What are the most likely causes of leaves turning yellow and not staying healthy green until harvest ?


Well-Known Member
Seems to be you do everything right but alot in the end the individual plant has rules of its own.

My first plamt wasnt huge by any means and kept a strong green to.yhe leaves right to harvest the following frow was slightly bigger yeild same green to harvest .

Third grow to date bigger plants and increased nutrients to meet the requirements . Leaves yellowed about 3 weeks before hervest


Well-Known Member
Seems to be you do everything right but alot in the end the individual plant has rules of its own.

My first plamt wasnt huge by any means and kept a strong green to.yhe leaves right to harvest the following frow was slightly bigger yeild same green to harvest .

Third grow to date bigger plants and increased nutrients to meet the requirements . Leaves yellowed about 3 weeks before hervest
it's plant to plant, just happens, they run their course and die.

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Seems to be you do everything right but alot in the end the individual plant has rules of its own.

My first plamt wasnt huge by any means and kept a strong green to.yhe leaves right to harvest the following frow was slightly bigger yeild same green to harvest .

Third grow to date bigger plants and increased nutrients to meet the requirements . Leaves yellowed about 3 weeks before hervest
If you follow your feeding schedule properly nitrogen should drop off drastically in the last 3 weeks and cause leaf fade. How was your harvest? How fast did the plant fade out. Did you still have leaves at harvest? Pics?


Well-Known Member
Different genetics will require different treatment. Yellowing in bloom usually means gradually increase your nutrient strength and my advice is get a fresh paper pad and pen and start writing down everything as you do it. Seems tedious but you'll thank yourself later and know x plant took x amount of x to remove yellowing for example.

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
I think alot of people dont supply enough nitrogen in flower, that combined with a possible potassium deficiency from buds fattening could torch leafs quick.

This round im keeping a more steady supply of N instead of cutting it out hard in flower, hoping that keeps them more green until the end.

Also, if you flush, that will certainly kill leafs.
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Well-Known Member
User error if they do.
Hey BK.. your every where..lol.. alright.. please educate me on this. I've only had a few grows. And am told and have read that yellowing of leaves is perfectly normal. For example...

"During the flowering stage, cannabis plants will and should lose some of their pigmentation. Generally, cannabis growers don’t need to worry about yellowing leaves on the lower section of the plant during the later weeks of flowering. However, if the yellowing is happening during the vegetative stage or in the first few weeks of flowering, an examination of the environmental conditions (temperature), the pH of the solution and/or medium, and the nutrient concentration will lead the horticulturist to the cause of the discoloration" -Maximum Yield

"Whenever you see yellow leaves on your marijuana plants, the first step is not to panic. Yellow leaves are not always a death sentence. Sometimes, the leaves turn yellow for no particular reason, even though there’s no harm to your plant". - Way of Leaf

"Sometimes, growers don’t need to worry about yellow leaves. At times, they are merely a natural part of the growing cycle. Cannabis plants often shed older fan leaves (especially at the end of their life), which turn yellow before falling to the ground. During the flowering phase, plants divert most of their energy towards the flowers, which also tends to cause slight yellowing of the leaves". - Royalqueenseeds

Now this is assuming nothings wrong with the plant, yes, I get that part. pH, watering, over/under feralization, etc... but.. doesn't nature play a part too?


Well-Known Member
Never read the quotes you copy and pasted but

Assuming nothings wrong with the plant, if it’s healthy it should have green leaves, not yellow

Ya know the old chlorophyll and photosynthesis thing?
I agree, healthy plants should have a sea of green around them, and on occasion will get a few yellowing leaves here and there, just like in nature.. when the fall colors set in is my angle. But.. I could be barking up the wrong tree here, as the thread is mostly aimed at what negative issues causes yellowing up to harvest.


Well-Known Member
I agree, healthy plants should have a sea of green around them, and on occasion will get a few yellowing leaves here and there, just like in nature.. when the fall colors set in is my angle. But.. I could be barking up the wrong tree here, as the thread is mostly aimed at what negative issues causes yellowing up to harvest.

Look dude Lusid said “Plants don't just yellow up and die three weeks before harvest, or three weeks after that harvest date”.

You said “leaves do ...”

Then 2 others, and myself all said “ummm no they dont”

And here we are now.

Please explain how a healthy, properly fed plant has yellow dying leaves 3 weeks prior to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Look dude Lusid said “Plants don't just yellow up and die three weeks before harvest, or three weeks after that harvest date”.

You said “leaves do ...”

Then 2 others, and myself all said “ummm no they dont”

And here we are now.

Please explain how a healthy, properly fed plant has yellow dying leaves 3 weeks prior to harvest.
Just happens is all I got.