Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Biden has been chugging on pipes ,with his cross eyed detachment from the world. Cock eyed Joe running half the world. The US is literally run by a global mafia ffs - get with the programme or be duped for life. As if biden ain't a fall guy with a colostomy bag .... The west is the most manipulated and fooled with propaganda in existence. Literally programed to death.
You definitely aren't one sided :lol: :finger:


Well-Known Member
Donald dump has dirt on , biden has dirt on - you literally think biden and trump are solely responsible for being a cardboard cut out.


Well-Known Member
How do you know you're not a useful idiot with blue hair ? Unknowingly?
Says the useful idiot.

Dude, during his term as President and probably before then, Putin has been using Russia to build a gangster operation that has exported more money from Russia than it could possibly invest in Russia today. To the tune of trillions of dollars. I don't know why your kind put up with that.

He makes standing near a high rise window dangerous too. Then there was the guy Nazarbayev wanted dead. He committed "suicide" by shooting himself three times. Twice in the chest and once in the head.