Have you been giving your plant bloom boosters in addition to regular nutrients? Are you not following the nutrient manufacturer recommended mixing ratios? Why do you suspect excess potassium?

I have. As I said. my mate is a Chemist. He has discovered that the PK 48 I am using is actually NPK 4-8-16 when used at the recommended 2ml per litre. Add that to the NPK 2-1.5-4 I was already using. I have got rid of the PK48. These are almost finished and I am not going to be putting another grow on for a while. I have plenty of time to decide what to do. I might yet just go with dry amendments and be done with it. But I will probably just use what I have just at a much lower concentration.
Agreed, but you have to allow time to breakdown organic matter.

if you’re building your own soil from peat and perlite yeah, but if your lazy like me and just get a decent pre made potting soil they’ve usually got enough to feed till your amendments break down. Shit I forgot to amend the stuff I’ve got in my veg tent rn till yesterday (5 weeks 5 gal) and they’re ready for flower.
if you’re building your own soil from peat and perlite yeah, but if your lazy like me and just get a decent pre made potting soil they’ve usually got enough to feed till your amendments break down. Shit I forgot to amend the stuff I’ve got in my veg tent rn till yesterday (5 weeks 5 gal) and they’re ready for flower.
For sure. I mean if you top dress.
I've used this for years with tap water. I'm using GH MaxiBloom right now with plants in coco. No calmag and no Ca or Mg deficiencies.

I’ve used all GH the 3part, then nova, but with my water the maxi grow n bloom work best keeping ph stable. I add the liquid kool bloom the last 4 weeks of bloom. I was pissed when Scott’s bought gh but the nutrients have not changed so I stuck it out. I had tried jacks for awhile it did well in veg but found the blooming disappointing. I bought a bottle of cal mag 8 years ago I’ve used it maybe twice. Really just to try,but found no improvements
I’ve used all GH the 3part, then nova, but with my water the maxi grow n bloom work best keeping ph stable. I add the liquid kool bloom the last 4 weeks of bloom. I was pissed when Scott’s bought gh but the nutrients have not changed so I stuck it out. I had tried jacks for awhile it did well in veg but found the blooming disappointing. I bought a bottle of cal mag 8 years ago I’ve used it maybe twice. Really just to try,but found no improvements

I don't see why Scotts owning GH should mean anything. Some of the designer cannabis nutrient companies and their ridiculous prices are no better than Scotts as far as a business is concerned. Same thing can be said about outfits selling $50 seeds. But people stay up all night waiting on some pollen chuck drop. I buy what I need when I need it from a supplier that offers what I want at a reasonable price. The people ranting about the evils of Scotts are still pulling into a BP gas station and filling up their car even though BP is one of the worst companies on the planet.
have him make some calcium chloride. cutting edge solutions makes a ca only and a ca/mg product. why add more n and mg if all you need is ca?
Thanks, I've been looking for something like this. My only real issue with Jack's is the high nitrogen value of the calnit. I want to switch calnit brands during flower, but I'm not trying to add extra magnesium.
I don't see why Scotts owning GH should mean anything. Some of the designer cannabis nutrient companies and their ridiculous prices are no better than Scotts as far as a business is concerned. Same thing can be said about outfits selling $50 seeds. But people stay up all night waiting on some pollen chuck drop. I buy what I need when I need it from a supplier that offers what I want at a reasonable price. The people ranting about the evils of Scotts are still pulling into a BP gas station and filling up their car even though BP is one of the worst companies on the planet.

Dangerous take. Lotsa privilege.
Heard it before.
Thanks, I've been looking for something like this. My only real issue with Jack's is the high nitrogen value of the calnit. I want to switch calnit brands during flower, but I'm not trying to add extra magnesium.
I just looked it up, and now I'm having issues with using something called "Plant Amp." haha....
You ok with Monsanto getting into Cannabis through Scotts?

Then you are not welcome here!

No discussion necessary. Kick rocks!

Monsanto does not own Scotts. Monsanto is owned by Bayer and Scotts is a publicly traded company. The Monsanto/Scotts relationship is from Scotts being the exclusive distributor of RoundUp which is manufactured by Monsanto.

This come up time and time again. The fact is that Scotts Miracle-Gro is not owned by Monsanto.

"the consumer Roundup® brand, which is marketed in North America and most of Europe exclusively by Scotts and owned by Monsanto."
