Pissed of at some bad behavior...

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This forum is tame. I wonder how some would make it on a forum like bitcointalk. That place was crazy back in the day. But the real fun was back in the IRC days. Launching war bots, getting people kicked off the server, taking over channels. I used to sit and laugh while ignoring DCC chat invitations from someone begging to give them their channel back. Most IRC networks eventually put a stop to that stuff which is probably why nobody uses it anymore. Good times.

But seriously though. Why even start a thread like this to begin with? All the crap going on in the world and people whine over how some stranger interacts online? It's just frivolous and petty.
Mafia script!
Give me ops
I just have to say something and get this off my chest. I joined this site to get advice and help with my personal private grow. I have severe diabetes with neuropathy so bad I can't feel my feet. I have severe anxiety as a result of my illness and with knowing I won't be able to work much longer. Cannabis is the only thing that provides relief without taking addictive pills. Why do other growers join this site just to tear down the new guys. WTF are you even doing on this site?? I see it every time I'm on this site. Some "well known member" talking shit to someone legitimately looking for advice, basically calling them dumb ass... So why are you on this site? Is it too feel like you have some authority cause you "grow better weed" than someone else? Or is it so you can virtue signal to everyone else here about your prowess and knowledge?? I just thought this was a community where people can help each other out cause we all have the same interests and obvious hobby?? Think about what you say to others before you say it. As a new Grower there is so much conflicting advice out there it's ridiculous to try to wade through it all. People are fallible and make mistakes. Even you were a dumb ass when you first started growing. Hopefully in the future there can be a set standard on growing and cultivating cannabis that can be used for reference to help first time growers. Nasty comments just set people back that are just looking for help. I read a comment on someone else's post that was just idiotic... This shit had to be said. If you get pissed at others peoples mistakes and don't have the patience to teach others, then shut the hell up and don't say anything and piss off....
Keep growing, failures are the only thing that will help you. You have to fuck it up, deal with it fuck it up again deal with it and once you do that enough you will be able to predict and get out in front until then asking people for help is rarely anything but a Band-Aid that really hurts when pulled off. If you start small and build slowly your bud will always be better if you start big and grow to fast you bud will most likely taste like shit and the cost will be overwhelming. With that being said, I love trying to help so hang in there.
12 pages in a day? I walk to the liquor store in -9f weather this better be good. No wind wasnt that cold. Needed a stretch and ive been snowed in for going on a week. Older bro stopping by tom with a working snowblower.. Uggh, ive wasted my post in this abortion impacted turd baby of a thread. Fuck you.
Simply put:

You come in asking for all the answers when you’ve clearly not invested the time to learn, you get what you get.

You come looking to verify info you’ve read or have a legitimate question that isn’t part of your growing 101 research you should already know, you get answers.

Grojak might be first time in a long time we agree on something. Well said.

Simply put:

You come in asking for all the answers when you’ve clearly not invested the time to learn, you get what you get.

You come looking to verify info you’ve read or have a legitimate question that isn’t part of your growing 101 research you should already know, you get answers.
You sound like a gunsmith Ive met. Or a grower
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