Boveda humidity pack


Well-Known Member
So imma have a large outdoor harvest this year if things go good could I just wet trim dry till snap but not break and toss in a mason witha 62% boveda and it’ll cure? Never used them before


Well-Known Member
best bet is to buy a hygro as padawan stated. Dry the buds then put them in a jar and watch the humidity. If its creeping up, open the lid and let dry air in (burping) until the humidty lowers. Once the humidity in the jar stabilizes a few percent either side of 60%, you whack the bovedas in for safe curing and store them in a dark location.

Hygrometers are invaluable.


Well-Known Member
best bet is to buy a hygro as padawan stated. Dry the buds then put them in a jar and watch the humidity. If its creeping up, open the lid and let dry air in (burping) until the humidty lowers. Once the humidity in the jar stabilizes a few percent either side of 60%, you whack the bovedas in for safe curing and store them in a dark location.

Hygrometers are invaluable.
Yea so nothing new Ight thanks


Well-Known Member
I dry mine until they are in range and use the packs to fine tune and stabilize the moisture level. They will dehydrate the buds down to 62%, but it takes a lot longer than hydrating them. I only use a hygrometer at the very end to see if they are locked into 62%, but they aren't necessary. I've never burped anything. I usually do a QP to a 1/2 at a time using twenty packs.


Well-Known Member
I've run upwards of 100lbs through them over the years, and you're just wrong.
I've also had good results myself with boveda. However i have only put about 3lbs through them. Had a qp in each jar last time, forgot about one, and it ended up smelling grassy after a few months, whereas the boved jar still had a pungent gas and pine smell. Could just be placebo though.