What did you accomplish today?

In a continuation of my tiller drama I have been searching for one that doesn't use belts as the drive mechanism. I guess it is cheaper to build them with that configuration because all of the less expensive models use it. Less meaning $800 or so. I also have to find one that the California smog gestapo have signed off on. I did find one that has an actual gear drive transmission, however it runs about $1100. I guess you get what you pay for, and since it is a Troy Built model the resale on it should be good when i get to the point that I can no longer use it. I guess I could get a little trailer and do tilling for some extra money.
In a continuation of my tiller drama I have been searching for one that doesn't use belts as the drive mechanism. I guess it is cheaper to build them with that configuration because all of the less expensive models use it. Less meaning $800 or so. I also have to find one that the California smog gestapo have signed off on. I did find one that has an actual gear drive transmission, however it runs about $1100. I guess you get what you pay for, and since it is a Troy Built model the resale on it should be good when i get to the point that I can no longer use it. I guess I could get a little trailer and do tilling for some extra money.
I’m working on my old tiller today as well, I just lost the little s hook that goes between the carb and the linkage. It’s in the gravel driveway somewhere:wall::wall::wall::wall:
I’m hoping it’s magnetic but I doubt it.
had some quality time with my dad, hes not got his head around the CBD aspect of my growing, , he thinks im part of the skunk crown who have a bad name here in the uk. they blame all cannabis related crime, illness on the skunk strain.
so we got all the recycling out the way, 4 car loads and we stll have the metal to take to the scrap yard, its amazing how much copper you can scrounge out of peoples skips as well as usefull bits n piecies you get too.
so yeah. i spent the time with my 8oyr old dad whos getting past it.
he had a blader infction that hospitalised hm and he says he feels past it after. realy sad as de =used to be full of beans before it
In a continuation of my tiller drama I have been searching for one that doesn't use belts as the drive mechanism. I guess it is cheaper to build them with that configuration because all of the less expensive models use it. Less meaning $800 or so. I also have to find one that the California smog gestapo have signed off on. I did find one that has an actual gear drive transmission, however it runs about $1100. I guess you get what you pay for, and since it is a Troy Built model the resale on it should be good when i get to the point that I can no longer use it. I guess I could get a little trailer and do tilling for some extra money.

No till gardening is pretty popular these days and gives great results. It doesn't disrupt the soil ecosystem.
Wrecken how many stamps it would take to send that by mail.
i just put my gretswch guitar in for repair too, i dred how much thats going to cost. the jack plug came out and needs putting back in. should have tightened it up, but i was stoned and playing up a storm with my new flatley poison ive fuzz pedal and plain forgot about it lol


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No till gardening is pretty popular these days and gives great results. It doesn't disrupt the soil ecosystem.
that all good n well intill you have 7 1/2 acres to play with. were only just starting to use our aceridge , weve let the sheep farmer use it, in exchange for his cutting our over grown track sides down once a year, we have a faily healthy crop of brambles growing up its sides.
as for our tiller, weve not used in in all the years weve owned the property too. im sure it needs a good seeing to after standing idal for all these years. .
but seeing baby lambs on our fields is woth it, there so playdull and full of life, jumping and playing the days away. its only just started lambing season too, bu we have 3 arge fields of them
that all good n well intill you have 7 1/2 acres to play with. were only just starting to use our aceridge , weve let the sheep farmer use it, in exchange for his cutting our over grown track sides down once a year, we have a faily healthy crop of brambles growing up its sides.
as for our tiller, weve not used in in all the years weve owned the property too. im sure it needs a good seeing to after standing idal for all these years. .
but seeing baby lambs on our fields is woth it, there so playdull and full of life, jumping and playing the days away. its only just started lambing season too, bu we have 3 arge fields of them

They do no-till on large scale farms. It's becoming more common. It saves money from less fuel and fertilizer use and improves the soil health.

They do no-till on large scale farms. It's becoming more common. It saves money from less fuel and fertilizer use and improves the soil health.

i totaly agree with the no tilling farming, mum wants to till it for some reason, probably because of the toll it would take on her and dad, they are 80 now. im suprised at mums decision though, she probably wants to get her moneys wort out of it after paying out for it lol
Just rent one. $100 a day .....
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About an 80 mile round trip to pick one up, use it, and take it back, at least twice a year. They don't rent stuff at the Lincoln one. Not sure if they have a trailer to use with it either, I'm not picking it up to put it into my truck...
About an 80 mile round trip to pick one up, use it, and take it back, at least twice a year. They don't rent stuff at the Lincoln one. Not sure if they have a trailer to use with it either, I'm not picking it up to put it into my truck...
I bought the crew one of these mini tillers. Super light weight and they can till right in the smart pot. You might look at one of these...