Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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I know. That damn Ant. Saving people's lives and all that. When everyone knows all our biggest problems are due to over population. At least here in Florida the Governor knows what's what. He's doing all he can to reduce the population.

Thanks for skipping the jab. If you don't already, you should take up smoking. Don't the Man tell you that long healthy lives are good. They just hurt our bottom line.

Desantis is the man. The parental rights in education bill is great and I saw he signed a bill giving teachers a 10,000 pay raise.
. . . . . . . . . I saw he signed a bill giving teachers a 10,000 pay raise.
He's on TV just about once a week handing out checks. I think he thinks folks think it's his own money he's giving away. Our stupid density is heavier than average, so you never know what they are thinking. . . . . .
I hate the SOB! He should be hung with piano wire and fed to the Chinese in there wet markets.
hate and bad grammar...they go together, just like republicans and pedophilia....
would you like to elaborate, new sock? or is it enough that you've said something profoundly stupid, and have no real reason besides someone told you to hate him?
why, pray tell, do you hate Dr. Fauci? did he touch you inappropriately? did he slander your momma?
did he recommend that you wear a mask and you didn't want to? did he try to convince you to take a life saving vaccine, instead of not only getting a potentially deadly disease, but acting as an incubator for new strains of that disease that could potentially be much more deadly than the strain it mutated from?...just exactly what did the bad bad Dr. do to you?
just so you socks know, that is Bush giving Fauci the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest honor a civilian in this country can receive, for his tireless and ground breaking work on AIDS research...A republican President gave Fauci the highest honor a civilian can receive...so y'all are hating on a hero, who was declared a hero, by a republican President...
Desantis is the man. The parental rights in education bill is great and I saw he signed a bill giving teachers a 10,000 pay raise.

desantis is full of horseshit, and so is his law...know why Florida is having trouble finding teachers? teachers are usually intelligent, and no intelligent people want to teach in Florida's education system, because they have stupid and repressive laws that make it impossible to teach children the truth...desantis and his buddies want to dictate what can be taught, and they're fucking idiots with no idea of what to teach, when to teach it, or why to teach it...
get rid of desantis and his regressive bullshit, and then Florida might be able to hire some teachers
just so you socks know, that is Bush giving Fauci the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest honor a civilian in this country can receive, for his tireless and ground breaking work on AIDS research...A republican President gave Fauci the highest honor a civilian can receive...so y'all are hating on a hero, who was declared a hero, by a republican President...
Ant and George Sr. teamed up to get a low cost version of the AIDS drug cocktails into Africa, where they saved millions of lives.
that is scary . this page show what happens if you hit an artery by accident .

That's horseshit straight up. Next time don't take vaccines by a junky
Youre not going to hit an artery by getting a shot in the medial deltoid. Aint happenin.
What you can do is if injected to high, ot to low, or off to the side to much, you may hit the axillary nerve, or the radial nerve. But you aint hittin an artery.

Exactly- there are no arteries in the deltoid muscle

It's possible to hit a small blood vessel that would bleed some
Why all the politics? So what about the topic? Has anybody had a bad or lasting affect from the shot. By the way whoever started the deal with getting a shot and hitting a artery think about that when you get any shot! Nurse always pulls back to make sure there not in a vain. Suppose to anyway.
Why all the politics? So what about the topic? Has anybody had a bad or lasting affected from the shot. By the way whoever started the deal with getting a shot and hitting a artery think about that when you get any shot! Nurse always pulls back to make sure there not in a vain. Suppose to anyway.
Why all the politics? Really? We are contentious and bored. This is entertainment.
that is scary . this page show what happens if you hit an artery by accident .

As someone who has cycled a few times in life: this is bullshit. Test Propionate was daily; and I’d rotate L glute/R glute/ L lat/R Lat/L Delt/R Delt to avoid any scarring. You always aspirate, and the delt is just void of anything like this.
I want them to hit an artery. That way I know I'm getting the juice right into my blood. :mrgreen:

I want that vaccine going straight into offensive mode and attacking the front lines.
That is how you risk frantically looking for your car keys until you happen to look in a mirror.