weak seedlings east window

i planted five beans after starting them in a paper towel but I think I left them too long because they sprouted long tails and were tricky to settle into the soil.

so far I got one that didn't sprout yet, one that sprouted fairly well and three that are runts. next time I will plant directly into soil. this is 2/27/22 mid/late winter in long island (east coast), new york. window facing east. indoor temp from 67 to 70 degrees. 1 cat. plants need to be rotated toward the sun every day is it possible to grow these and get any yield at all using only this window light


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i planted five beans after starting them in a paper towel but I think I left them too long because they sprouted long tails and were tricky to settle into the soil.

so far I got one that didn't sprout yet, one that sprouted fairly well and three that are runts. next time I will plant directly into soil. this is 2/27/22 mid/late winter in long island (east coast), new york. window facing east. indoor temp from 67 to 70 degrees. 1 cat. plants need to be rotated toward the sun every day is it possible to grow these and get any yield at all using only this window light
i planted five beans after starting them in a paper towel but I think I left them too long because they sprouted long tails and were tricky to settle into the soil.

so far I got one that didn't sprout yet, one that sprouted fairly well and three that are runts. next time I will plant directly into soil. this is 2/27/22 mid/late winter in long island (east coast), new york. window facing east. indoor temp from 67 to 70 degrees. 1 cat. plants need to be rotated toward the sun every day is it possible to grow these and get any yield at all using only this window light
That's gonna be a tough one to pull off, just soley depending on the light that shines in, when ever it does.
Temps are a bit cool, 75-82F is ideal.
Seedlings like higher humidity but will harden off in lower RH and grow just fine once their roots are established.

Good job on the germination stage, you did it right! Next time keep a closer eye and sow them before the taproot is 1/4"+

Your going to have to find a more suitable light source. Checkout Amazon, Mars hydro make a decent light for the price. New grower friendly. And alot if people seem to like them, they do grow fairly decent cannabis.

Welcome to RIU
i planted five beans after starting them in a paper towel but I think I left them too long because they sprouted long tails and were tricky to settle into the soil.

so far I got one that didn't sprout yet, one that sprouted fairly well and three that are runts. next time I will plant directly into soil. this is 2/27/22 mid/late winter in long island (east coast), new york. window facing east. indoor temp from 67 to 70 degrees. 1 cat. plants need to be rotated toward the sun every day is it possible to grow these and get any yield at all using only this window light
tx 4 ur response mcshnutz. i'll check out some cheap lights. whats better for four (4) plants (will be trained down). a 1000 W 8" x 12" all white, or two (2) 100 W white/red/blue switchable. see attached. need to keep the budget down


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I do not want to discourage you. I love seeing people take up cannabis cultivation. But I hate to say that if those plants grow they will not amount to anything.

My advice is to read how lighting hours affect growth for veg and flower. Then save a few bucks and set up a very small grow, nothing bigger than 4'x4'. Keep it simple eg. A couple fans, small light, carbon filter and a tent. Thre are many options out there that cost next to nothing and are capable of giving you great results.

Many of us on here take growing to the extreme, including myself but very few of us started with a ultra high end grow room our first time growing and honestly it isn't necessary. But a window sill has never resulted in anything more than a discouraging failure.
Get some t5 or cfls and keep them alive till you can move them outdoors probably end of may jun. Then score a side job on a Saturday when spring comes and buy something that helps your efforts
I do not want to discourage you. I love seeing people take up cannabis cultivation. But I hate to say that if those plants grow they will not amount to anything.

My advice is to read how lighting hours affect growth for veg and flower. Then save a few bucks and set up a very small grow, nothing bigger than 4'x4'. Keep it simple eg. A couple fans, small light, carbon filter and a tent. Thre are many options out there that cost next to nothing and are capable of giving you great results.

Many of us on here take growing to the extreme, including myself but very few of us started with a ultra high end grow room our first time growing and honestly it isn't necessary. But a window sill has never resulted in anything more than a discouraging failure.
thank you all for your succint comments and advice. i'll try to get these plants into a box or closet with some lights. a question: with four (4) plants (or even one (1) plant, is using a lot of bamboo activated charcoal bags in the grow box sufficient to control the aroma (landlord visiting on premises) when flowering takes place. what's a good high aroma easy to grow constant bloom flower or herb to put near the grow to disguise the cannabis smell. will jar/can odor absorber help.
thank you again!
thank you all for your succint comments and advice. i'll try to get these plants into a box or closet with some lights. a question: with four (4) plants (or even one (1) plant, is using a lot of bamboo activated charcoal bags in the grow box sufficient to control the aroma (landlord visiting on premises) when flowering takes place. what's a good high aroma easy to grow constant bloom flower or herb to put near the grow to disguise the cannabis smell. will jar/can odor absorber help.
thank you again!
Nothing imo. If it’s a concern look into filters. When you use glade in your the bathroom it smells like poop and roses….
thank you all for your succint comments and advice. i'll try to get these plants into a box or closet with some lights. a question: with four (4) plants (or even one (1) plant, is using a lot of bamboo activated charcoal bags in the grow box sufficient to control the aroma (landlord visiting on premises) when flowering takes place. what's a good high aroma easy to grow constant bloom flower or herb to put near the grow to disguise the cannabis smell. will jar/can odor absorber help.
thank you again!

Landlords can be a serious issue, especially if they like to visit. Even with a good carbon filter I have had some crops that still stink to high heaven. The only way to get decent and reliable stink control is to seal your grow space but that becomes very costly very quickly and requires a very strong understanding of climate control to pull it off successfully.

Now I know I am going to have some people say they pull it off successfully with a carbon filter but some strains just stink and if you manage to do a great job with temps and produce terpene monsters, smell COULD be a real issue.

Growing weed is almost a life style and you have to make some sacrifices to do it successfully and not get yourself busted. Which isn't an issue for me, I own my house and live in a country where weed is legal.

Part of the planning process is finding a suitable grow space. If you risk getting busted or evicted from your home then it might be best to find a new home where maybe your landlord doesn't visit or is weed friendly. It sucks but so does getting busted or evicted.
I have 300 bucks total for my grow setup...u can get used equipment pretty cheap too...heres a shot of my current garden wchich is 2 plants.
Keep an eye on "The Best Deals Thread" Marq hits it with some coupon codes for lights that can get you started inexpensively, also check FB marketplace, used stuff and going out of business stuff always pops up. One of my workers just scored over $3k of Mars and Spiderfarmer lights for $400. Guy thought because its legal now in Michigan, he would throw a ton of money into equipment without ever growing cannabis, was a total failure and sold off his whole setup cheap.
thanks for the landlord/lifestyle/carbon filter/used bargain/ advice. jk door 420 your two (2) shru0301221250_HDR.jpgbs look nice. i see yellow leaves. are you close to harvest. this one came up double


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