Don't want to over feed


Active Member
So I've seen a lot of videos running DWC with 5 gallon buckets, but when they feed they do enough nutrients for 1 gallon, not the amount of gallons actually in the bucket. Is this accurate, just checking. I've learned a lot of you tube videos aren't 100% true all the time. Appreciate any feedback
you should just watch PPM or EC start low and each day or week raise it a little until you notice she drinks more water than nutrients then reduce a little and thats your spot
Everything I've read has been based on 5 gallon buckets, then someone just told me I should use 12 gallon totes instead, this will be my first grow, so any opinion on what's best to use
no idea on that i do micro grows. but you should have a recepie for your nutrients. in my micro grow 10L gets full with roots. no idea what wattage are you working.
So I've seen a lot of videos running DWC with 5 gallon buckets, but when they feed they do enough nutrients for 1 gallon, not the amount of gallons actually in the bucket. Is this accurate, just checking. I've learned a lot of you tube videos aren't 100% true all the time. Appreciate any feedback
You need to measure your feed strength with an EC meter.
Again I'm new, so apologizing for my lack of knowledge. I'm using PH Perfect Technology nutrients. It said that was a good one, and makes ph balancing pretty simple.
I'm not sure about your nutrient I've never used it but in regards to the tank/reservoir size bigger will be more stable, meaning less/smaller ec and ph swings.
Everything I've read has been based on 5 gallon buckets, then someone just told me I should use 12 gallon totes instead, this will be my first grow, so any opinion on what's best to use