Defoliation Trial - 4 Clones

They're great for disinfecting the air but how well does it work for smell?

How much, roughly, do those go for?
Prices are by request on their website


The AirROS eliminates smell, I haven't noticed any since I bought the gizmo.

Mine cost $3,000 USD (smallest unit) which sounds expensive but compared to a powdery mildew outbreak it's cheap. I didn't try to bargin, you may save a few dollars by making them an offer.

Worth the money.

The leafs look yellowish and droopy. Maybe you need some nitrogen. So for swazzee you are supposed to do it on 1st day and on the 20th day of flowering time perior. I am assuming you started flowering cycle now?


I agree. I've been adding 5 ml nitrogen per gallon of water but still getting yellowing.

First and 20th day of flower, Today I'm in the middle of a 60 hour dark period for the start of flower. I picked up the 60 hour dark period from breeder Dr Greenthumb, who says that it induces flower quicker than without.


4 plants before selective swazzee:

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I snipped any leaf with a petiole but it left a lot of Larfy undergrowth,

View attachment 5103560


The control and the lollipop,: (in the back)

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Notice something missing from this picture:

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No carbon filter. My AirROS gizmo takes care of powdery mildew and odor.


The plants should be in good health flipping to flower for a “trial” like this imo. Doesn’t give much merit seeing the control plant, and lolipop plant in poor health and the 2 swizzled plants in better health. Not trying to be a dick either, just pointing out the obvious.
The plants should be in good health flipping to flower for a “trial” like this imo. Doesn’t give much merit seeing the control plant, and lolipop plant in poor health and the 2 swizzled plants in better health. Not trying to be a dick either, just pointing out the obvious.


Agreed, in a perfect test the plants should look like perfect healthy clones.

The only remedy would be to prune all of the damaged leaves from the control and lollipop the have the undergrowth grow out into healthy leaves like the two swazzee clones., Which would ruin the test as well.

I`ll grow them out as planned, maybe something will come up.

Over the last couple of months I've started defoliating, at first I removed very little, but recently I've been removing many leaves at a time, not complete defoliation (fans getting good light and not shading out the center or other buds), and also not on a set interval like day 1 or 20, but when I notice new fans have obstructed the interior or completely shading out side shoots which can be every 3 days, and i have to say I'm really liking growth a lot.

This is being done on some clones I've flowered and harvested at least twice so far.

I've gotten pretty deep into gardening over the years, and I general plants do better with environmental stressers, like cows grazing grass improves growth, and it seems to reason with our limited light penetration from even the best of lights, that the combination of controlled stress from defoliation and the increased light reaching all the buds sites that you'll get better growth, and better doesn't necessarily mean more yield, but better medicine overall

After 60 hours of darkness my leaves are perking up, which leads me to believe that either :I had my new light turned up to 80% and left on for 24 hours a day for a week and my young leaves weren't ready for the intensity; or I had my airros turned up too high.



The control plant. I haven't even been picking the dead leaves off, just letting them fall on their own. What do you think - continue letting them fall or pick them off to get air flow?



This is the clone that will be swazzeed twice, already good leaf growth.


Those things supposedly work really well though. @DoubleAtotheRON speaks very highly of them.
In a 20x30, yes.. they work great, and is worth the money if this is what you do for a living. However, I would not spend that much on a tent grow. I would just drop off the VPD chart towards the end and keep the RH down. But hey, If it makes you feel better and you got that $ burning a hole in your pocket, then go for it. It'll prob clean your house's air too.

4 plants before selective swazzee:

View attachment 5103553


I snipped any leaf with a petiole but it left a lot of Larfy undergrowth,

View attachment 5103560


The control and the lollipop,: (in the back)

View attachment 5103561


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View attachment 5103563


Notice something missing from this picture:

View attachment 5103564

No carbon filter. My AirROS gizmo takes care of powdery mildew and odor.


It looks like you defoliated the two healthiest looking ones. The leaves on those plants are pretty yellow. You really need 4 healthy plants for a side by side like this..