Pandemic 2020

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I'm vaxxed, I'm boosted. I follow all the CDC guidelines. I'm not in a high risk group. But I'm staying in lockdown mode until the science community indicates they have a handle on this syndrome. I'm fortunate to be able to work from home. So I'm not telling others what they should do except, to say: A correctly worn N95 mask is an effective barrier to coronavirus droplets. Wear it. Please. I'm kind of an asshole toward the careless but I do care.
Yeah all you can do at this point is protect yourself and keep going. Seems as tho the political systems around the world have decided to let covid run it's course, bad idea. If you go back and look at the research on the health consequences of surviving SARS and MERS and look around, you know not to get this virus at all costs. I always wear a mask around others, I prefer the LG Airwasher KF94's, much more comfortable and adjustable with great protection.


Well-Known Member
Yeah all you can do at this point is protect yourself and keep going. Seems as tho the political systems around the world have decided to let covid run it's course, bad idea. If you go back and look at the research on the health consequences of surviving SARS and MERS and look around, you know not to get this virus at all costs. I always wear a mask around others, I prefer the LG Airwasher KF94's, much more comfortable and adjustable with great protection.
I can't agree with you about "political systems ... deciding to let covid run its course, bad idea". I don't know what they can do at this point. The thing is endemic. It's infected animals in the wild and rats in the city. It's here to stay.

I'm part of a fairly small but entitled group who can work from home and live on grounds where I have room to enjoy life outdoors without anybody around me. Most don't have those luxuries. I don't know what more can be done for everybody else, but I'm willing to listen.

Maybe I'm missing something. What do you believe they should be doing?


Well-Known Member
Well I would say ending all mandates along with cutting back on contact tracing and testing is giving up. This will be the biggest killer that modern man has seen when the final tally is made, it's going to be killing the survivors for many years to come and the number of people disabled by it will be staggering.


Well-Known Member
Well I would say ending all mandates along with cutting back on contact tracing and testing is giving up. This will be the biggest killer that modern man has seen when the final tally is made, it's going to be killing the survivors for many years to come and the number of people disabled by it will be staggering.
Obviously governments should be working day and night on vaccines that target multiple features and prevent illness in the first place, or severely limit it. We are still working with vaccines based on the original strain that are only partly effective with omicron. We also need to explore the limits of boosting and get it down to a annual thing, like a flu shoot.

Antiviral medications can treat this thing too and they aren't subject to viral mutations like antibodies, by summer there should be a plentiful supply. One thing is for sure, unless this thing turns a lot more virulent, we won't be going back to NPIs and masks will be voluntary, just as soon as the hospital numbers go down. They may make these treatments available along with home quick tests and if you develop symptoms they may give you a course of treatment, or not. They might want people to develop natural immunity and could limit the use of such drugs to those they identify at risk.


Well-Known Member
A delta variant that out competes omicron, sounds bad if true.



Well-Known Member
Obviously governments should be working day and night on vaccines that target multiple features and prevent illness in the first place, or severely limit it. We are still working with vaccines based on the original strain that are only partly effective with omicron. We also need to explore the limits of boosting and get it down to a annual thing, like a flu shoot.

Antiviral medications can treat this thing too and they aren't subject to viral mutations like antibodies, by summer there should be a plentiful supply. One thing is for sure, unless this thing turns a lot more virulent, we won't be going back to NPIs and masks will be voluntary, just as soon as the hospital numbers go down. They may make these treatments available along with home quick tests and if you develop symptoms they may give you a course of treatment, or not. They might want people to develop natural immunity and could limit the use of such drugs to those they identify at risk.
We have two related but different issues here.

Vaccines, antivirals, etc are useful to reduce rates of infection, rate of spread and rates of SARS disease due to infection (Covid)

After the infection is over, people who suffered from a bad case of Covid, some continue to struggle with whatever it is the infection did to their bodies -- long Covid. On top of that number, something like 20% (?) of people who were either asymptomatic or had a mild case develop long Covid symptoms. As far as I know, there are no therapeutics or treatments to prevent this from happening. It's this set of issues that sets my teeth on edge.


Well-Known Member
We have two related but different issues here.

Vaccines, antivirals, etc are useful to reduce rates of infection, rate of spread and rates of SARS disease due to infection (Covid)

After the infection is over, people who suffered from a bad case of Covid, some continue to struggle with whatever it is the infection did to their bodies -- long Covid. On top of that number, something like 20% (?) of people who were either asymptomatic or had a mild case develop long Covid symptoms. As far as I know, there are no therapeutics or treatments to prevent this from happening. It's this set of issues that sets my teeth on edge.
There is not much we can do at this point, but we do have the tools and more coming online, improved vaccines and antivirals. There could be several factors leading to bad outcomes, long covid or maiming, among them are: Direct viral damage to organs, immune system dysregulation (including clotting), genetic vulnerability, comorbidities, age, weight, vitamin D deficiency etc. The data appears to indicate that milder cases lead to better out comes and less long term consequences for most people.



Well-Known Member
I take vitamin C and D supplements every morning with my smoothie.

I've been taking C,D,zinc,echinacea and quercetin since early in the pandemic. When you buy suppliments it's best to do research, many companies sell supplements that are poorly absorbed by the body, best to check what form they use and how well the body can use it,bio-availability. The echinacea and quercertin I take are extracts that are modified for bio-availability and the zinc is from a zinc bisglycinate chelate.


Well-Known Member
I've been taking C,D,zinc,echinacea and quercetin since early in the pandemic. When you buy suppliments it's best to do research, many companies sell supplements that are poorly absorbed by the body, best to check what form they use and how well the body can use it,bio-availability. The echinacea and quercertin I take are extracts that are modified for bio-availability and the zinc is from a zinc bisglycinate chelate.
I’ll check that. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Clinics that specialize in covid long haulers only.

Maybe someone will make a reality TV show about covid called, "Long hauler", that they can put on day time cable for the Trumpers to watch.


Well-Known Member
"Can anyone explain why New York is unmasking while FEMA military medical teams and the National Guard are serving in hospitals & nursing homes around the state? Are we collapsing the healthcare system & making it impossible for people to seek care on purpose? I don’t understand."

That's a good question.


Well-Known Member
I only go out when I need something from the store with a real N-94 on. Not much socializing otherwise, I am ok with it while the snow is on the ground. In a few months I will reassess the situation and stick my head out again.
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