Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
I’m going back to work next week, part time. I’m lucky I’m in a situation where I didn’t have to work but after 2 years, I’m ready to move on and start making a contribution to society again.

Im not happy that Ford lifted mask mandates but I can still be safe. Since I’m going to be inside most of the time, I told my boss I will be wearing a mask even though their policy has changed. When I was asked why I intend to wear one when the government lifted all restrictions, I told them that I take my medical advise from doctors and scientists, not high school dropouts like Doug Ford.

so, we’ll see how it goes but if I get any slack for wearing a mask, I’ll walk.


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Well-Known Member
I’m going back to work next week, part time. I’m lucky I’m in a situation where I didn’t have to work but after 2 years, I’m ready to move on and start making a contribution to society again.

Im not happy that Ford lifted mask mandates but I can still be safe. Since I’m going to be inside most of the time, I told my boss I will be wearing a mask even though their policy has changed. When I was asked why I intend to wear one when the government lifted all restrictions, I told them that I take my medical advise from doctors and scientists, not high school dropouts like Doug Ford.

so, we’ll see how it goes but if I get any slack for wearing a mask, I’ll walk.
Ya should have told them, because I care about myself and the health and safety of others. I wear because I care and believe in science and common sense. Some might be done with covid, but covid ain't done with us yet.


Well-Known Member
i can't say i blame them, after two years of banging their heads against the wall of stupidity that trump built, two years of derision from morons on television, radio, and in congress, two years of death threats from retarded redneck morons and their karen wives, two years of whining like fucking spoiled, shitty, entitled children...i would have said "Fuck you all, do what the fuck ever you want." after a couple of weeks of that shit
Unlike most of those anti-mask, anti-science assholes who are part of the majority that are unwilling to take precautions for the sake of others, such as wearing a cloth mask when in an enclosed public space, I support majority rule. The majority will not wear masks any more. They want things back the way they were. Well, they can't have that, Covid will be with us from now on. But they can refuse to follow safety guidelines that make it possible for everybody to enjoy life outside their home. They can vote out politicians who side with the principles of equity, not just equality.

There are valid reasons for doing this. Omicron blasted through many of safety guidelines to infect people who were following them. Why follow a guideline that isn't very effective? Also, trying to keep those precautions in place were going to give Republicans more seats in government. They might even win control of all three centers of power in DC and we have seen what they will do if that happens. Politicians making reasonable decisions that give people what they demand is democracy in action.

So, there it is. I accept the majority's decision and am moving on. Everybody will eventually contract a coronavirus infection. One can delay that moment by taking their own precautions. Research is under way to address long Covid. So, delaying the event of one's own infection by coronavirus along with getting boosters when recommended to protect against disease is a good strategy. It's all up to the individual and luck now.


Ursus marijanus
Unlike most of those anti-mask, anti-science assholes who are part of the majority that are unwilling to take precautions for the sake of others, such as wearing a cloth mask when in an enclosed public space, I support majority rule. The majority will not wear masks any more. They want things back the way they were. Well, they can't have that, Covid will be with us from now on. But they can refuse to follow safety guidelines that make it possible for everybody to enjoy life outside their home. They can vote out politicians who side with the principles of equity, not just equality.

There are valid reasons for doing this. Omicron blasted through many of safety guidelines to infect people who were following them. Why follow a guideline that isn't very effective? Also, trying to keep those precautions in place were going to give Republicans more seats in government. They might even win control of all three centers of power in DC and we have seen what they will do if that happens. Politicians making reasonable decisions that give people what they demand is democracy in action.

So, there it is. I accept the majority's decision and am moving on. Everybody will eventually contract a coronavirus infection. One can delay that moment by taking their own precautions. Research is under way to address long Covid. So, delaying the event of one's own infection by coronavirus along with getting boosters when recommended to protect against disease is a good strategy. It's all up to the individual and luck now.
If a guideline provides even some protection from this pathogen, and it is merely inconvenient, such as wearing a mask, I’m doing it. Majority rule has something of the appeal to popularity about it. The mask I wear is an emblem of a sort of compassion. I don’t know you, stranger, but I am looking out for your welfare.


Well-Known Member
While I do live in a reasonably intelligent community I was surprised at all the people wearing masks in the grocery store today. Yes there were a good portion not but they could have gotten the last strain and are in no danger to themselves or others. Of course there would be the don't give a shit crowd but all in all I was reasonably impressed. Mind you, these might be the brighter of the lot trying to get ahead of grocery buying for the blizzard that is coming. It was pretty busy for a Monday and those getting prepared might be the same kind of people who try to act responsibly.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
While I do live in a reasonably intelligent community I was surprised at all the people wearing masks in the grocery store today. Yes there were a good portion not but they could have gotten the last strain and are in no danger to themselves or others. Of course there would be the don't give a shit crowd but all in all I was reasonably impressed. Mind you, these might be the brighter of the lot trying to get ahead of grocery buying for the blizzard that is coming. It was pretty busy for a Monday and those getting prepared might be the same kind of people who try to act responsibly.
It’s about 2/3rds it seems that are still wearing masks around here and cases seem to be exploding but mild for the most part with just cold like symptoms. Booked my booster shot yesterday be it good or bad :o!


Well-Known Member
Child Covid: big multi-hospital study shows nearly 1 in 100 kids admitted had a stroke, 1 in 90 has a heart attack and 1 in 12 has a seizure: disturbing neurological manifestations found in children—nearly 1 in 2 went to ICU—1 in 100 died & this is PRE-OMICRON.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Child Covid: big multi-hospital study shows nearly 1 in 100 kids admitted had a stroke, 1 in 90 has a heart attack and 1 in 12 has a seizure: disturbing neurological manifestations found in children—nearly 1 in 2 went to ICU—1 in 100 died & this is PRE-OMICRON.
Do you have a link to this study?
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