Week 3 of flower , is it where it should be?


Well-Known Member
I’m going on 3 weeks of flower but I’m wondering if it’s getting enough light ?

I was having trouble with getting the light at the right height and dim level .. seems like soon as I would go over 40% on 150 watt led
I’d start getting light intensity/heat issues

since the start of flower I’ve raised the light all the way up I can go and started raising the intensity level every few days right now it’s at 60%


Well-Known Member
For the start of the 3rd week of flowering that looks to be in the ballpark. I would not pinch any more leaves either. Here I am at about week 3...........

Under 330 watts of Quantum Board LEDs in a 4x2x5ft. box. About a foot above the canopy at 100%. So something about your 150 puzzles me.

Mine, under a 200watt board, show a little reaction in that the pistils (white hairs) are shorter........... Under a 100watt board, not so much but there are a lot of variables involved. So I also wonder: How close is too close to avoid the burn, either from heat and or intensity?



Well-Known Member
I'd be finding a way to vent outside if your 150 is causing heat issues. Maybe i don't know what I'm taking about in a smaller tent But I'm pushing closer to 600 in my 4x4 before I run into issues.
I don’t think it’s a heat issue really I have an window ac in my room while running passive intake .. it’s more the light intensity I think cause it’s staying around 75f - 78f

as soon as I raise the intensity the start praying excessively and start seeing blotches of light green almost like a cal-mag deficiency


Well-Known Member
When I increase intensity they stop praying. Now I'm confused.
You can tell right? at 30-40 % percent they stay horizontal to light which ive read is ideal but soon as I raise the intensity they start praying excessively and start showing deficiency but I soon as I lower it goes away the deficiency’s

but Thn I feel like it’s not enough light at 30-40% specially with 150 actual watt led

thts why I’d like to raise the intensity..
Maybe it’s due to it being an indica strain and the genetics


Well-Known Member
They are reaching for that light. Those pics look like they want that extra light, no?

yeah I thought praying leafs was good but not to excessively and tht more light the more parrying right?

but as soon as I raise the intensity I start dealing with intensity issues and deficiency start showing up why do u think tht is ? Not enough nutrients?

high light intensity but not enough nutrients?


Well-Known Member
It's awesome to see people making progress and without anyone throwing a hissy fit in the thread :mrgreen:
I can agree
If your light is too intense definitely up her feed. What are you giving her?
I’m veg :
Dr.earth top dressing
was using fish emulsion 5-1-1 in veg 1x2 weeks at half strength
floralicouis plus 1ml
Vitalize foilar spray
Flower now:
I just switch 5-1-1 for mor bloom quarter strength every two weeks
And top dressing flower girl

but I did miss week o 2 without top dressing due to fungus gnats was bottom watering plain water and spraying top soil with Monterey garden Spinosad in veg got tht under control the gnats