Nitrogen toxicity?


Can you guys and girls confirm that this is a nitrogen toxicity and nothing else. These plants are stunned, very slow growth and dark green leaves ph is 5.9 and EC is 0.38 my grow light is 400w hps and it is atleast 75cm away from the plants, roots looks good. How fast can they recover if nitrogen toxicity and i did flush already? Thank you!



If your light is vent hooded it could be moved closer to increase nutrient uptake
I hope you mean you flushed and re-fed ?
I moved my light 10 cm closer. I have nutrients there, but not much. I wanna see them first perk up a little before giving them more nutrients. They are still in veg so i have plenty of time to see them get better. Even i can´t kill weed in veg :D.


Personally I don't see any Nitrogen toxicity. I see a lack of dissolved oxygen.
Whats your res temps?
What size air pump?
Res temp was 24
24 degrees Celsius =75.2 degrees Fahrenheit and i have very large air pump and 2 x airstones that are 10cm diameters and the pump is full throttle.


Well-Known Member
Res temp was 24
24 degrees Celsius =75.2 degrees Fahrenheit and i have very large air pump and 2 x airstones that are 10cm diameters and the pump is full throttle.
Are your airstones free from any biofilms?
Are the roots pure white and look like fish bones?
In my past endeavors with hydroponics the restore temps are ideal at 60-65F. Anything warmer can put you in the favorable temp range for microbiology.

FYI, larger airpumps do warm the air temp they put out. Increasing the distance from the pump to the stone will help drop the temps but also the air output. You could try to place the pump in a cooler environment, this lowers the intake temps and consequently the output as well.

Alternatively you can always increase the irrigation cycle off time. See if that perks them up. 2 plants out of 3 that are droopy, it's not an elemental issue. It's dissolved 02/ water temp.


Are your airstones free from any biofilms?
Are the roots pure white and look like fish bones?
In my past endeavors with hydroponics the restore temps are ideal at 60-65F. Anything warmer can put you in the favorable temp range for microbiology.

FYI, larger airpumps do warm the air temp they put out. Increasing the distance from the pump to the stone will help drop the temps but also the air output. You could try to place the pump in a cooler environment, this lowers the intake temps and consequently the output as well.

Alternatively you can always increase the irrigation cycle off time. See if that perks them up. 2 plants out of 3 that are droopy, it's not an elemental issue. It's dissolved 02/ water temp.
Are your airstones free from any biofilms? Yes
Are the roots pure white and look like fish bones? Yes

So do i turn down the air pump less bubbles?


Well-Known Member
The warmer the water, the less dissolved oxygen it can hold. Doesn't mater how big the pump. The plants will get bigger too as does their root system. You need to decrease water temps now, if you don't or can't, you will have root issues due to the plant being malnourished. When that happens you've just opened the door for root pathogens and the plants will be hard to save. If you do manage to revive them from nasties, they'll never achieve their original potential or vigor.


The warmer the water, the less dissolved oxygen it can hold. Doesn't mater how big the pump. The plants will get bigger too as does their root system. You need to decrease water temps now, if you don't or can't, you will have root issues due to the plant being malnourished. When that happens you've just opened the door for root pathogens and the plants will be hard to save. If you do manage to revive them from nasties, they'll never achieve their original potential or vigor.
So only thing i can do is raise my light higher, i cant do nothing more.


Well-Known Member
So only thing i can do is raise my light higher, i cant do nothing more.
Can you increase your extraction ventilation to lower ambient temperature?
Remove the pump from the current environment to a cooler one?
Let's see what this pump looks like, please.


Well-Known Member
That is my setup. I still strongly believe it is nitrogen toxicity, but that plant in the back has super genes.
You have to remove the pump from inside the tent. Get more airline tubing if need be.

Also if you can cover the hydro setup with reflective anything on the top that would help refract the light. HID lighting emits heat and light. Try to insulate the resivore. Fiberglass Batting is ideal but unsightly. However it works. Whatever it takes to lower the water temps.


Well-Known Member
That is my setup. I still strongly believe it is nitrogen toxicity, but that plant in the back has super genes.
I love your DWC set up. I'm gonna try this in a pot like that sometime.

I was just wondering about the fan, because the 2 plants in the front are kinda curling but the one in the back is fine. I'm not super experienced, but maybe it's not nitrogen toxicity but wind exposure? Like, could it be because the 2 in the front are getting more wind than the one in the back or no? Probably not, but it was just a thought.


I'd look into another pump. Ecoplus commercial is cheap and better output
I have used that before it has done the job. This is the first time i have had this problem, but lets wait if the girls will get better i will post update then. If not i will remove those two and veg bigger that best looking one, before flowering.


Well-Known Member
I have used that before it has done the job. This is the first time i have had this problem, but lets wait if the girls will get better i will post update then. If not i will remove those two and veg bigger that best looking one, before flowering.
Your grow, Your choice. Good luck then, keep us posted.