
I grew out 3 Grape Stank’s from the grape gas line, they were really fun to learn from considering it’s my second grow. It was Garlic grove and Grape gas I still have more to pop so I’ll probably take clones next time:)


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Jokerz Candy and GastroPop. Next level frost on these phenos. Hopefully they smoke as nice as they look


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Definitely grabbed horchata cross just recently and have a few old compound packs from when they were together. Funny thing is I have Paris og x menthol before it was called pave my pack says monaco octane. Another great marketing campaign from compound. That said the post your replying to does have me happy to have a run of gastropop going now myself.
Hey by any chance are you still running Monaco Octane?
Hey by any chance are you still running Monaco Octane?
Haven't gotten around to popping them. Currently finishing portable space ship from bodhi. Then faceoff og from archive and wyeast una fria. I will admit I have way to many beans. I'm sure I will get to that one though sounds real nice.
Haven't gotten around to popping them. Currently finishing portable space ship from bodhi. Then faceoff og from archive and wyeast una fria. I will admit I have way to many beans. I'm sure I will get to that one though sounds real nice.
Haha anything from the menthol series is usually fire! I use to run Monaco Octane about a year ago but recently I scrapped my entire veg/moms... a friend brought in root aphids and all the organic treatments didn't do shit so its time to start pheno hunting again. Would you be open to selling the Monaco Octane? I'd be more than happy to send back rooted clones whenever you decide to run these.
Well these compound genetics pink certz are super tiny, maybe they are that way. Im still trying to find someone that has some legit ones and compare.
Gastropop beans were hilariously small. Was good af though they legit. You will find what you're looking for
I have 16 pink certz seeds left let me know if you want me to take pics
Im pretty sure the above reply explains it but in general, whats your opinion? Do they seem rediculously small to you also. I don't know I was taught by old heads that were taught by old heads up in emerald triangle in the 70s. I just always was taught big seeds were good seeds and back in the day when bag seed was the only thing available when I was an adolescent. I would only mess with nice big fat seeds . I was taught that equals big fat healthy plants. But maybe the genetics have got so advanced that is no longer true. Its very possible, breeding has changed cannabis into the future.
Im pretty sure the above reply explains it but in general, whats your opinion? Do they seem rediculously small to you also. I don't know I was taught by old heads that were taught by old heads up in emerald triangle in the 70s. I just always was taught big seeds were good seeds and back in the day when bag seed was the only thing available when I was an adolescent. I would only mess with nice big fat seeds . I was taught that equals big fat healthy plants. But maybe the genetics have got so advanced that is no longer true. Its very possible, breeding has changed cannabis into the future.
Def agree with ya and all of the old timers in my circle say the same thing and actually make jokes whenever I mention these new crosses and what not. Minds were completely changed when they saw these things flowering and the resulting terps tho. He’s now currently obsessed with compounds gastro pop strain it’s pretty funny. Anyway...
I bought 5 packs from the grape gas compound drop and all of the seeds are the same size/extremely small. A lot of people were questioning the same thing when the drops first happened and I remember reading some people mentioning that since the seeds were retrieved from a dedicated ‘seed run’ where plants were kept rather small which provided small buds/calyx’s and subsequently small seeds
Is this true? Does seeded buds calyx size have a direct impact on the resulting seeds? Sounds like it would make a tiny bit of sense...smaller sized buds produce smaller seeds, but seed size has no correlation to ends results plant size? Interesting thoughts
It makes sense to me. When I looked at grape gasoline photo on Compounds website the plant does not look like it doesn't produce very large flowers but neither does alot of the very high powered new new. Flowers looked somewheat foxtailish also , sort of like that Dr Grinspoon stuff from one of the dutch breeders. Can't remember who its by right ATM. I didn't have great germination success with the rest of the pack and I only have one left just one. I didn't germinate the others with the best set or circumstances either. Three of them were left with my friend that lives in a Neighboring rec state. He quite doesn't have the same eye for genetics, or detail or knows the plant to the level that I do. So I had started the germination of three and left it there and without my knowledge they were thrown out because they didn't move beyond cracking open and shooting a tiny tail. Normally they would go in the dirt but he through them out. I was NOT HAPPY ABOUT THIS AT ALL.....But its due to lack of experience and some other circumstances that had come into play at the time. The old head was also given a few that germinated and i got to start but he said they were shit but again this is an old head thats use to genetics that never got bred to the level of breeding today. I woudln't have cared if it got a foot tall in three months. Its compound stuff and well you already know but Im not throwing anything out or making a genetic decision of getting rid of something till its fully played out if you feel me. So the last one sits , locked away. Old head didn't start listening to me till he was given DSD33 from Barneys Farm. Then he was exposed to how far breeding has truly came. The guy in the neighboring rec state started listening to me when MOP(Mimosa X Orange Punch) got into week 5, which ends today BTW. Unfortunate that people are stubborn but I got to a point where I told the one with the MOP Im done, Im out, you don't listen to me till things go wrong. Well that was week 4 of MOP, he called during week 5 and said you have to get here to see these, its like as big around as a softball already. Had a talk about finally starting to listen to me. I said OK ill continue to help if you start listening. Anyways MOP certainly has blown me away and him away. I said wait were only on week 5 wait just a few more weeks. I looked up pictures of it in REAL WORLD scenarios on here and on growdiaries and WOW. So pink certz stays buried until I know for sure I myself only can give it 100percent of what it needs and will continue to grow it even if it grows as slow as a connifer. Thanks though I really apreciate the input and Im looking at my next pick soon. Want to go with compound again if I can get it or the Inhouse/House of heat collab "Color of Space". Im always looking at new gear and I actually found this forum from looking up Savage genetics. Lovin in her Eyes and Beleaf out of OK really have my attention more than any other TBH right now.
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