deviation from its original value.   /ˈflʌktʃuˌeɪt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [fluhk-choo-eyt] Show IPA Pronunciation
verb, -at⋅ed, -at⋅ing. –verb (used without object) 1. to change continually; shift back and forth; vary irregularly: The price of gold fluctuated wildly last month. 2. to move back and forth in waves.
Yeah, and my savings is invested in gold and platinum.
theres an old saying that goes, if theres one thing history can teach us, is that it cant teach us shit.Are you kidding? You don't know anything about bank runs because there haven't been any in a long time, but that's one of the problems with a gold standard. Everyone always thinks every modern crisis is the end of the world. News flash: it's not, and it's been a lot worse in the past.
i dont need to know anything about bank runs because they dont matter in todays society.. for the most part any form of currency we have is a digital number, and a large amount of people never even handle cash.
there wasnt a run on banks because of the gold standard. yea because of the fdic people wouldnt make runs on banks now, but it doesnt matter because they are losing money with it sitting in the bank or not, because we are actually being robbed of our money through our own money.
everyone thinks every modern crisis is the end of the world till it pans out, yes it has been worse in the past but that doesnt mean that there is not a potential for it to be FAR worse in the future. and by all conventional wisdom, and looking at what has happend to countries like iceland, we can see that the path of trillions of dollars of debt, rampant inflation, and massive deficits is not going to lead us to the land of milk and honey. america and the life we have built around it was built on self sufficiency, surplus, hard work, and industry, not corporate bailouts and socialist pseudo capitalism. we have been increasing standard of living, and decreasing output and the bridge can only stretch so far.. i dont know why this is so hard to comprehend
yes i have seen you use that line before, and nobody will send you their money because despite it being crap, its the only crap weve got. the point of this discussion is not wheter the dollar is an accepted form of currency.. we all know it is..If a currency is based on a commodity, then its value changes with the commodity. Why do you think this is a good thing? And if our money is worth nothing, then I'll be happy to take yours.
when a currency is based on a commodity, at least it is backed by something real, and is more stable than a currency built soley on confidence.. our currency is nothing but paper, backed by words, if it fails there is nothing concrete to back it up, it never increases in real value, only manipulated in value by the fed and the powers at be, it only decreases in value because more and more is constantly being printed. the more that is printed, the less valueble it becomes, because our money is nothing but a debt. debt is not a commodity because it can default.
they already are manipulating the gold prices to keep them artificially lower. there is plenty in mainstream media about mints not being able to mint any gold coins because there is not enough gold available, there is a global shortage because of everyone picking it up. there is still TRILLIONS of dollars in paper traded gold, and if they tried to turn it in for a hard commodity, there would not be enough around which would send the price skyrocketing, and piss off plenty of people at the same time.Trust me, if we were on the gold standard right now, you'd be complaining even louder about how bankers were manipulating the gold supply and screwing us all over.
our founding fathers hated centralized banks, some even embracing it on headstones to the grave. the framers held these ideals, wrote our constitution and bill of rights which has protected us from our gov. which they continually try to break down, and anything that our gov. tries to break down from our founding fathers makes me believe in it even more, because they want power and will stop at nothing to obtain it.
Actually I moved all my money to gold and platinum AFTER the prices bottomed out. I've actually made like $700 since I switched. Of course I lost $5K in mutual funds first, so I've got a ways to go yet.Yeah, and my savings is invested in gold and platinum.
I'm guessing you lost a bit lately, like about 20%. I hope that all those idiots that bought oil futures for 150.00 a barrel are taking it up the old arse.
When I first posted the thread, I added the tag "masochism" knowing how popular the bailout and Federal Reserve are here. I can't find any evidence of Clinton substantially altering the CPI formula. Not saying it didn't happen, I just can't verify it.Wow this really is Masochistic isn't it Doc, LOL. But we just can't resist can we!!
Well I'm pretty sure they (Clinton I think) changed the rules reguarding the CPI to take things out like energy costs or when a price of a commadaty shoots up for one reason or another they remove it from the equation. Doc your smart to be invested in gold. Wish I had the cash to do that. Maybe when Obama gets in he will spread the bailout love to us, and we can get into the Gold market before the Deflationary spike is over.
The dollar slowly lost value, in a predictable way. I wasn't trying to be a dick, just saying if you understand what the word means, you can understand better what I was trying to say.fluc⋅tu⋅ate
my bad, i used the wrong word, way to point it out.. doesnt mean that the concept that i conveyed was not correct.. what do you want me to say? it will end up to be a large deviation from its original value.
I'm a fan of the other one, "those that can't remember history are condemned to repeat it."theres an old saying that goes, if theres one thing history can teach us, is that it cant teach us shit.
Bank runs most certainly WOULD matter if we had a gold standard. If people are being robbed of their money, who's stealing it? The only ones you can really point the finger at are US treasury bond holders. Lots of people hold US treasury bonds including me.i dont need to know anything about bank runs because they dont matter in todays society.. for the most part any form of currency we have is a digital number, and a large amount of people never even handle cash.
there wasnt a run on banks because of the gold standard. yea because of the fdic people wouldnt make runs on banks now, but it doesnt matter because they are losing money with it sitting in the bank or not, because we are actually being robbed of our money through our own money.
The US is actually one of the most productive nations per worker, it's just that the average US wage is very high compared to the rest of the world. But our standard of living is also very high so the answer isn't going to be lowering wages. And look, I've said this is a problem. The bailout is a short-term solution, but one that we need in order to be able to even consider long-term solutions. I could go into a lot of detail on what our current problems are. For instance, most new inventions are still developed in the US. The US is great if you're among the elite. But it is starting to suck if you don't have the real skills necessary to become part of the elite.everyone thinks every modern crisis is the end of the world till it pans out, yes it has been worse in the past but that doesnt mean that there is not a potential for it to be FAR worse in the future. and by all conventional wisdom, and looking at what has happend to countries like iceland, we can see that the path of trillions of dollars of debt, rampant inflation, and massive deficits is not going to lead us to the land of milk and honey. america and the life we have built around it was built on self sufficiency, surplus, hard work, and industry, not corporate bailouts and socialist pseudo capitalism. we have been increasing standard of living, and decreasing output and the bridge can only stretch so far.. i dont know why this is so hard to comprehend
If you want to trade that crap for gold, it's quite easy. Just search for gold bullion on eBay or something. You can even buy gold coins. I know nobody will send me their paper money, but that question was designed to elicit an answer to my question: why is an inelastic currency necessarily better than an elastic one? What can't you do with modern dollars that you could do with gold-backed dollars?yes i have seen you use that line before, and nobody will send you their money because despite it being crap, its the only crap weve got. the point of this discussion is not wheter the dollar is an accepted form of currency.. we all know it is..
Under the current system, the Fed is able to manipulate the value of money under government oversight. If the dollar was backed by gold, any fool with a lot of money or gold could manipulate the value of money.when a currency is based on a commodity, at least it is backed by something real, and is more stable than a currency built soley on confidence.. our currency is nothing but paper, backed by words, if it fails there is nothing concrete to back it up, it never increases in real value, only manipulated in value by the fed and the powers at be, it only decreases in value because more and more is constantly being printed. the more that is printed, the less valueble it becomes, because our money is nothing but a debt. debt is not a commodity because it can default.
lol, you've been watching those "commemorative gold coin" commercials too much. "The mints aren't able to keep up with demand, so call now to GUARANTEE you'll get your very own gold coins!" Seriously though, the price of gold fell like a stone about a month ago. They're actually closing mines in South Africa and shit.they already are manipulating the gold prices to keep them artificially lower. there is plenty in mainstream media about mints not being able to mint any gold coins because there is not enough gold available, there is a global shortage because of everyone picking it up. there is still TRILLIONS of dollars in paper traded gold, and if they tried to turn it in for a hard commodity, there would not be enough around which would send the price skyrocketing, and piss off plenty of people at the same time.
The framers eventually created a central bank, it was Andrew Jackson that got rid of it. He was like the 7th president. Ever wonder how he could get rid of the central bank if there wasn't one that already existed?our founding fathers hated centralized banks, some even embracing it on headstones to the grave. the framers held these ideals, wrote our constitution and bill of rights which has protected us from our gov. which they continually try to break down, and anything that our gov. tries to break down from our founding fathers makes me believe in it even more, because they want power and will stop at nothing to obtain it.
The solution to debt isn't more debt, unless you're the Federal Reserve, who can legally generate money out of thin air. That's not to say the deficit should get out of hand; it shouldn't, but as long as they contain it within certain levels, it won't cause the sort of ridiculous inflation that's happened in other nations.the federal reserve honest?you got to be shitting me? that is the most corrupt ponzie scheme ever and it is due to fail..sounds logical...the solution to massive amounts of debt..is more massive amounts of debt? you need to go look at some prime examples of what you are looking at happen in this country..how about a 18 year recession in japan that still haunts them to this day...how about zimbabwe..just a few of the many many examples of what is going to happen in the current course of action this country is headed down..honestly..they do not have the american peoples interest at heart..they have their own corrupt interest's and that of their rich corrupt buddies..the politicians main goal is to retain power..at all costs...80% of the american people were against these bail outs who again to our representitives represent?i know its not the people of this country.....they did it anyway didnt they? well where did the m oney go?they just spend 6 trillion dollars of our money in the last six months.you would think your government and federal reserve putting almost 50K dollars per family would have a effect on the economy wouldnt you?if so..why is it getting worse..oh yea..and by the way...we are going to have to pay back the no1 115 trillion dollars back at some point in time...oh..by the way..your familys share of the money these crook's looted from us..without our permission i might add.is 1.5 million dollars..so you thing we can pay it back as a nation hu?LOL ok...everyone fork up their mill and a half..this country is run by complete idiots..and full of complete idiots voting for them...imainge..politicians buying your vote with YOUR money?..the government cant give you shit.unless it first takes it from you..
Ok, then why don't you provide some links to educate me?the federal reserve generated what the federal government didnt generate..and you know as well as i do that the federal reserve prints and distributes money as DEBT...the federal reserve..who no one voted for lent and gauranteed like 4 trillion dollars worth of debt that the tax payers are on the hook for..you mean to tell me you didnt know the size of the unfunded liability's due to social security and medicare are the size of 100 trillion dollars..that is right my friend...100 trillion..with a T...the national debt was at around 10 trillion just six months ago..that is the debt they tell you about all the time...they have increased the national debt..they being the federal government..congress the pres. around 6 trillion dollars in 6 months?do you know what the discount window is?did you know it is now open to every tom dick and harry to borrow from..did you know the federal reserve lent like 4 trillion dollars of our money out the window and wont tell anyone who it was lent to?..didnt you know congress is pissed off about it..or at least some of them are trying to act pissed off through smirks and smiles....man.you got ALOT to learn
Some of the debt is held by foreign banks, but most by US banks. The Federal Reserve is owned and managed by both the US Federal Government and private shareholders.not to mention that the federal reserve is a privately held corporation so all of the debt is again privately held by foreign banks.. its not even domestic
read the news and educate yourself....if you didnt know that there was over 100 TRILLION dollars in unfunded liabilities what else do you not know?ALOT..it would take me decades to educate you...Ok, then why don't you provide some links to educate me?
Some of the debt is held by foreign banks, but most by US banks. The Federal Reserve is owned and managed by both the US Federal Government and private shareholders.
You can come up with any number you want to in order to measure unfunded liabilities, but it doesn't mean shit unless you attach a time frame to it. If the annual government deficit is $100, then over the next one trillion years, we have a projected $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Get it?read the news and educate yourself....if you didnt know that there was over 100 TRILLION dollars in unfunded liabilities what else do you not know?ALOT..it would take me decades to educate you...
Our national debt is our problem. Our trade defecits, budget defecits, the public's immense debt, a decline in manufacturing based jobs and a rise in service sector jobs, a decline in saving, our fiat currency, infaltion due to our over "accomodating" fed, living beyond our means, political expediency...these, among other things, are what is causing our staggering national debt and this is what is going to cause our economy to collapse. Printing money isnt going to fix any of these problems. The only thing it does, and of course the gov't knows this very well, is ease the burden our debts becuase we pay them back in less valuable dollars. But it also robs everyone of wealth by devaluing the dollar, and prolongs the pain in the end.. The only people that do benefit, of course, are the employess and major stock holders of the corportaions being bailed out. Saving failed corporations won't save our economy...so it seems we are going to have to address these problems without a decent economy.I do admit our trade deficit is a real, important problem that we need to deal with. But unless we have a decent economy, we'll never be able to address that problem.
I don't know id I'd say doomed, but I would say we're pretty fucked. We are in for some tough times ahead, that is for sure...and the worst thing is the gov't will probably resort to more authoritarian tendacies, as the trend seems to be...meaning less and less liberty. Naive people will look more and more to the people that got us into this mess to solve our problems. The best plan is to let the free market do it's thing, and let these failed corporations go bankrupt. That will mean a major and much needed recession...a lot of companies will go bankrupt, and unemployment will run rampant...prices will skyrocket and our standard of living will go down drastically. There will be shortages of energy and food, and crime will soar, and we will mosy likely become a police state. Now this really really fuckin sucks, but all of this is going to happen ragardless of whether or not we waste our money protecting failed businessmen's pension plans. Recovery will be slow and painful, but it will happen. We are going to also have to make massive spending cuts...that should be the first thing we do. stop these stupid fuckin wars fimmediately, stop foreign aid, cut social programs...get rid of everything but the bare neccessities.Now, there are plenty of people who insist that we're doomed no matter what. Even if they're probably right, we can't listen to them because they offer no solutions or plans. Now there are a few plans floating around, but they all suck to various degrees. Increasing the deficit will just probably suck the least.
Why have inflation at all though? All inflation does is distort the maket. Like with the housing bubble for example, inflation due to the fed keeping interest rates too low for too long manifested itself as a housing bubble. Inflation is not low, do not let the cpi fool you. The gov't has a vested interest in keeping inflation high, while keeping it "officially" low. And we havent even felt the full effect of the inflation of the past decades thanks to the bretton woods conference...since the dollar is the worlds reserve currency, central banks have been hoarding us dollars for years, so in a sense we have been selling off our inflation, but all of these foreign owned us dollars will come home to roost eventually, at which point we will feel the true weight of all of the money we have created over the years.You keep using this same example over and over and over, and I keep giving you the same response. Inflation is acceptable if it's low, but devastating if it's extremely high. Obviously, Weimar Germany was the latter, with like 1000% inflation or worse.
If we had practiced sound banking practices, we would not have had to worry about a run on gold. The gold standard was dropped because it inhibited inflation, and wouldnt allow us to run huge trade and budget defecits...which is of course is why we have such a huge debt now, and why we are so fucked!The fact that they dropped the gold standard in 1971 was an effect, not a cause of inflation. Because of the inflation, they were worried that there would be a run on gold. And the inflation was initially caused by the Vietnam War.
Again, don't let the cpi index fool you...it doesnt include food or energy, or anything it considers to be succeptible to an abrupt price change. Also cpi is measured using a 12 month trailing core, which is ridiculous, as this eliminates any volatilty even more, and weights the results with lower values. Theres also examples of where inflation acutally puts downward pressure on the cpi...like with the housing bubble for example...as home loans became easier to attain, more rentres became buyers...casuing rent prices to go down, causing a significant drop in cpi...as rent is a major component. Also like I mentioned before, we havent even begun to feel the full weight of the money supply, due to all of the us dollars in foreign cental banks that havent entered our economy.For the last two decades, inflation has been around 3%. Will the proposed response to this crisis increase inflation? Almost certainly, probably to around 5%. But considering it was 11% during the Vietnam War, that's not too horrible. At least it's not as bad as the alternatives.
Sorry folks, the law is the 16th amendment, and yes, it was ratified. So go on with your wishful thinking that there is no law, refuse to pay or file, and sit back and enjoy your limited time of freedom, Someone will be coming for you shortly. Do I like to pay taxes? Well hell no, I'm not stupid, I hate taxes as much as the next guy, especially since I have no say in how they're spent. It's just that this arguement about they are not legal is bullshit. If for no other reason, they are legal because they have been continually applied since 1916 and that is a lot of common law background. So pay up and lodge your complaints with the appropriate agencies and learn to live with them.I think everyone on this thread needs to go to youtube and watch http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=3ueEfRXZCVA i think it does a good job of explaining what is wrong with our money system.
it starts out by talking about income tax, but later moves into the whole federal reserve system, international banking, and current trends such as the real id act, RFID chips etc. which will lead to world government