Cutting issues, brown gunk on them


Well-Known Member
I take my cuttings in put them into a DWC cloner where the water comes up to the bottom of the cutting. I circulate the water with a regular air stone that goes into the 1.5 gallon DWC cloner. I get a brown gunk on the bottom of the stems thats in the water and I have to wipe them off every few days. I think the junk might be coming from the air stone, but I change them out and the gunk is still there. Is there a plastic air stone out there that will circulate the water without getting a build up of shit in it? Also is there anything I can add to the water to help fend off this gunk and stimulate the rooting cycle?


Well-Known Member
I'm actually about to use a clone king for the first time so no direct experience with this cloning method but in DWC brown gunk is never good. What solution are you using? It sounds like you've got something contaminating your rez.


Well-Known Member
Keep your cuts just above the water line and let the effervescence from the airstone bubbling hydrate the cuts.
Have you seen the brown gunk I'm talking about?? Its on the air stone too, like its stuck in there and I change them regularly.. Any plasic or different material air stones I can use??


Well-Known Member
Have you seen the brown gunk I'm talking about?? Its on the air stone too, like its stuck in there and I change them regularly.. Any plasic or different material air stones I can use??
Soak the air stone in bleach water every change


Well-Known Member
I do. The gunk is in there for good... I use a new air stone and same thing happens.
Then it might be coming from your pump or air line... or even where the air is coming from. You need to keep everything really clean. Have a small amount of bleach or h2o2 in the tank. Basically you have an infection and this is creating root rot....

This is why I use root riot blocks... honestly I get more success from them than bubble clones... I've had the same issue as you a number of times

Billy the Mountain

Well-Known Member

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Have you seen the brown gunk I'm talking about?? Its on the air stone too, like its stuck in there and I change them regularly.. Any plasic or different material air stones I can use??
use some sort of chlorine to keep it sterile.


Well-Known Member
Hydrogen peroxide or h2o2. My bubbles splash enuff to keep the cuts wet so I don't submerge them. But I use plugs mostly. Less moving parts. I give them a squirt every few days and 9 to12 days later, roots.