
Well-Known Member
I have been meaning too start a thread where people speak about their nfts or projects that they know off.

This is a good time for people to get involved. This is basically bitcoin "2010" times. "2009 was when bored apes yacht club" came around, but still lots too show in the nft land.
Today was the launch of 3landers if anyone was able to get into one, it will be going too the moon..


Some basic ones I see people in are Alien Friends , and Deadfellaz.

Anyhow it would be nice too see what some people have..
Also Nft's are not for the faint of heart, atm moments it's the wild west, and you can lose it all from "gifted scammers "

With that said, what does everyone have atm?Screenshot_20220220-160714_Discord.jpgScreenshot_20220220-033858_Discord.jpg
Can someone explain what an NFT is? How is it like bitcoin? My current understanding is that it is digital art that you have to buy and it only exists online. How is this currency?
How much money are those worth?
This person that replied to you as "much as sucker is willing was the same person in 1993 saying the internet will never go anywhere, or the same person in 2009 that said bitcoin nobody will invest in digital currency ".

Don't be this person that says dumb shit like this. This is a real market, and right now we are at the point of "2010", bitcoin . You see what it's worth a decade later bitcoin...

But to answer your question

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What do you do with your NFT after you buy it? Do they somehow accumulate money or do you have to sell it to make anything?
Nfts are a good way to lock your money into an investment that has the potential to sky rocket, fast then a normal mutual fund for instance.

They have tokens that the nft people / staking and pay you from that also.

Nfts really blew up over the past year, so you still have a good entry point. Right now there are 100's of nft companies like seed companies, so it's on a person to "do your own research " dyor...
What do you do with your NFT after you buy it? Do they somehow accumulate money or do you have to sell it to make anything?
It all depends on the utility associated with your nft. Nft's can be used as a concert ticket for "example" the utility would be you attending the concert. Depending on the artwork with that nft, it could go up.

Nft's can be used to get a haircut even..

There are so many use cases for Nft's in the world..

Thr project if anyone is asking where should I be a part of is this


The entry point on open sea, that people started to post these 0.05 eth.
It quickly went up to 1.13 eth.


Just remember people started paying for this particular nft pre reveal meaning the nft hasn't been shown from the collection what a person has.

** In a few months you will see where this goes **
I heard about the beached yacht going for 650k. This shit is no joke but I just dont understand what will eventually happen to this "artwork" ? You display it on a flat screen in your home or some shit? Hope it takes off and start a clothing line? Gen Z laughing all the way to the bank on all this "art" they're creating.
This person that replied to you as "much as sucker is willing was the same person in 1993 saying the internet will never go anywhere, or the same person in 2009 that said bitcoin nobody will invest in digital currency ".

Don't be this person that says dumb shit like this. This is a real market, and right now we are at the point of "2010", bitcoin . You see what it's worth a decade later bitcoin...

But to answer your question
Please educate me and explain the intrinsic value of these cartoon NFT's?
I don't even know what this mean ls and I'm not even that old 33. I just don't get it I guess.
You understand memes, right? And how passed around and recycled they are? I'm imagining somebody wanting to capitalize on an image like that, therefore putting a price on the original "artwork" of the meme? And then everytime that meme or art is used, you ( the OG owner of the art) gets a slice like a musician when a song is played on the radio... i have no idea if this is how any of it works but it would be a way to make money on something that is used digitally.