Swami Seeds

I’ve not had any more herm issues with swami than other breeders. I usually find a few in every pack that aren’t stable. That being said chem crosses are notoriously herm prone with light leaks. I’ve had a friend run the same chem that I had and his whole room was seeded and mine was fine. He had a light leak between the door and floor that he never had an issue with until he ran chems.
I'm actually not that big of a fan of how it smokes. Big yield of large flowers. Some mold issues in my area which is pretty arid (Sacramento, CA)

When I first vegetated it outdoors it reaked like bile or vomit which I do not ever recall smelling before in a plant. High is good, not much of a ceiling in the phenos I smoked but not a missing ceiling. Sort of that typically NL/Blue flavor we saw for a long time in the 1990s. I gave a couple pounds to a buddy and he used it for his holiday chocolates.
I've only grown out his Velvet Rush and was underwhelmed with that. I was hoping the BOH which as I understand it was kind of his hot variety. I have a bunch of his packs that I'm now not sure I'll ever get to.

I'm currently running some Ethos Citradelic Sunrise that had a bit of a sour bile kind of smell on a stem rub but not the flowers which have a really nice tangie profile.
Not directed at me but...

I grew the Blue Orca Haze indoors. Kept 3 male for a while and they all looked different in veg. Kept 6 females and they a were all different too. everything from squat Indica types to tall wispy sativa types. They all smoked a bit different too but one thing that most had that I didn't care for caused a real tightness in my chest. Not something I enjoyed so dumped those.

I kept an inbetweener and the wispy sat as they don't carry that effect. Both are pretty functional and don't cause the hunger but are only of moderate strength and not all that long lasting. Taste, the inbetweener is strong fuel that hits your lungs HARD. It's not too harsh just strong flavored and kinda tries to take your breath away. The wispy sat has the slightest hint o berries. It's easy to smoke very pleasant head space for puttering around and getting your chores done. Sharp objects - no problem.

Honestly I expected way more out of this pairing. The two I kept I want to run once more just to see if I can dial them in a bit more and get a better result though I'm not holding my breath. To give a scale comparison I also have a duke diamond's vault - C99 fem I run. The c-99 is easily twice as potent as the BOH though way less productive. I also just ran a couple AKBB nl1xnl5xnl1 and I'd say those are equal in potency as well as productivity to the inbetweeners.

The Blue Orca Haze gets me high without a problem but it will not be replacing any of my moms.
Appreciate you chiming in!
As mentioned early days with these with only 1 female from each, time will tell.

Kept 6 females and they a were all different too. everything from squat Indica types to tall wispy sativa types

Hopefully I also will have some more indica related plants.

He had a light leak between the door and floor that he never had an issue with until he ran chems.

Mine are in a tent, but there is not a light issue at the door, hence the other ladies in there close to the door, are not showing signs of hermie, perhaps and hopefully a single fluke.

Have good weekend people.
329E0FE4-657A-4653-B5F6-9ACE45889538.jpegC9CEDE2C-04E3-4ADF-B6DC-EDCDCDEFF0E8.jpeg93176F08-0A59-4EAC-8357-DB378A6499AE.jpegI got some samples of the Blue Orca Haze from a buddy I gave a pack to last season. @Mellow old School no hermies in this pack, although did find quite a few males. Not a whole lot to smell before you crack into this particular one but you get some good funk when you grind it up. Pines, christmas ornaments or something, maybe some kind of spice, can't put my finger on it...it's like, pepper, or attic or dirt or something. Either way I'm loving it, put the joint out half way, it was hashing up pretty good at the mouthpiece, creamy sweet flavor too, went to do some things in the kitchen. Washed some dishes, the suds and the light had my mind. Very bing!! Cerebral spot-on attention. Mildly psychedelic. Took a second for the head change. Hit it in a bowl about 15min later, put it down a couple hits in. Started melting my muscles, but the head got a lot stronger. Sounds more pronounced, colors brighter and a feeling to the chest like whoahhhhh...thought maybe I ate something I didn't realize. A lot of herb gets to the point where the head high levels off, but this shit is fucking strong...excuse my language but it's the only way to describe it. Like, smoke this with someone and get em to quit smoking weed for a while kinda strong. All the plants of these I've seen so far walk a very similar line, slight variations. Not all of them were my favorite smoke but the best ones were ones I wished I still had around. My favorites have been very hashy. I love good weed, love my og's and chems, for sure. This just hits different. I still haven't found any cookies or og's or chems or anything that smokes like this blue orca haze does. It's a treat, and will probably give you superpowers when you smoke it. Kinda think this might've been that herb they were smoking on half baked that made the dog fly. :eyesmoke:
LOL @ Dawgfunk. I too find myself doing dishes alot when smoking the BOH. Bingo on the males I had 9 males 6 females if I remember correctly. Yes half a doob would get you pretty High. I generally don't smoke more than about 4-5 regular puffs and im good. I didn't dig the chest thing but 2 of mine really don't produce that effect or at least not much. One was pretty stretchy and a real airy sativa/haze type that I keep going back too. I wasn't going to keep it because it doesn't produce like the rest, takes too long, has zero bag appeal, etc. etc. but I really like the effect. I think I may keep it for personal head stash as it's all I've been smoking lately. I have things that are stronger but obviously it doesn't matter if I'm smoking the BOH instead. I went into these seeds looking for the sativa leaner so I'd have to say all in all I'm pretty happy. I've popped enough seed packs to know if I find one that I even consider keeping it's a WIN!
Ok a little update. I found a whopper of a BOH keeper! My #9 who's buds were spear shaped like some of the haze plants I've seen is in a class all by herself. This was my first SIPs run and It grew numerous decent sized spears. I chopped her at 75 days which to my eye was the sweet spot. (aprox 85% cloudy, and maybe 13 to 14% clear with an amber here and there.)

I gladly kept her but she is not for me. Shes a FUCKING HEART POUNDER! It wasn't like I was having a panic attack or the like but none the less my heart was pounding and it was hard to breath. The wife who has medical training and works in the health care system wanted me to go to the hospital. She was freaking out because I was sitting in my chair having a hard time breathing while she is taking my pulse. She said it was 110 per minute and she is sure it was periodically missing beats. This lasted for about 20-30 minutes and was pretty intense but I was the one with the cooler head and just told her to calm down and I rode it out.

I will say I had no problem telling you that when asked to promise I wouldn't smoke it again and get rid of the plant, I no problem telling her it wasn't for me and never again. Truly it's not my Jam, but I told her the plant (cut) wasn't going anywhere but into the mother room. It's not be for me but I know that there are people like a buddy of mine who love this type of ride. She's fast, strong, and acts like a heart attack. Which makes me remember back to most of the others having this effect that seemed like a weight on your chest. Nope other than the one that is a stretchy thin sativa with loose, super airy, skinny buds BOH isn't for me. Somewhere I mentioned I didn't think BOH was anything super special and I wanted come back and set the record straight. When I made that comment I had tried them all except #9 because she took longer and was part of the second wave.

#9 should have come with a warning label...
Ok a little update. I found a whopper of a BOH keeper! My #9 who's buds were spear shaped like some of the haze plants I've seen is in a class all by herself. This was my first SIPs run and It grew numerous decent sized spears. I chopped her at 75 days which to my eye was the sweet spot. (aprox 85% cloudy, and maybe 13 to 14% clear with an amber here and there.)

I gladly kept her but she is not for me. Shes a FUCKING HEART POUNDER! It wasn't like I was having a panic attack or the like but none the less my heart was pounding and it was hard to breath. The wife who has medical training and works in the health care system wanted me to go to the hospital. She was freaking out because I was sitting in my chair having a hard time breathing while she is taking my pulse. She said it was 110 per minute and she is sure it was periodically missing beats. This lasted for about 20-30 minutes and was pretty intense but I was the one with the cooler head and just told her to calm down and I rode it out.

I will say I had no problem telling you that when asked to promise I wouldn't smoke it again and get rid of the plant, I no problem telling her it wasn't for me and never again. Truly it's not my Jam, but I told her the plant (cut) wasn't going anywhere but into the mother room. It's not be for me but I know that there are people like a buddy of mine who love this type of ride. She's fast, strong, and acts like a heart attack. Which makes me remember back to most of the others having this effect that seemed like a weight on your chest. Nope other than the one that is a stretchy thin sativa with loose, super airy, skinny buds BOH isn't for me. Somewhere I mentioned I didn't think BOH was anything super special and I wanted come back and set the record straight. When I made that comment I had tried them all except #9 because she took longer and was part of the second wave.

#9 should have come with a warning label...

Sounds like that good Ole NL5Haze shining through! Thanks for the update.

PS, harvesting a haze pheno early (i.e. leaving clear gland heads) will almost always result in what some refer to as a "speedy" high.
Sounds like that good Ole NL5Haze shining through! Thanks for the update.

PS, harvesting a haze pheno early (i.e. leaving clear gland heads) will almost always result in what some refer to as a "speedy" high.
Next time I will let her go longer. The stage i took her was normal for me because I don't like couch lock or things that make you sleepy unless I want to go to sleep. So I usually don't let many trikes turn amber before harvest but next time I will to temper it a bit. This plant is very strong and produces well so I'm down with working with her to find "Her" sweet spot.
Ok a little update. I found a whopper of a BOH keeper! My #9 who's buds were spear shaped like some of the haze plants I've seen is in a class all by herself. This was my first SIPs run and It grew numerous decent sized spears. I chopped her at 75 days which to my eye was the sweet spot. (aprox 85% cloudy, and maybe 13 to 14% clear with an amber here and there.)

I gladly kept her but she is not for me. Shes a FUCKING HEART POUNDER! It wasn't like I was having a panic attack or the like but none the less my heart was pounding and it was hard to breath. The wife who has medical training and works in the health care system wanted me to go to the hospital. She was freaking out because I was sitting in my chair having a hard time breathing while she is taking my pulse. She said it was 110 per minute and she is sure it was periodically missing beats. This lasted for about 20-30 minutes and was pretty intense but I was the one with the cooler head and just told her to calm down and I rode it out.

I will say I had no problem telling you that when asked to promise I wouldn't smoke it again and get rid of the plant, I no problem telling her it wasn't for me and never again. Truly it's not my Jam, but I told her the plant (cut) wasn't going anywhere but into the mother room. It's not be for me but I know that there are people like a buddy of mine who love this type of ride. She's fast, strong, and acts like a heart attack. Which makes me remember back to most of the others having this effect that seemed like a weight on your chest. Nope other than the one that is a stretchy thin sativa with loose, super airy, skinny buds BOH isn't for me. Somewhere I mentioned I didn't think BOH was anything super special and I wanted come back and set the record straight. When I made that comment I had tried them all except #9 because she took longer and was part of the second wave.

#9 should have come with a warning label...
Apologies for not being more in the loop as to the grow parameters. May I ask how many females you looked at to find this one?
I started 6 blue orca/red thai and 6 blue orca/mex/rks. Out of those I ended up with 3 females 3 males on the bo/red thai and 4 females 2 males on the bo/mex/rks. The red thai cross are bright sweet or lemon on the front end with earthy tones underneath while the mex/rks cross are light sweet and animal musk on the front end and earthy tones underneath. Guessing the earthy notes are the blue orca. Time will tell but I am liking the structure, smell and resin on the blue orca/red thai the most. It is still early in flower, maybe 3 weeks or so. I can put up some pics later once lights are on. They were started on 12/12 so they aren't huge. Something tells me the red thai crosses could be real whoppers if you veg them too long.
Apologies for not being more in the loop as to the grow parameters. May I ask how many females you looked at to find this one?
out of a 15 pack I had 9 males and 6 females. All popped fast and took off strong. To be clear they all get you pretty high, I didn't find any junk but only the one made it to the next level. They were all very stable too, even the males were super stable after suffering much trauma. I kept a short male that never popped a sack the whole time I abused him. I kept another female that was a very wispy sativa type that had an active but mellow buzz that was a nice day-timer for getting things and having a clearish head. So to answer you question one pack to find a real deal keeper.
So going to grow some more of these beans, hence I want to see what other phenos there are to be found, so far the Blue Orca sativa pheno is the only one I have smoked and am waiting for the flowering 91 Chemdog x D NL#5 female with nanners I have at day 56.

A group shot of the new batch of seedlings, they are;

Blue Orca x 85 RKS, 3 seeds - Swami

Purple Zebra x 85 Humboldt RKS, 2 seeds - Swami

91 Chemdog x D NL#5, 2 seeds - Swami

Rem Dom, 1 seed - Freedom of Seeds

Gorilla Ryder(Auto), 2 seeds - Freedom of Seeds

Ketama Xaoen(Fem), 1 seed, World of Seeds

Rem Dom x Skunk Tosis x Jamaican Dream, 1 seed - Mellow´s Collection - Homemade cross

Skunk Tosis x AK, 1 seed - Mellow´s Collection - Homemade cross

91 Chemdog x D NL#5 x Gorilla Glue, 1 seed - Mellow´s Collection - Homemade cross

91 Chemdog x D NL#5 x Godberry, 1 seed - - Mellow´s Collection - Homemade cross

New 15022022.jpg

Variation is key...

Have a good day people
If the place you got your NL5/Hz starts with an S, and ends with an I, and also has an ens in it ?? I also found them to not be in the same universe. Junk actually

Also the Other Seed Bank Version, that starts with an MR, and is better than the S version, but still no cigar. Still about half strength.

I also agree the modern version produced more bud, but less oil, and terpenes.

Ive also been smoking since I was 8 yers old, and I'm 58, and have smoked a lot of good weed, incl all the stuff that's supposed to be so good ect. And have grown a lot of it.

NONE of the modern weed was for me, as powerful as what I originally had in the 90s. I had a few strains in the 70s that would compare, but as far as all the Kush, Super Silver Haze, Ghost Train Haze, C99, AK47, NL#5, original non fem Barneys G13 x Haze, DJ Short Blue Moonshine, Blueberry, Grape Krush, Mr Nice Ortega, Mr Nice Shit, Mr Nice Critical Mass, Kosher Kush, Jack the Ripper, Tangie, AK x NL5, Willie Nelson, Original Pure Rhino.. Not White Rhino....God Bud, Sensi Mr Nice G13 x Haze, Martian Mean Green, NYC Diesel, Herijuana, Green Manalishi, Afghani #1, Non Fem Barneys Sweet Tooth, White Russian, White Rhino, White Widow, Chemdawg, Pre 98 Bubba Kush, Dank Sinatra, and others.

I'm hoping the original NL5/Hz, Blue Orca Haze end my search.

I also plan on breeding the NL5/Hz Male x Hazeman/NDNGuy/Nevils 88 G13 x HP
We have had the same history with smoking. We know what good weed is. I'm running F2 and F3 Original Garlic bud plants.
Blue Orca x Red Thai are getting closer. One of them has turned a dark olive green, almost black. Pretty good on the trichs with burnt rubber sweet almost lemony scent. Very oily. The other 2 have a similar smell but not so much on the burnt rubber. The Blue Orca x RKS/Mex looks ok though I am not expecting too much from the three I have. Overall they are more sweet, slightly lemony but not much else as of yet. These are all BO x Red Thai.IMG_3914.JPGIMG_3922.JPGIMG_3915.JPGIMG_3920.JPG
Ham&Eggs mentions the oiliness of the Blue Orca x Red Thai. That was something I think I forgot to mention about the Blue Orca Haze. All the girls I grew were very oily.