Flushing organically amended soil


Well-Known Member
You mean the amendments? Dr. Earth for the main part but used liquid kelp and fish emulsion sparingly.
Why are you wanting to reuse the soil? Can you not afford to buy fresh stuff? Personally I'd start with fresh and grow the same way you just did. I've used Dr. Earth dry stuff VEG/FG mixtures with pretty good results.. The idea of taking the time to start with stuff that is questionable isn't something I'd want to risk a grow on. Maybe actually try growing something like tomatoes first after you have flushed and let the soil sit for moment and then amended again with the additives you want to try. I don't mind dumping my old stuff in the garden or flowerbeds but the idea of spending my time not knowing what the heat of the soil is really like doesn't sound like much fun. I mean FFOF is a great base soil but even that alone can vary wildly, look on here and see how many folks have had issues with it. Myself included, had bugs once horribly in a bag I bought. Entire grow I battled the freaking things.