2022 outdoor start

Next door neighbors are awesome people, they are more like family than neighbors. They allow me a little space in their garden plot for a couple plants every year. These 2 monsters were 2020's "Covid" grow, fed nothing but high PH well water, no nutrients, just the well water. Only 1 plant last year got even remotely close to this size, but lost half of it to a stem snap during hurricane force winds while we were in Cali visiting my father in law. Hoping to bang a couple more biguns this year in their garden along with the boxes in the "swamp" that's why I started my crop early this year!!!!!!


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Im not a fan of big plants. Rather have numerous strains and phenos get cycled through using the same resources and space(relative) those behemoths use.
Im not a fan of big plants. Rather have numerous strains and phenos get cycled through using the same resources and space(relative) those behemoths use.
Behemoths monster giants are fun to grow. 1.
1 only. They drink a fuck ton. They’re roots run deep as fuck and wide as a bus. Not to mention harvest day. Fuck that. Won’t even bring that up. And to be honest. This my opinion and a lot of people I talk to agree. Waist size plant produce the best example of the flower. Not science. But iv grown plenty enough to see the difference
Going to pop my seeds mid March, indoors under lights till mid April, transfer to outdoor in 30 gal fabric pots. Got Strawberry cheesecake and All gas OG from HSC. Really thinking about picking up Poddy mouth seeds as well. I saw it's a HSC and Ridgeline collab should be fire
First i dig a 3" deep cup bigger than pot bottom

Next fill with kickass soil.

Get plant out and put in place. This is me just checking roots, thought a pic was in order.

Start filling in around your purdy gurl with care.

That first mound gave me a hard time, this is one step i repress my lazy patient grower and execute this step as best as possible. Bit of OCD with music helps.

Next install your lights and wham! 2022 here we go!

I let the mound settle overnight, check it for cracks in the morning. Then fill cracks or whatever needs doing, pin hoses in place, and finally a grass mulch.
Good luck all.
Sorry Ya'll but small plants not worth the time here...And i stick with what grows good here Outdoors...Thur the years i have found out if you start to early you will have more Male plants..If i start indoors they will not go the full season.Always finishes to early and is no good..With 6 months to grow there is no need to start to early.. Here Outdoors now is Bad call for here here ..Can't grow like alot of ya'll here..And small plant are not worth it That is just me. Heart of Dixie
Sorry Ya'll but small plants not worth the time here...And i stick with what grows good here Outdoors...Thur the years i have found out if you start to early you will have more Male plants..If i start indoors they will not go the full season.Always finishes to early and is no good..With 6 months to grow there is no need to start to early.. Here Outdoors now is Bad call for here here ..Can't grow like alot of ya'll here..And small plant are not worth it That is just me. Heart of Dixie
When you do get out there in the brush and get things going, make sure you get some pics for us and post here dixie. Those of us who are not constantly trying to attack you or laugh at your posts are genuinely interested to see how you do your op's
Yea i know Im just a old hillbilly I could do better but i like to piss people like that off .mud....I t is hard for me to do that but i will..I have holes already done and ready too go When i pull them i will go back after that and start holes for the next year so they are ready to go..I have been doing it this way all my life..I did lose one spot this year already.. I know that .. i put thread on my path if it is broke i will not go in.This time it was winter and hunters found the spot that would have held 6 plants.. And i have trail cam PICS ... So right after you pull the plant make sure you start the hole for the next season I start with 2 fish per hole fill wait .Later go and do the rest
If I did that fish head thing here I think the skunks would have them out by morning. Not a bandit grower but I don’t think I’d rely on a string on my path. Mostly because I wouldn’t make a path and doubt I’d go in the same way twice but that’s just me
Yes i do that so all the animals are done when it is time too plant.Then i will fence all my plants for the deer rabbits Only trail i worry about it the one you make. I will go to plants a diff way.And i only go few times a year..There is no need unless no rain or storms.
Problem here is Termites.. They are bad that is why you have to spend time in the woods and know what to look for to keep away from them
Wait wait wait...you literally put 2 fish in a hole and bury them to fert the hole for next year? For real? Nvr heard of that
The mendo dope kids did it in a video now it’s out there in YouTube world. It works to some degree I’m sure but they’re critter magnets here. The only good thing I can think of in my case is catching the fish