Seedling or Veg?


Well-Known Member
Looking at the foxfarm schedule - when do you guys consider your plant a seedling and when do you consider it in veg?

King Avitas

Well-Known Member
Personally I call the first 7 to 10 days after they break through the ground the seedling stage. They don't do much in this first stage but produce roots to establish themselves. The growth above ground isn't substantial and they are very fragile, in my opinion they are seedlings. After this you should have a couple sets of true leaves and this is what I consider the vegetative stage. I could be wrong but I honestly don't care. :bigjoint:

As for when to top your plants, it's a personal preference. It also depends on what you want your end result to be. My current grow for instance, I want to fill my grow area quickly so I am planning to top at the eighth node. I am doing this to get 12 branches. After I top, I will also clip off the branches at the first node as I find they usually don't produce as well as the branches above them. This will leave me 6 sets of branches remaining giving me my desired 12 branches I can then weave throughout my SCROG net.

Hope this helps. :D


Well-Known Member
Personally I call the first 7 to 10 days after they break through the ground the seedling stage. They don't do much in this first stage but produce roots to establish themselves. The growth above ground isn't substantial and they are very fragile, in my opinion they are seedlings. After this you should have a couple sets of true leaves and this is what I consider the vegetative stage. I could be wrong but I honestly don't care. :bigjoint:

As for when to top your plants, it's a personal preference. It also depends on what you want your end result to be. My current grow for instance, I want to fill my grow area quickly so I am planning to top at the eighth node. I am doing this to get 12 branches. After I top, I will also clip off the branches at the first node as I find they usually don't produce as well as the branches above them. This will leave me 6 sets of branches remaining giving me my desired 12 branches I can then weave throughout my SCROG net.

Hope this helps. :D
I concur with this, I've fed seedlings just pure RO in plain coco/perlite for a week and noticed no problems or deficiencies.. The plants do not need fertilizer until after a week especially under mild lighting like T5 fluorescent or a dimmed LED.

I used to believe the plants needed fertilizer right away and lemme tell ya that was stunting/stressing my plants.


Well-Known Member
Good points all. Secondly I'll probably start my seedlings under the SF600 I have going for my pepper seedlings this round. Any harm in them if the light is 6-8" above them like it is for my peppers? last time I started under my SF4000 at the recommended 24"


Well-Known Member
Good points all. Secondly I'll probably start my seedlings under the SF600 I have going for my pepper seedlings this round. Any harm in them if the light is 6-8" above them like it is for my peppers? last time I started under my SF4000 at the recommended 24"
I would space them out at least a foot. How is the SF600 by the way? I've been thinking about replacing my 4 ft T5 fixtures with them for clones up to 1 gallon pot... Not sure if they'd be up to the task though.. My table is about 2 ft x 5 ft. What do ya think? SF600 going to cover a table like that? I know they advertise 2x4' but I find it hard to believe.. Cheers. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I would space them out at least a foot. How is the SF600 by the way? I've been thinking about replacing my 4 ft T5 fixtures with them for clones up to 1 gallon pot... Not sure if they'd be up to the task though.. My table is about 2 ft x 5 ft. What do ya think? SF600 going to cover a table like that? I know they advertise 2x4' but I find it hard to believe.. Cheers. :bigjoint:
My seedlings just sprouted so I just started the light. Right now it's right over the dome. This is a 4' rack if that helps.


King Avitas

Well-Known Member
Good points all. Secondly I'll probably start my seedlings under the SF600 I have going for my pepper seedlings this round. Any harm in them if the light is 6-8" above them like it is for my peppers? last time I started under my SF4000 at the recommended 24"
I am running 3x SF4000's. I Ran them right from seedlings and have seen no issues. I am running them at 60% power and 56" above the girls. I don't have anything smaller right now but the plants seem to love it.


Well-Known Member
I am running 3x SF4000's. I Ran them right from seedlings and have seen no issues. I am running them at 60% power and 56" above the girls. I don't have anything smaller right now but the plants seem to love it.
Yea it worked good for my first grow too. That tent is dark and drying right now, and then I have to clean it out (found a couple webs when I harvested) before I start my next grow in it.