Gender identification

A two month old plant should be a full grown beast. Yours looks healthy enough from what I can see, but it looks like it's only a couple weeks old. I'm not sure what's going on.
Well shit then, im not too sure whats going on either. I know the seed was old so maybe that could be my delay. One’s I get her the extra light im hoping she’ll start her growth spurt then.


Well-Known Member
Check your environment beyond the lights. My first thought is maybe it's too cold, especially in the root zone?

I tend to grow small plants, and I just checked back and at 8 weeks my last couple runs were in the 30"+ range at that time.
Check your environment beyond the lights. My first thought is maybe it's too cold, especially in the root zone?

I tend to grow small plants, and I just checked back and at 8 weeks my last couple runs were in the 30"+ range at that time.
Yep I think you may be the one that’s right!. The tent I have for her is tall a.f so sometimes it does feel less warm when I stick my hand inside above the light. Didn’t think it would be much of an issue since she gets warm at the bottom. I been trying to balance my spending for equipment but I guess I gotta shop for a few more things now. Like a humidifier to start with.


Well-Known Member
Yep I think you may be the one that’s right!. The tent I have for her is tall a.f so sometimes it does feel less warm when I stick my hand inside above the light. Didn’t think it would be much of an issue since she gets warm at the bottom. I been trying to balance my spending for equipment but I guess I gotta shop for a few more things now. Like a humidifier to start with.
Is it on a cold floor, like basement concrete? I'd isolate from the floor if that's the case...some styrofoam underneath or up on something to raise it a bit.


Well-Known Member
This is the point where you give all the details of what you're doing. Tent size, light you have, medium you're using, pot size, watering schedule and amounts, nutrients, general temp/humidity in the tent, light schedule and what strain you're trying to grow.


Well-Known Member
almost 2 months.. should the plant be bigger by now? Everyone else says it’s too early to say so im confused. She’s been only under a 600w led but I am waiting on another light to be delivered.
plant looks like 2 week old. they say its too early because you didnt switch to 12h and no sex organs appearing yet.


Well-Known Member
plant looks like 2 week old. they say its too early because you didnt switch to 12h and no sex organs appearing yet.
They don't need to be switched to 12/12 to show sex. They will show sex when they become sexually mature even in veg light cycle, usually around a month old, but they won't start truly budding until the light cycle is switched to approximately 12/12 .