thrip question


Active Member
i had a small case of thrips. i made a cooking oil, dish soap, water spray that seemed to kill the fuckers instantly. i waited until the 6 hours of darkness to do this so the plants wouldn't get cooked by the light. but they seem to be getting a little toasted anyways. so the question is, should i clean off the spray on the leaves now that the little fuckers are dead or should i leave it on for a little while longer to make sure?


Well-Known Member
wah that stuff off before you turn the lights back on em ya. Some of that stuff will REALLY magnify the light, especially the cooking oil.


New Member
you shouldn't sprey your plants not for thrips at least if you are growing in soil the best thing i have found are mosquito dunks just thow a 1/4 of one in your res. and your done, water as kills the larva in the soi.but they could clog hoses in hydro


Well-Known Member
you shouldn't sprey your plants not for thrips at least if you are growing in soil the best thing i have found are mosquito dunks just thow a 1/4 of one in your res. and your done, water as kills the larva in the soi.but they could clog hoses in hydro
Fantastic idea! + REP
I have had these little fuckers for a few weeks now. I sprayed my plants and they almost died. I kept seeing damage to the leaves but can't ever catch them in the act anymore. I'm just going to treat the soil now and i bet they are gonners. ThoseDunks are perfect for that since everytime you water they are treating. Common misconception is that thrips are not spider mites, thses fuckers will eat roots, stems, leaves, anything with some plant juice. If you have a bad infestation u have to treat the leaves once or twice, but the majority of the work needs to be after they dissappear into the soil. They are smart little SOB's. I check my plants every day twice and although I see new damage on leaves, I have never seen a thrips since I sprayed the leaves, not one single one!!! I sprayed twice nearly two weeks ago. My plants arent that big and I prned them good so I an beat these fuckers. I guess Calcium foliar treatments will help neutralize the Nitrates in the plant and the plant will be a lot less attractive to thrips.
Thanks a lot, I think u are on to something really good with these dunks!