8 days plant yellowing leaf


Grow room temperature 24°C or 75°F in a dwc system 18 Liter Total or 4,7 gallons, i used ghe Bloom/flora/micro 1ml of each and two drops of pro roots, pH 5.8, ec 0.3, humidity 75%, lamp lumatek 300ats at 40% distance from plant abou 25cm or 9,8 inch, any idea of what Is the issue? Water temperature 21°C or 70°F

I posted a thread some days ago because i was worried about the cotyledons goung Yellow but people told me that Is normal, today i noti ed that the tip of the leaf its going Yellow the water its 8 days old


Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
You were told you weren’t feeding them right
And that your choice in nutrients were outdated
But post a new thread to try and throw shade
Btw following a feed schedule is a fools earned as their goal is sales


You were told you weren’t feeding them right
And that your choice in nutrients were outdated
But post a new thread to try and throw shade
Btw following a feed schedule is a fools earned as their goal is sales
Yeah im not following them, i'm using It as a guidance im using half the Does that the schedule says, i alteady bought like 400€ in general hydroponics fertilizer so i think It would be a waste to use other ferts