Newb's Own First Grow - AK-47s


Well-Known Member
any signs of sex yet?
Not that I can tell... they're still in veg right now... I started to thin I could see pre-flowers, but I think it were the leaves at the nodes about to start and grow off, but those AKs are supposed to sex early, so i hope I found out something... sooner would be nice


Well-Known Member

Day 45:
Here are the CFLs hanging from above now, I added some splitters and more 26watt 65k CFLs for a total of 5. Since the 'chandelier' is a little off center, I didnt put a 6th bulb in that empty spot, thought it to be overkill in that corner.

The 2 more bulbs did increase the temperature a bit, gotta keep my eye on that. Before it was 78-82... now its more like 80-85 :-/ eek.

Fox and Jane's largest set of leaves both dropped late last night, but they seem okay this morning... not sure what that was about.

Two Day Ago:


The growth keeps on coming! I quietly added another 1/4 strength nutes the other day... and the plants love it... no burn. So with the advice of Ol' DL... I think if they are still good later today, they'll be bumped up to 3/4! Give them another growing jolt.

Again the goal is to Flower by Dec 10th, about 13 days from now... I'm thinking it will happen!


Well-Known Member
whats with this guy (youngmune) saying he keeps his cfl,s a foot above his plants. fair enough this would still work, but why would you want too when you can get them lower to the plant.:?:


New Member
Dont like to blow my own trumpet but i have way better than this on day 12, ok, ok, i am blowing my own trumpet, if i had this at day 45 i would be cutting them.

Then sticking in the bin.


Well-Known Member
Dont like to blow my own trumpet but i have way better than this on day 12, ok, ok, i am blowing my own trumpet, if i had this at day 45 i would be cutting them.

Then sticking in the bin.
Dude. Sorry, this is my first grow, and I learned a lot of lessons... they're making up for it now though..

but thanks, really.


Active Member
you might want to start flowering at the end of january atleast , those plants should be about 3 ft vegged , also those stems look flimsy , i just read your thread, because of overwatering and heat early in your grow , you should give them an extra 30 days to veg. also , don't go 3/4 yet , go 1/2 for a week or two then bump to 3/4 , i would suggest you get more cfl's to make the most out of the extra vegging time , also , consider getting a real light from htgsupply possibly one with a conversion bulb so you can use it for veg and flowering , 400w atleast , they only cost like 160


Well-Known Member
thanks nabokovchronic, I just plan to veg at 12" kind of going under the model of onthedl2008's grow(s)... I only want them 3 feet tall at harvest...

Yeah eventually I'll get a really lighting set up from the dro sto, just not yet, see how I do before i invest all kinds of money, ya know?



Well-Known Member
Hey DL... they're actually starting to really take off a little hard to tell in the pics, but they're growing a lot faster for them than normal. I'm hoping to flower by Dec 10.

I just did a water change the other day... and I didn't tell anybody but I just went up to 1/2 strength on nutes a day or two ago... they took it well, no nute burn, so if they do well tomorrow I'll bump up to 3/4 me thinks..

I meant to post pics today, sorry... I now have the CFLs hanging from above, and added a couple more... now 5. They seem to love it... the only thing is tonight just their biggest set of leaves on all three started to drop, while the others stayed nice and flat :-/ Hope those perk up tomorrow...
Awesome man its really good to hear! Hope u have a good thanksgiving to bro..Yea at this stage they would be considered mature/aggressive veggies especially cuz u plan on flowering at a foot... I dont think id top yet tho bro let um hit that foot and take them back down to the 6th or seventh node then letum hit that foot..

AWESOME WORK BRO! U are becoming a dwc genius.


Well-Known Member
Awesome man its really good to hear! Hope u have a good thanksgiving to bro..Yea at this stage they would be considered mature/aggressive veggies especially cuz u plan on flowering at a foot... I dont think id top yet tho bro let um hit that foot and take them back down to the 6th or seventh node then letum hit that foot..

AWESOME WORK BRO! U are becoming a dwc genius.
Thanks DL as always! I went ahead and gave them another 1/4 set f nutes before I left to go eat some bird... so now they're at 3/4... They will be due for a res change here in about 3-5 days where i will switch nutes up more.. if all is well by then... lemme find my GH table... I'll post it up here so we have some reference to see what they suggest dosage wise. They have regular 'mild growth' what I'm calling "full strength' and then there is another dosage for 'aggressive' then 'transition to bloom' so like you said I dont want to bloom before nutes are ready either :-/


I think I am going to not top this go after all. I just want to get through this grow safely, think I may add stress if I try and top, and part of me doesnt want to wait to top them and wait to grow to 12" again... I'm still paying for my green, and am sick of it... I want my own! LOL

hey guys! just stopping by to wish you a happy thanksgiving!
You too! Hope everybody got blazed and tore up some bird... or soy...


Well-Known Member

Here is the GH feeding schedule for my Flora series...

Right now I'm at 3/4 of the 'Mild Growth'... At my next change should I switch to 'Agressive' or what?? And then 'Transition' The next change after?? But I would be skipping 'Growth'..??


Well-Known Member

Here is the GH feeding schedule for my Flora series...

Right now I'm at 3/4 of the 'Mild Growth'... At my next change should I switch to 'Agressive' or what?? And then 'Transition' The next change after?? But I would be skipping 'Growth'..??
Max strength "growth" next water change bro... Uve been thru seedling and mild growth, bump to max strength growth on next water change and u prolly wont even reach aggresive stage growth cuz they will outperform ur grow area...


Well-Known Member
U should have already been on growth bro...

Yes go to "growth" Immediately or upon next water change (change ur water before u go either way cuz of residual nuts left in res)..... before u hit "aggresive" ur plants are going to exceed ur foot in hieght during veg...

During flower u want to enter " bloom" immediately. Reason being cuz its going to make ur plants flower quicker and ur taking the nitrates (nitrites) out of the equation so they will not stretch so hard during flower And the "potassium and calcium" in the bloom "flower" nuts are all they are going to need now....

Strictly veg nuts in veg tub!
Strictly flower "bloom" nuts in the flower tub!

On another note bro this entire stage of veg maturation only takes about 2-3 weeks of total veg time in dwc.... By which time in a normal cycle they will be ready for flower at 1 tall foot without topping.


Well-Known Member
So straight from 'Growth' then they should get 12" when I'll change res to 'Bloom" (skipping transition)..

got it

thanks DL

+rep you know if I could


Well-Known Member
Fox is a GIRL!!! I just saw my first pair of hairs coming out of one of the top nodes just now... well I guess she could be a hermie

but I have a confirmed 'pre-sex'

Happy Thanksgiving indeed.


Junior Creatologist
Dont like to blow my own trumpet but i have way better than this on day 12, ok, ok, i am blowing my own trumpet, if i had this at day 45 i would be cutting them.

Then sticking in the bin.
What the fuck man?! why would you shoot down somebody on their first grow?? seriously, a "holier than thou" attitude is complete bullshit when it comes to being a grower. You either need to be part of the solution or fuckin grow in private and become a hermit, so you prevent anyone from catching your "doucheness". Growing is Giving life to something, and in order to do that you have to be able to LOVE. you dont seem like you have a whole lot of that goin on man. Wheres your grow at btw? dont see a link man. at least Leggo is willing to share his grow - mistakes n all - with the masses, so he can correct anything hes doin wrong for future grows.

N with all that bullshit aside, YOUR DOIN AN AWESOME JOB LEG, keep this shit up. It dont matter what anyone thinks, your plants are alive, green, and lookin healthy. So what if theyre takin a little longer to get the job done. Your learning from them, and your still gonna get a nice harvest in the long run, no matter how long it takes for you to get through to the end with these babies. Its still gonna go down as a WIN in the record books for you dude. +rep, n ignore the bullshit some people tend to throw off at you. Dont drink the Haterade man, its contagious :D


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Dont like to blow my own trumpet but i have way better than this on day 12, ok, ok, i am blowing my own trumpet, if i had this at day 45 i would be cutting them.

Then sticking in the bin.
Wow man... you are so cool. I want to be like you. LOL

Leggo, forget this douchebag. Your plants are growing faster and looking healthier with every pic you post. Keep it up dude.