Help I’m new and need advice

ha c'mon you can't be serious that such small cuts that have almost 0 roor system need more than a liter of water per day

horrible advise that coco doesnt even have petlite

that plant is def look at lower fan leaves
he's only using A+B perhaps lacking Mg
The OP said feed was around 300 tds watering once every other day. Of course they are starving. He wanted to feed at 1000ppm and I suggested 700. You offered zero advice.
kassio do you grow in coco your advise seems very valid and I would feel more at ease with hand watering as I only have 3 in there till my other 3 arrive this week just personal preference and Dj I like what your saying would like more advice with feeding 3 times daily and would you say my plant is lacking mg?
And would tap water be okay to get costs down

If you have a reasonable quality of tap water, yes, but you need to adjust your PPM to account for whatever your tap water contains; i.e. If your tap water comes with 70 PPM, you should adjust your PPM up by that amount
You offered zero advice
would you actually have the basic decency and answer the question what a plant as little as that needs liters on liters of water per day?
Esp. in a deficient state.
Now go back to university remember maybe Liebig's law you think it needs more water when it doesnt grow right? under weak CFL lamps that are at a distance?

And you knew already that A+B at 1000ppm 3 times a day will arrive at a good feed ratio? How so?
kassio do you grow in coco your advise seems very valid and I would feel more at ease with hand watering as I only have 3 in there till my other 3 arrive this week just personal preference and Dj I like what your saying would like more advice with feeding 3 times daily and would you say my plant is lacking mg?
what are you actually feeding for a nute brand?
would you actually have the basic decency and answer the question what a plant as little as that needs liters on liters of water per day?
Esp. in a deficient state.
Now go back to university remember maybe Liebig's law you think it needs more water when it doesnt grow right? under weak CFL lamps that are at a distance?

And you knew already that A+B at 1000ppm 3 times a day will arrive at a good feed ratio? How so?
Too many unknown variables to answer that question, but I’ve been growing cannabis in coco for over a decade, so I’m not just cut and pasting info here.

I noticed that you haven’t answered whether or not you grow cannabis in coco or not, so I’ll presume not. I never suggested 1000ppm.
Too many unknown variables to answer that question, but I’ve been growing cannabis in coco for over a decade, so I’m not just cut and pasting info here.

I noticed that you haven’t answered whether or not you grow cannabis in coco or not, so I’ll presume not. I never suggested 1000ppm.
I do not see the need to take this on a personal level.
There are many growreports out there alread prooving you can handwater in coco non-periodically so your feeble attempt to undermine my argument reeks of a lack of experience on your side actually
would you actually have the basic decency and answer the question what a plant as little as that needs liters on liters of water per day?
Esp. in a deficient state.
Now go back to university remember maybe Liebig's law you think it needs more water when it doesnt grow right? under weak CFL lamps that are at a distance?

And you knew already that A+B at 1000ppm 3 times a day will arrive at a good feed ratio? How so?
Speaking of University, my horticulture instructor said something offhand during lecture yesterday which made me think of you: “ A lot of people think once they’ve read a book that they are suddenly experts; they’re not. It takes years of practice and observation.”
I do not see the need to take this on a personal level.
There are many growreports out there alread prooving you can handwater in coco non-periodically so your feeble attempt to undermine my argument reeks of a lack of experience on your side actually
If you don’t see the need, why are you doing it?

Sure you can hand water, I already acknowledged that. It’s not optimum or ideal.
sure but you already gave out advice to the OP he now needs to buy an automatic system

20l cocos + claypebbles, handwatered every ~~4 days 4-5l CalMag+org. fert, 1st time grower... you see how it wilts???
I said that he should set up auto watering for a coco grow, I never said that he "needs" to. I've said multiple times in this thread, that handwatering once per day can work, it's just not optimal. Keep your eye on the ball Kassy. I also never mentioned any wilting, you inserted that.
the plant doesnt need more water at that stage so your attempts to focus on water cycles or irrigation systems mislead from the real problem, and that is nutes!!
Guess where you get nutes? Irrigation cycles. You are so out of your element, you are making yourself look foolish.

I appreciate the fact that you are clearly intelligent with a great memory retention, unfortunately you suffer from the same thing many intelligent folks also suffer from, lack of actual knowledge. I see this all the time. I've restrained myself, and given you the benefit of the doubt despite what others have said about you. Sadly I I realize that they are right, and you are just a copy and paste grower.

You don't even grow weed, it's pretty clear. What are you even doing here, trying to bolster your ego? "Hey look at me, I'm smart!"
I have to say if you had been irrigating more frequently like PJ said there would be less nitrogen deficiency even at 300ppm which we know is too low.. You don't treat coco like soil and wait for it to dry out before watering again like PJ said its a hydroponic medium and should be treated as such. My guess is you need better drainage, add perlite, so that you can increase your irrigation cycles as well as raising your EC to 1.2 - 1.5. The deficient one I would run a 1.5 - 1.6 EC until looking better.
If you have a reasonable quality of tap water, yes, but you need to adjust your PPM to account for whatever your tap water contains; i.e. If your tap water comes with 70 PPM, you should adjust your PPM up by that amount
We’re in the Manchester area tap water okay here? And so I raise my ppm by adding A&B and root stimulant till my ppm reaches 700-800? Is this the correct way to do things
Just made a batch of feed 5L water to 20ml coco A&B and 15ml root stimulant ppm stands around 730ppm and ph about 5.8 is this okay? To be feeding once a day?
Without any perlite to open up the coco, watering 3 times a day to runoff will leave it water soaked mess.. Am I to understend you don't use perlite in your coco..
Without any perlite to open up the coco, watering 3 times a day to runoff will leave it water soaked mess.. Am I to understend you don't use perlite in your coco..
This grow I havnt used perlite and I watered the 18th and today the 20th the 18th feed was at about 250ppm I understand this is too low todays feed was around 729ppm made up of distilled water coco A&B and plant magic root stimulant used in strengths of 20ml A&B and 15ml of root stimulant and it took around half a litre each pot will this be okay to use daily