Why do people use Autoflowers after their 1st grow?

I was where you are 6 months ago until I discovered NukeHeads out of Colorado. https://nukeheads.com/
I've run 3 batches of autos and used their nutes (now only available from Amazon), and I have been blown away. Easy to use, and the results are superior to anything I've done. Say what you will, but people are paying good $$ for my product.
What’s the time reference? I don’t grow autos either no particular reason and it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t or won’t but it’s my understanding they are faster on average than a photo with the long flowering autos to be close/similar to photos in terms of time
Never Hated on Ya'll .Just wanted to know why . Grow small plants..
Some autos can get quite large... Especially if growing in Coco with high frequency fertigation. But the average home grower who smokes occasionally and responsibly only needs a little from each harvest. Autos have several advantages over photos. You can run a perpetual harvest setup in 1 tent with autos. They really don't need a lot of attention. But in a lot of ways they are harder than photos. I find it much easier to grow photos. You really have to be on top of your game to grow good autos.
Outside Dixie didn’t you say you were guerilla growing. As in not legal? Smaller faster plants seems like a fit but what do I know.
Some autos can get quite large... Especially if growing in Coco with high frequency fertigation. But the average home grower who smokes occasionally and responsibly only needs a little from each harvest. Autos have several advantages over photos. You can run a perpetual harvest setup in 1 tent with autos. They really don't need a lot of attention. But in a lot of ways they are harder than photos. I find it much easier to grow photos. You really have to be on top of your game to grow good autos.

Agreed. With photos you have time to recover from mistakes. There's also no way to know ahead of time how an auto strain will react to things like topping or defol. I have no issues doing either with photos...but with autos it's a crap shoot.
Beyond the south shall rise again rhetoric
I have asked myself why people are choosing autos aside from fast finish outdoors
Then it dawned on me
These folks in UK … growing in lofts
can run their lights 24/7 eliminating the concern of temperature drops during lights out
It just isn’t in my wheelhouse but certainly a plausible use
I've used it a lot in temperate climate outdoors. Impossible to grow decent photos in upper northern Europe.

There's some "early" strains that work sort of okay but not compared to Autos. Photos grows to trees but never finishes in time before the first frost comes.
One of the biggest reason I stick with autos is because of light leaks. I have proper exhaust, but I still like to leave the tent unzipped to help maintain consistent temperatures throughout the day. This would not work with photos. I've got plenty of photo beans and have grown them successfully in the past.

I only grow for personal use too, so if I can get 3-4oz per auto plant (running 4 at a time)... you do the math... I'm good.
What’s the time reference? I don’t grow autos either no particular reason and it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t or won’t but it’s my understanding they are faster on average than a photo with the long flowering autos to be close/similar to photos in terms of time
10 weeks or so.
10 weeks or so.
I was asking Dixie why he kept bringing up time as I’m pretty sure he’s outdoor only and my understanding of autos were they were faster or similar but not longer than a photo waiting on shorter days of fall. I’m probably just confused but his post aren’t exactly easy to decipher
hello all!

I see some auto action, hope it’s okay to chime in.
personally a huge factor in choosing autoflowers to learn on was space related.
I smoke perpetually and like to grow and harvest perpetually lol.
I can grow staggered style in a single space under 1 light with the autos and none of them will suffer due to different light cycle needs.
can’t do that with photos, veg is fine but having to go to that 12/12 means you either aren’t starting any new seeds or clones in that space or you’re willing to try and grow from seed and clone in a 12/12 light cycle.
Id also second anyone who’s said that you don’t really need a reason to grow an auto vs a photo, the important thing is that you’re growing!
Auto's have definitely gotten better. Maybe it's from using strains other than ruderalis. Some Middle Eastern region strains will initiate flowering extremely early. I just grew some Egyptian Sinai and both male and female plants started flowering under 18/6 after around 5 weeks. I've had similar experience with Moroccan strains. These strains are going to be better all around than ruderalis.