Democrat virtue signaling = bad energy policy and inflation

Why do all these threads get just a few posts in then become a troll war?

Once the d-bag troll is identified everybody put he/she/it on ignore and lets have some grown up discussions. You know, like adults were known to do back when sanity and logic ruled.

We got a big war and possibly even a much bigger one near the tipping point to be concerned about and if this goes sideways these temporary high gas prices are going to be the least of our concerns.

I'm old enough to to remember how it felt during the Cuban missile crisis and it's feeling a lot like that again. I don't much care for it.

If Ukrainian farmers don't get planting done this spring the resulting famine is going to raise prices of a lot more stuff. Stuff we have to have to survive and we will feel it. Probably going to be a small crop in Russia too with all the farm boys dying or captured in Ukrainia.

All the fires and floods, then Covid and now this. If it ain't one thing it's another. 乁( •_• )ㄏ

Why do all these threads get just a few posts in then become a troll war?

Once the d-bag troll is identified everybody put he/she/it on ignore and lets have some grown up discussions. You know, like adults were known to do back when sanity and logic ruled.

We got a big war and possibly even a much bigger one near the tipping point to be concerned about and if this goes sideways these temporary high gas prices are going to be the least of our concerns.

I'm old enough to to remember how it felt during the Cuban missile crisis and it's feeling a lot like that again. I don't much care for it.

If Ukrainian farmers don't get planting done this spring the resulting famine is going to raise prices of a lot more stuff. Stuff we have to have to survive and we will feel it. Probably going to be a small crop in Russia too with all the farm boys dying or captured in Ukrainia.

All the fires and floods, then Covid and now this. If it ain't one thing it's another. 乁( •_• )ㄏ

Agreed. There is no point arguing with what is very likely the same troll over and over. We might as well just set up a Newsmax feed straight into politics. You will not win this argument with logic or facts. If they even remotely mattered, 80% of Republicans would not believe the ridiculous idea that Trump win the election - (edit)bigley.

Sometimes I feel bad about not engaging them, but then I remember how I feel when I do and they just hang it all on some totally bogus "fact" and move the goalposts. So now I just do my best to expose them as a troll.
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So I worked in the oilfield for years as a data analyst / field geologist. So around 2000 we really started going hard drilling and trying to frac. At the time we really didn't know how to drill shale wells or how to frac them. Those first few hundred wells in the Haynesville Shale (High pressure/high temperature) that we drilled gave us enough knowledge to go from taking 4-8 months drilling time and 5 to 10 million drilling cost per well in 2000, to 1 month and 1 million per well in 2010. Fracking a well usually runs 2 million to about 5 million per well. Bush jr didn't get in the way and we drilled like crazy. As soon as Obama got in he immediately started throwing monkey wrenches in the works trying to kill the industry. 2 months into his first term I got laid off due to regulations he imposed. He shut down drilling on a bunch of government land under the guise of "Saving wild horses". The hilarious part is that a lot of those wild horses he was "trying to save" were rounded up by the bureau of land management and sent to the glue factory or french restaurants only a few months later. The whole time Obama was in office he preached that drilling wells now won't do anything to gas prices for 10 years.... Yeah well you have to plan ahead. The Haynesville shale play which is in northern Louisiana and East Texas was drilled for about 12 years. From what I've been told if you had every rig in America drilling the haynesville it would take another 15 years to complete the drilling. The energy independence and security act of 2007 signed by bush was what led us to start adding ethanol to gasoline. It made prices rise so oil companies started doubling down on drilling. I think it was a sham by Bush just to buy votes in Iowa and other corn producing states...It jacked the price of corn up leading to higher food prices as well. Anyway when Obama was in office I got laid off 3 times between 08 and 2012. At this point the only logical explanation I can find is that democrats are willfully trying to destroy the oil industry as a means of managed decline. The republicans play good cop and the dems play bad cop but none of them really care because increased energy prices and inflation doesn't effect their bank accounts. They're all nothing but self serving shitheads. As far as there being 9000 leases available most of those are dry holes, dry gas or aren't located near a pipeline. You have to have pipelines to carry your product to market. Natural gas prices are pretty stable since we drilled so many shale wells and laid so much pipeline between 2000 and 2008. Yep oil companies aren't going to drill unless they know it's economical. Oil really has to be 120 a barrel or more to make it worth drilling. Any way that's my 2 cents.
So I worked in the oilfield for years as a data analyst / field geologist. So around 2000 we really started going hard drilling and trying to frac. At the time we really didn't know how to drill shale wells or how to frac them. Those first few hundred wells in the Haynesville Shale (High pressure/high temperature) that we drilled gave us enough knowledge to go from taking 4-8 months drilling time and 5 to 10 million drilling cost per well in 2000, to 1 month and 1 million per well in 2010. Fracking a well usually runs 2 million to about 5 million per well. Bush jr didn't get in the way and we drilled like crazy. As soon as Obama got in he immediately started throwing monkey wrenches in the works trying to kill the industry. 2 months into his first term I got laid off due to regulations he imposed. He shut down drilling on a bunch of government land under the guise of "Saving wild horses". The hilarious part is that a lot of those wild horses he was "trying to save" were rounded up by the bureau of land management and sent to the glue factory or french restaurants only a few months later. The whole time Obama was in office he preached that drilling wells now won't do anything to gas prices for 10 years.... Yeah well you have to plan ahead. The Haynesville shale play which is in northern Louisiana and East Texas was drilled for about 12 years. From what I've been told if you had every rig in America drilling the haynesville it would take another 15 years to complete the drilling. The energy independence and security act of 2007 signed by bush was what led us to start adding ethanol to gasoline. It made prices rise so oil companies started doubling down on drilling. I think it was a sham by Bush just to buy votes in Iowa and other corn producing states...It jacked the price of corn up leading to higher food prices as well. Anyway when Obama was in office I got laid off 3 times between 08 and 2012. At this point the only logical explanation I can find is that democrats are willfully trying to destroy the oil industry as a means of managed decline. The republicans play good cop and the dems play bad cop but none of them really care because increased energy prices and inflation doesn't effect their bank accounts. They're all nothing but self serving shitheads. As far as there being 9000 leases available most of those are dry holes, dry gas or aren't located near a pipeline. You have to have pipelines to carry your product to market. Natural gas prices are pretty stable since we drilled so many shale wells and laid so much pipeline between 2000 and 2008. Yep oil companies aren't going to drill unless they know it's economical. Oil really has to be 120 a barrel or more to make it worth drilling. Any way that's my 2 cents.
Cool. Can you tell us what you guys were injecting onto our water table since the previous administration (Bush/Cheney) gave you a pass to ignore the Safe Drinking Water Act? Asking for a friend... all of them really, and my kid.

I laid a lot of pipe between 2000 and 2008 too. Good years.
Agreed. There is no point arguing with what is very likely the same troll over and over. We might as well just set up a Newsmax feed straight into politics. You will not win this argument with logic or facts. If they even remotely mattered, 80% of Republicans would not believe the ridiculous idea that Trump win the election - bagley.

Sometimes I feel bad about not engaging them, but then I remember how I feel when I do and they just hang it all on some totally bogus "fact" and move the goalposts. So now I just do my best to expose them as a troll.
that's not necessarilly true...when i joined this site, i had some very magat-ish ideas, that i had never really thought through...i checked out the politics forum and thought a lot of people were full of shit, but a few members asked me questions that i couldn't answer, and i don't like standing like a fool without any answers to back me up, so i started first i didn't believe half of what i read (i still don't, but it's not the same half). i started to look for news sources that i could use to verify other site, unrelated sites posting the same stories is usually a good sign that they are real, or at least as close as you're going to get...once i started doing that, it quickly became apparent that most of the things i "felt" were right, were designed to make me feel that way, to make me think how someone else wanted me to short, i woke up. i quit trusting either side to tell me the "truth" and started trying to verify everything i read...and it has become apparent that while democrats will sometimes lie, sometimes try to misdirect, most of the time, they're telling the truth...and republicans are the exact opposite, they lie like they breath, freely, naturally, unthinkingly...they were bad before trump, after, they're blatant and sloppy about it.
so, while a real troll probably isn't going to be influenced, there are some people who are just confused and uninformed...those are the ones i hope read enough here to get them to read some real news, to see at least a little of the truth
Agreed. There is no point arguing with what is very likely the same troll over and over. We might as well just set up a Newsmax feed straight into politics. You will not win this argument with logic or facts. If they even remotely mattered, 80% of Republicans would not believe the ridiculous idea that Trump win the election - (edit)bigley.

Sometimes I feel bad about not engaging them, but then I remember how I feel when I do and they just hang it all on some totally bogus "fact" and move the goalposts. So now I just do my best to expose them as a troll.
They are having a similar problem with people believing bullshit in Russia and if you thought America was politically divided, wait till you see Russia in a couple of months. Many Americans and others in the west now have a greater appreciation of the power of misinformation, as Putin lies his head off and most buy it while censorship comes down hard.

It is ironic that what Putin tried to do to America and other western democracies has now happened to him and he did it to himself with his blunders, corruption and malice.
that's not necessarilly true...when i joined this site, i had some very magat-ish ideas, that i had never really thought through...i checked out the politics forum and thought a lot of people were full of shit, but a few members asked me questions that i couldn't answer, and i don't like standing like a fool without any answers to back me up, so i started first i didn't believe half of what i read (i still don't, but it's not the same half). i started to look for news sources that i could use to verify other site, unrelated sites posting the same stories is usually a good sign that they are real, or at least as close as you're going to get...once i started doing that, it quickly became apparent that most of the things i "felt" were right, were designed to make me feel that way, to make me think how someone else wanted me to short, i woke up. i quit trusting either side to tell me the "truth" and started trying to verify everything i read...and it has become apparent that while democrats will sometimes lie, sometimes try to misdirect, most of the time, they're telling the truth...and republicans are the exact opposite, they lie like they breath, freely, naturally, unthinkingly...they were bad before trump, after, they're blatant and sloppy about it.
so, while a real troll probably isn't going to be influenced, there are some people who are just confused and uninformed...those are the ones i hope read enough here to get them to read some real news, to see at least a little of the truth
I put you on ignore.

JK. Point taken, but I am pretty sure that the dozens of trolls lately are really three people or less.
Democrat policies are creating more greenhouse gasses and worldwide inflation.
It's pretty clear from your therad title that whatever bullshit this clown has to say is going to be hyper-partisan shit. Let's break it down.

First you diminish your opposition by saying that there can't be legitimate differing opinions or priorities, whatever the Democrats want amounts to nothing more than virtue signaling. Then in your posts, you deny any possibility that there could be anything else at play in the markets such as global supply and demand (in oil markets? That's crazy!) - this can only be a conspiracy.

Since your therad title is so obviously and completely disingenuous, why should we treat your ideas with ANY respect?
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Cool. Can you tell us what you guys were injecting onto our water table since the previous administration (Bush/Cheney) gave you a pass to ignore the Safe Drinking Water Act? Asking for a friend... all of them really, and my kid.

I laid a lot of pipe between 2000 and 2008 too. Good years.
So here's what the media won't tell you. Yes they do use chemicals for fracking(anti corrosives/lubricants) but for the most part it's just sand and water. Areas where the wells are deep like the haynesville shale and barnette are pretty much safe since they're literally miles beneath the water table. The only time you have problems with the water table getting infiltrated by by oil/chemicals in deep shale areas is when the drilling company tries to save a nickle and does a half assed cement job...which I've seen (same thing that happened on deep water horizon). I was on a rig in decature tx and the company man had hardly any experience with shale. He calculated cement for the bare minimum and didn't bring it back to surface. He ruined the water table for a couple of square miles. The farmer sued and won a bunch of cash and the oil company now has to truck in water for his cows.
The really dangerous aspects of fracking are from drilling shallow shale plays, like certain areas of the marcellus shale. Areas where they drill down 200 feet then run their horizontal section are seriously dangerous for everyone involved. If it was up to me I'd ban shallow fracking. It is bound to be trouble in the future. I think it boils down to having people who know what they're talking about when they make laws. After deep water horizon happened the congressional hearings were a joke! Most of the congress people asking questions couldn't even pronounce the oil field terminology much less make any sense of what they were being told. It was a total dog and pony show of virtue signaling. The shit needs to be regulated by people who understand the mechanics of the industry and how it works and not by people who's only job has been in civil service. But yeah shallow fracking is a recipe for disaster.
So here's what the media won't tell you. Yes they do use chemicals for fracking(anti corrosives/lubricants) but for the most part it's just sand and water. Areas where the wells are deep like the haynesville shale and barnette are pretty much safe since they're literally miles beneath the water table. The only time you have problems with the water table getting infiltrated by by oil/chemicals in deep shale areas is when the drilling company tries to save a nickle and does a half assed cement job...which I've seen (same thing that happened on deep water horizon). I was on a rig in decature tx and the company man had hardly any experience with shale. He calculated cement for the bare minimum and didn't bring it back to surface. He ruined the water table for a couple of square miles. The farmer sued and won a bunch of cash and the oil company now has to truck in water for his cows.
The really dangerous aspects of fracking are from drilling shallow shale plays, like certain areas of the marcellus shale. Areas where they drill down 200 feet then run their horizontal section are seriously dangerous for everyone involved. If it was up to me I'd ban shallow fracking. It is bound to be trouble in the future. I think it boils down to having people who know what they're talking about when they make laws. After deep water horizon happened the congressional hearings were a joke! Most of the congress people asking questions couldn't even pronounce the oil field terminology much less make any sense of what they were being told. It was a total dog and pony show of virtue signaling. The shit needs to be regulated by people who understand the mechanics of the industry and how it works and not by people who's only job has been in civil service. But yeah shallow fracking is a recipe for disaster.
What the media won't tell us?

Nothing prevents Haliburton et al from self disclosing - nothing at all.

Except maybe...

But they don't. And they fight like hell in court and spend like King fucking Midas on lobbyists to ensure they don't have to.

Sorry. Smell test fail. But I appreciate your candor.
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The shit needs to be regulated by people who understand the mechanics of the industry and how it works and not by people who's only job has been in civil service.
the civil service needs to recruit people who understand the mechanics of the industry, because there is no fucking way i trust the oil industry to police itself...nor any major industry really, they have nearly all shown a complete disregard for nearly everything but profit