Seed plant shake. Can I infuse olive oil?


Well-Known Member
I'm harvesting some F2s (seeds) and there are "fines" or shake as I have known it to be known as.

I smoked a bit and it isn't the best quality but it was mildly relaxing and not harsh.

What do we think about infusing maybe Olive oil?

I'm willing to buy a new bottle and see about it.
What would I do? Mix the fines in oil, heat and filter?

Worst case I wast the oil and my time I suppose. Best case is I could have a nice salad dressing of oil and vinegar perhaps.

Thanks. It does have a mildly calming and mildly creative-up effect even though it's a faded from what the proper cured bud would be in my opinion.
What do we think about infusing maybe Olive oil?

Try it you'll like it.

Butter is considered a solid fat because it is solid at room temperature and oil is considered a liquid fat because it's liquid at room temperature.

When you cook, solid margarine or butter is not the best choice. Butter is high in saturated fat, which can raise your cholesterol. It can also increase your chance of heart disease. ... Use olive or canola oil instead of butter or margarine.

Which is healthier canola oil or coconut oil?
The unsaturated fats in canola oil provide health benefits, but they're made from long chains of carbon. Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides, which might make it healthier than its fat profile indicates. Medium-chain triglycerides are more easily digested and provide a quick source of energy.

The beauty is YOU get to choose.


I used a "splatter screen" made for frying pans to sift out something like kief.
I have a good packed weed jar for an eighth from the dispensary packed solid.

Coconut oil sounds interesting. I had never heard of using Coconut oil before.

I just googled what temperature and Google said between 120 and 180 degrees F.
add weed and cook 20 minutes.

I'm wondering if I should do less time since it is such a fine powder.
Also it says I can use a slow cooker.

How exciting. I'll need the oil and a thermometer.

I'll try it and see how things go.
The dumb question is the one "we" don't ask.

Love the BORG thing.

That should do it. Thanks everyone.

I used a "splatter screen" made for frying pans to sift out something like kief.
I have a good packed weed jar for an eighth from the dispensary packed solid.

Coconut oil sounds interesting. I had never heard of using Coconut oil before.

I just googled what temperature and Google said between 120 and 180 degrees F.
add weed and cook 20 minutes.

I'm wondering if I should do less time since it is such a fine powder.
Also it says I can use a slow cooker.

How exciting. I'll need the oil and a thermometer.

I'll try it and see how things go.
The dumb question is the one "we" don't ask.

Love the BORG thing.

That should do it. Thanks everyone.
Make sure you decarb first if your only infusing up to 180f, or else the weed wont activate. I infuse and decarb at 250f-280f ish in oil in one step.

A good way to decarb is to put it in a sealed aluminum foil packet in the oven at 280 for 20 ish mins. Or a lower temp for longer. Im making some right now!E10C0E89-DD0C-4C02-A97E-0125B5B57EC0.jpeg
Make sure you decarb first if your only infusing up to 180f, or else the weed wont activate. I infuse and decarb at 250f-280f ish in oil in one step.

A good way to decarb is to put it in a sealed aluminum foil packet in the oven at 280 for 20 ish mins. Or a lower temp for longer. Im making some right now!View attachment 5108045

Even if it is fine powder like Kief? Heat it first?

Wait I skipped part of what you said. Higher Temperature does both. Okay I'll do that.
Did you end up doing this? How did it come out... did it meet/exceed expectations or did it underperform for you?

If you haven't done this kind of thing, or haven't done it in a while, it sometimes takes a bit to nail your best option for decarb and/or your best practices for the infusion process.
Did you end up doing this? How did it come out... did it meet/exceed expectations or did it underperform for you?

If you haven't done this kind of thing, or haven't done it in a while, it sometimes takes a bit to nail your best option for decarb and/or your best practices for the infusion process.

I went with a small double boiler, a metal stem thermometer and a butter mold.

I need to go shopping and get butter.

I decided to use all the low grade kief for one stick. I'll post pictures.

My Birthday is Monday so I have a joint and for breakfast I may have toast with butter and jam.

Thanks for all your help! I have had Canna-butter before but it was really strong. I expect this to be mild which is okay.
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I went with a small double boiler, a metal stem thermometer and a butter mold.

I need to go shopping and get butter.

I decided to use all the low grade kief for one stick. I'll post pictures.

My Birthday is Monday so I have a joint and for breakfast I may have toast with butter and jam.

Thanks for all your help! I have had Canna-butter before but it was really strong. I expect this to be mild which is okay.

Happy birthday!

I had mine a few weeks ago...Mrs. L.E.G. gave me a kitchen gadget that decarbs & infuses, so one of these minutes I need to play more with that.

Depending on how much you like the flavor of cannabis or don't, I had some success by using bud and not breaking it down to keep the chlorophyll to a minimum then also doing a couple additional water baths to remove as much of the scunge as possible.

I'm a bad grower/consumer in that I pretty much use flower for everything and throw out trim. (I know, I know...insert eyeroll here)... We just don't go through what I grow quickly enough, so it just piles up otherwise. And since the experience of growing is more fun for me than the experience of consuming, I'd end up with just piles of jars of cured stuff. I also don't have a lot of 'social' friends that are chill enough for me to give it away, since we're in a state that only recently went legal. My 'trim bag' is literally just flower that was a bit fluffy for my liking.

I've found that I really like making chocolate though. You can do it with Coconut or MCT oil, but way easier to make an alcohol tincture in the freezer, evaporate the alcohol to FECO (Full Extract Canna Oil), and add that to melted chocolate of your choice. Pour it into a mold and let it harden. It's also an easier thing to get a handle on dosing/titration if that's something you care about. Half a piece of chocolate in the evening makes me sleep without issue, one piece gives you some float, then more than that up to the 'can't get out of bed' dosage.
Happy birthday!

I had mine a few weeks ago...Mrs. L.E.G. gave me a kitchen gadget that decarbs & infuses, so one of these minutes I need to play more with that.

Depending on how much you like the flavor of cannabis or don't, I had some success by using bud and not breaking it down to keep the chlorophyll to a minimum then also doing a couple additional water baths to remove as much of the scunge as possible.

I'm a bad grower/consumer in that I pretty much use flower for everything and throw out trim. (I know, I know...insert eyeroll here)... We just don't go through what I grow quickly enough, so it just piles up otherwise. And since the experience of growing is more fun for me than the experience of consuming, I'd end up with just piles of jars of cured stuff. I also don't have a lot of 'social' friends that are chill enough for me to give it away, since we're in a state that only recently went legal. My 'trim bag' is literally just flower that was a bit fluffy for my liking.

I've found that I really like making chocolate though. You can do it with Coconut or MCT oil, but way easier to make an alcohol tincture in the freezer, evaporate the alcohol to FECO (Full Extract Canna Oil), and add that to melted chocolate of your choice. Pour it into a mold and let it harden. It's also an easier thing to get a handle on dosing/titration if that's something you care about. Half a piece of chocolate in the evening makes me sleep without issue, one piece gives you some float, then more than that up to the 'can't get out of bed' dosage.

Sounds good.
Lucky You! I found my old Photos on CD!
The story here is : I just moved from Central Valley California where I lived in a 20 foot trailer for twenty years.
I built a grow box in the back of that trailer in all of a 7 foot by 6 foot back end ( a monument to stoner engineering ) way back like twenty years ago. Back when I looked young, had hair and wasn't as heavy as I am today.

Well, one of the CDs' will not spin up? That is strange. They were in a garden shed and I think heat has effected the CDs. That's sad. I have the negatives. Yes they were from "Disposable Cameras." Those were the Days My Friend ... Pre Cell Phone and before I could afford a digital camera.


It was a way to go. Living on the cheap in a low income trailer park by the freight train line actually saved me come the Great Recession. But too much of anything isn't ideal.

I have a work in progress here. This summer I hope to build out a grow-room someone else started. They put up a hell of a wall on the front porch with hella door.

20220320_154616 - Copy (2).jpg

The first priority was to grow out the F1 seed I made ten years ago. It became too hot in that trailer to grow after just three years. Winter had slipped from October to January. There isn't much of a Winter on the Left Coast these days for those in the Valley.

So, I hope to get some bud to work with in a short time. Those in last picture are the ones I am growing for licensed medical use here in the Great State of Illinois.

Perhaps I too will have excess and wouldn't you know the small double boiler came with Chocolate Molds?

Well I just found those pictures in a box after moving to Illinois. I thought I had lost them.

So birthday. I should have a nice 420 day.
The Kief smoked like hitting a balloon off of vape! I will be checking on that once I have some extras. It might make some nice whatever it's called these days.. Hash? If it is even better than the seed-shake kief it would be "Blond"
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Sounds good.
Lucky You! I found my old Photos on CD!
The story here is : I just moved from Central Valley California where I lived in a 20 foot trailer for twenty years.
I built a grow box in the back of that trailer in all of a 7 foot by 6 foot back end ( a monument to stoner engineering ) way back like twenty years ago. Back when I looked young, had hair and wasn't as heavy as I am today.

Well, one of the CDs' will not spin up? That is strange. They were in a garden shed and I think heat has effected the CDs. That's sad. I have the negatives. Yes they were from "Disposable Cameras." Those were the Days My Friend ... Pre Cell Phone and before I could afford a digital camera.

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It was a way to go. Living on the cheap in a low income trailer park by the freight train line actually saved me come the Great Recession. But too much of anything isn't ideal.

I have a work in progress here. This summer I hope to build out a grow-room someone else started. They put up a hell of a wall on the front porch with hella door.

View attachment 5110649

The first priority was to grow out the F1 seed I made ten years ago. It became too hot in that trailer to grow after just three years. Winter had slipped from October to January. There isn't much of a Winter on the Left Coast these days for those in the Valley.

So, I hope to get some bud to work with in a short time. Those in last picture are the ones I am growing for licensed medical use here in the Great State of Illinois.

Perhaps I too will have excess and wouldn't you know the small double boiler came with Chocolate Molds?

Well I just found those pictures in a box after moving to Illinois. I thought I had lost them.

So birthday. I should have a nice 420 day.
The Kief smoked like hitting a balloon off of vape! I will be checking on that once I have some extras. It might make some nice whatever it's called these days.. Hash? If it is even better than the seed-shake kief it would be "Blond"

Cool! Nice DIY style build outs. Glad you have enough viable seed to work with from your previous setup. Until we bought/owned a house, I just didn't have the space or situation to do any growing...though I spent a good amount of time on the road as a musician, and really didn't need to grow or buy anything, especially once states started to go legal...people would either provide it in our hospitality for shows, or fans would come up and just give us stuff!

Now that we have a place (and I'm off the road) , I can at least have a tent-space hidden away at home. And while not technically legal to grow here in NYS yet, the risk of any serious anything with a few plants in a tent is probably pretty low anyway. But again, I'm the 'least expected grower' for a reason. My co-workers, family, friends & neighbors would have not a single thought that I'd be growing.

I don't 'smoke' at all these days, I had a run-in with viral pneumonia a while back that left me with some damage that amounts to asthma...and I had a close family member who died from being a long-time heavy (non-cannabis) smoker and that was a grim enough thing to really make me not want to chance that. I do have a vape (Pax 2), and I've been making lots of things to eat. Half a piece of chocolate helps me sleep and stay asleep and not have weirdo late night anxiety. A whole piece of chocolate makes me nicely chill and all...and 1.5 pieces gives me the full body tingle thing and a pretty reasonable high. The Pax is great for more short term traditional use.
Cool! Nice DIY style build outs. Glad you have enough viable seed to work with from your previous setup. Until we bought/owned a house, I just didn't have the space or situation to do any growing...though I spent a good amount of time on the road as a musician, and really didn't need to grow or buy anything, especially once states started to go legal...people would either provide it in our hospitality for shows, or fans would come up and just give us stuff!

Now that we have a place (and I'm off the road) , I can at least have a tent-space hidden away at home. And while not technically legal to grow here in NYS yet, the risk of any serious anything with a few plants in a tent is probably pretty low anyway. But again, I'm the 'least expected grower' for a reason. My co-workers, family, friends & neighbors would have not a single thought that I'd be growing.

I don't 'smoke' at all these days, I had a run-in with viral pneumonia a while back that left me with some damage that amounts to asthma...and I had a close family member who died from being a long-time heavy (non-cannabis) smoker and that was a grim enough thing to really make me not want to chance that. I do have a vape (Pax 2), and I've been making lots of things to eat. Half a piece of chocolate helps me sleep and stay asleep and not have weirdo late night anxiety. A whole piece of chocolate makes me nicely chill and all...and 1.5 pieces gives me the full body tingle thing and a pretty reasonable high. The Pax is great for more short term traditional use.

Oh, I totally understand on the no room for growing. It's a privilege to have the freedom to grow. I sure wish the whole country legalizes again and we simply do as Europe and just move on about it but in the USA we seem to go back an re-fight our wars political and otherwise time after time.

Hey, it's good you are doing okay on the lungs front. I too have been treated for pneumonia recently. Just had a CAT scan for spots on the lungs. I have a long term cough. Could be from being a production welder all those many years.

I want to thank you and all who posted replies. I had half a clue about using what I was thinking was just almost worthless sift from those seed plants. It turned out better than I thought it would.

Okay, it went well. I followed the wisdom of everything I read here and also some online articles. I had fun taking pictures yesterday.
Decarboxylating was done in my trusty Black and Decker toaster oven with a temperature probe through the door crack. Adjusting the temperature was a matter of thermometer and nose. It's roasting the keif like I have seen Coffee beans roasted. There is an amount of time and heat. There is also knowing when the smell is just right too in my opinion. So a little tricky in the toaster oven but it can work great if you watch it closely. The house smells like the 1960s I remember. I should have gotten out the Jefferson Airplane and White Rabbit.

Cannabutter :


There is an economy of consumption that must be observed at work here.
The mold ended up spilling a bit when it was put in the freezer when the door closed on it.
I sampled some of the hardened spill butter. It had to be done.

On a five point scale and using the "Gilligan's Island" scale of one to five where a "Three Hour Tour" is rather good, I give this a Five Hour Tour rating.
I could have made four sticks. What do ya know... sift from what almost was composted along with the rest of the plant material put to use. Not bad.

To recap : I sifted keif through a "grease spatter screen" then decarboxylated in a toaster oven watching the time ( 40 min max ) and temperature ( about 240 F ). The butter was melted in a double boiler and the keif was mixed in. Three hours of simmering at 150 F later the mix was filtered through a splatter screen again, filling the butter molds.
Off to the freezer and now actually thinking about making chocolates with the other molds that came with that cannabutter mold set.


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Oh, I totally understand on the no room for growing. It's a privilege to have the freedom to grow. I sure wish the whole country legalizes again and we simply do as Europe and just move on about it but in the USA we seem to go back an re-fight our wars political and otherwise time after time.

Hey, it's good you are doing okay on the lungs front. I too have been treated for pneumonia recently. Just had a CAT scan for spots on the lungs. I have a long term cough. Could be from being a production welder all those many years.

I want to thank you and all who posted replies. I had half a clue about using what I was thinking was just almost worthless sift from those seed plants. It turned out better than I thought it would.

Okay, it went well. I followed the wisdom of everything I read here and also some online articles. I had fun taking pictures yesterday.
Decarboxylating was done in my trusty Black and Decker toaster oven with a temperature probe through the door crack. Adjusting the temperature was a matter of thermometer and nose. It's roasting the keif like I have seen Coffee beans roasted. There is an amount of time and heat. There is also knowing when the smell is just right too in my opinion. So a little tricky in the toaster oven but it can work great if you watch it closely. The house smells like the 1960s I remember. I should have gotten out the Jefferson Airplane and White Rabbit.

Cannabutter :

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There is an economy of consumption that must be observed at work here.
The mold ended up spilling a bit when it was put in the freezer when the door closed on it.
I sampled some of the hardened spill butter. It had to be done.

On a five point scale and using the "Gilligan's Island" scale of one to five where a "Three Hour Tour" is rather good, I give this a Five Hour Tour rating.
I could have made four sticks. What do ya know... sift from what almost was composted along with the rest of the plant material put to use. Not bad.

To recap : I sifted keif through a "grease spatter screen" then decarboxylated in a toaster oven watching the time ( 40 min max ) and temperature ( about 240 F ). The butter was melted in a double boiler and the keif was mixed in. Three hours of simmering at 150 F later the mix was filtered through a splatter screen again, filling the butter molds.
Off to the freezer and now actually thinking about making chocolates with the other molds that came with that cannabutter mold set.

Excellent work! If you wished to de-green it further, water is the way to go. In my case I did it this way:

-filter the butter (as you did) but into a few ball jars, and add water to the jars too (about half and half or so). Keep it warm enough that the butter remains melted and shake the jars up. I did it for an hour or so, with multiple shakes along the way. Then chill the whole thing and once the butter is solid, pour off the water (you may need to poke a hole in the butter to get it to drain) and with the water will go a bunch of the chlorophyll and 'junk'. Then the butter again and put it in the molds, or re-water rinse it.

Though yours is strong, you can just cut it with regular butter when you use it for whatever dosage you want.

Chocolate was easier than butter.

I got 198 proof vodka did a 'golden dragon' tincture by getting the vodka & the decarbed cannabis both at -5f degrees, combine in a jar, agitate a bit across an hour or two, filter out the solids again and evaporate out the alcohol down to about tablespoon or two. I just let mine sit for a few weeks though you can heat it and get it reduced quicker. I decarbed my cannabis whole, so there was less chance for the chlorophyll to join the party.

Melt whatever chocolate you like in a double boiler, etc. and add the tincture, mix well and mold. If you're feeling fancy, temper the chocolate before molding.
Thanks on the complement. As they say there is always room for improvement. Like plan ahead for proper room in the freezer. DOH!
And also thank you on the Happy Birthday, from the other day. Today is the day. I remember my birthday, for when I was seven years old and; Dr. King had just been assassinated. Sad thing to share on one's birthday except it doesn't hurt anyone to remember. Remember forever.

I'm trying out PB&J (+CB) sandwich with diluted canna-butter on toast
If you like the crunchy of crunchy peanut butter, the butter thins the sticky part of the crunchy peanut butter a little. Crunchy toast and peanut crunch.
I spread the butter on hot toast first with peanut butter applied after. Then "Jelly, Jam or Preserves" to your liking is applied to the other toast.
Put the two together and there is the algorithm. I've been coding like old times. Effect is up-productive at least for me. Medical Strain survives.

On the Preserves, I Went with Strawberry.
Also I'm happy I made use of what I was going to compost.
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Thanks on the complement. As they say there is always room for improvement. Like plan ahead for proper room in the freezer. DOH!
And also thank you on the Happy Birthday, from the other day. Today is the day. I remember my birthday, for when I was seven years old and; Dr. King had just been assassinated. Sad thing to share on one's birthday except it doesn't hurt anyone to remember. Remember forever.

I'm trying out PB&J (+CB) sandwich with diluted canna-butter on toast
If you like the crunchy of crunchy peanut butter, the butter thins the sticky part of the crunchy peanut butter a little. Crunchy toast and peanut crunch.
I spread the butter on hot toast first with peanut butter applied after. Then "Jelly, Jam or Preserves" to your liking is applied to the other toast.
Put the two together and there is the algorithm. I've been coding like old times. Effect is up-productive at least for me. Medical Strain survives.

On the Preserves, I Went with Strawberry.
Also I'm happy I made use of what I was going to compost.

Too bad that you have to share your birthday with a serious date of infamy, but I guess the positive is thinking of all the good things that Dr. King did in his lifetime and having some personal connection to that legacy.

You could double up with some peanut & THC honey sandwiches. ;) People in this forum know that's sort of what got me started in the food/cannabis area. You can make an easy 2-ingredient honey with just decarb & honey. Though on paper it seems like it shouldn't work since there's no fat or alcohol involved. I found that decarbing buds whole then leave them whole and heat the honey and shake the jar regularly does work. You can retain the honey's viscosity and texture and it totally works. I've also done it with Honey, decarb, a little bit of coconut oil & a bit of lecithin. You get a bit more out of your cannabis that way, but the texture is a bit different than regular honey.

I haven't tried screwing with Strawberry jam yet...Yet...I do love making it in season so I bet it's also a do-able thing .
Honey and Canna-butter sounds good. I put honey and butter in my oatmeal too.
I find the "next day" after consuming to be the best benefit-wise from consuming wise.
I felt so relaxed this morning. The air was cool and fresh and I did some shopping. Happy Happy Happy...

Funny you mention honey because I was supposed to make Cornish game hen with stuffing yesterday.
Since I haven't hooked up the gas stove yet because of other projects that need to be done first I am cooking the hen in the toaster oven.
Today I will coat the hen in honey and Canna-Butter mix for a glaze after it's core heats up and the stuffing is hot.
I mixed a couple of heals of stone ground wheat bread, a fruit-cup of peaches, 5 grapes, 12 blueberries, 1 cup cooked rice, mozzarella and parmigiana. It tastes ghood all by itself. I find I like fruit stuffing in my Cornish Hens.

So that's today. Yesterday I had a not so small chunk of the spill butter bits and that carried me to the Peanut Butter and Strawberry Preserves sandwich which took me the rest of the way through the night.

No trip to the dispensary!

@LeastExpectedGrower Have you made Lasagna with Cannabis?
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