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Well-Known Member
I found the ignore button last night due to some paranoid weirdo trying to troll me hahaha apparently someone pays me to say random shit on this forum, too funny! Anyway just incase some of you don't know there is an ignore button and its great then you don't see their nonsense no more its a fine feature...... it should be called the wanker button though.


Well-Known Member
Cool but never needed a button to ignore someone
Not sure how some get through life without a button . Just saying.
I come on here for information and sometimes give my opinion if someone doesn't like it then thats fine but they don't have to troll people dude and tbh its a great feature and I will use it as I don't want to be bickering with anyone especially for insectnifican things and it stops me seeing the rest of their shit so I'm good with that.
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