Second exhaust fan died in under a year , best option to fix this or stop it from happening??

One advantage to the AC Infinity fans is that they use brushless EC motors. They get quieter as the speed is reduced as opposed to an old-school motor controller which works by quickly cutting power to control speed which actually trades wind noise for motor noise.
That's only with cheap frequency controllers a variac/hybrid controller is silent 0/100%.
I've never understood why the manufactures and users of exhaust fans and filters are so hell bent and bound to do it wrong. Always set up your exhaust fan to blow into the carbon filter. Never,, ever suck through it. You put any filter or device on the suction side of the blower and you completely destroy the fans performance. All specs manufactures supply is of the exhaust fan unit with no filter attached to it at all. I was a manufactures rep for 20 years in the pump, blower, chiller, boiler, controls industry. Mathematically there is no difference between a pump and blower/exhaust fan. The only difference is the viscosity of the fluid that is moved. And fluid is moved by differential pressure. There is a massive pressure drop across a carbon filter. When you put that pressure drop on the suction side of the fan. It's the same as putting a piece of cardboard over the intake and blocking 40% of the intake opening. CFM plummets and the ability for the fan to make pressure drops like a rock. This also causes the air to slow down around the motor thus inducing heat rise in the motor and increasing bearing wear. The fan will get a bit more dirty quicker but you will also find out the fan will be much easier to clean and service. I've switched all the old big and heavy end suction heavy end suction blowers out for AC Infinity 6" units. The wife sews one end of the prefilter closed turning it into a bag filter. I then put the bag filter inside the carbon filter. Pull the open end of the bag through the slip flange and insert the fans discharge slip flange in. A couple of taps and it's sealed up. Cut a short lenght of 6" flex duct and put it on the intake side of the fan. Toss the unit up on the top of the tent and run the flex duck into the tent. The only pressure drop the fan see's is the tent. Putting the filter on the discharge side is called inducing head. That will back us up on the fan curve. But it allows the fan blade/impleller to remain loaded properly and the pressure created helps to over come some of the cfm loss.
Are you saying that a fan doesn't loose pressure or less pressure because the filter is on the other side of the fan?

Sucking or blowing wouldn't the pressure be the same?
The thing is that they're targeting the grower with a small tent that would be better off if they worried more about knowing how to water a plant than some new gadgets that allow them to access their fan remotely while in bed in the other room.

Many skip the most important part of growing which is the plant and focus too much on all this tech stuff. Stick a seed in some dirt, give it water, let it grow, harvest when done.

Those fans do absolutely nothing more than other fans. They just have these "Cool" features.

Just like Spinner rims don't make a rig drive any better it's just bling.

Can't agree more. I've got a few mates with overpriced gorilla tents, ac fan setups with wifi controllers, $1000 lights, full NFT, DWC or autofed coco setups and they still cant manage to feed or water their plants properly or get to harvest without it looking like someones poured bleach all over the plant. Meanwhile i started in a $30 tent with some LED globes from a local supermarket and managed to get twice their biggest yield on my first indoor plant. They forked out the big money but couldn't research DLI, environment, strain, medium or watering. It's a fascinating outlook.
Can't agree more. I've got a few mates with overpriced gorilla tents, ac fan setups with wifi controllers, $1000 lights, full NFT, DWC or autofed coco setups and they still cant manage to feed or water their plants properly or get to harvest without it looking like someones poured bleach all over the plant. Meanwhile i started in a $30 tent with some LED globes from a local supermarket and managed to get twice their biggest yield on my first indoor plant. They forked out the big money but couldn't research DLI, environment, medium or watering. It's a fascinating outlook.
Why do you say the Gorilla's are overpriced. Have you tried them?
sorry havent read the thread but i have to say i’ve been using the same soler palau inline fan for 5 years now and its been running 24/7 365 days almost. its a bigger model ran at a lower speed (2 speed motor) silent and reliable. omg i hope i havent just jinxed it :)
Why do you say the Gorilla's are overpriced. Have you tried them?
yes. ive tried them. Borrowed one for three weeks when i was waiting on my second tent. Had two plants side by side, one in a $30 tent, one in a Gorilla tent, there was no difference for an amateur like me. It's just an enclosure for me as i grow small autos. I could see the taller and more adjustable tents would come in handy for people growing bigger photos or stretchier strains, but at the end of the day its a simple square/rectangular enclosure in my case.

i don't open or abuse them enough for the higher quality zipping and fabric to be any benefit. I can't justify paying 5 times the price for features a small scale grower like me won't benefit from. It's not like the extra cost is going to somehow make my plant grow any better. Got my last 70x70x160 for $28 from kogan and it does the same job.

A gorilla tent won't make up for bad growing techniques was my main point. The plant doesn't know the tent cost five times more, only you do. Put it this way, i could buy six or seven 120x120x200 grow tents off kogan for the price of a single gorilla 4x4 here. It's probs just the aussie market tho.
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