Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Okay, so every day I come here and now I have to see who's on line. Well not who but how many. All the content on this site is driven by 100 to 130 users at any given time. That's a lot of gas from one pump. And so many more 'visitors' than members. Am I weird to even think about this? Yeah, so? bongsmilie bongsmiliebongsmilie



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Okay, so every day I come here and now I have to see who's on line. Well not who but how many. All the content on this site is driven by 100 to 130 users at any given time. That's a lot of gas from one pump. And so many more 'visitors' than members. Am I weird to even think about this? Yeah, so? bongsmilie bongsmiliebongsmilie

View attachment 5113978
You can set your privacy filter not to show online status. So there's a lot more people out there then you can see.
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Well-Known Member
Well Morning everyone....i see everyone is nice and chipper this morning....good to know...

woke up this morning to a 49F not bad after yesterday morning.......high today 81F with wind and sunny.....

just started a fresh pot......warm ups a coming...

now to get some breakfast in me.......yum

side note, what the heck are you in the corn part of the garden....hmmm

tomatoes are fine, up potting them this weekend prolly