Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Why all the politics? So what about the topic? Has anybody had a bad or lasting affect from the shot. By the way whoever started the deal with getting a shot and hitting a artery think about that when you get any shot! Nurse always pulls back to make sure there not in a vain. Suppose to anyway.
Wrong. Nurses pull back to make sure they are In a vein when placing an IV or drawing blood. The vaccine shots are done intramuscular. There are also shots done intradermally. Arteries are deep and hard to hit. I assume it’s incredibly painful to hit an artery because the needle will have to go at like a 45 degree angle or something and penetrate super
Deep. I can always see or feel the vein before I place an IV in or I don’t stick the needle in. With an artery you can’t see it , it’s so deep ….you need an ultrasound machine to find it.
Ive had covid twice now and it wasn’t anything worse than a bad cold for me, I know some people aren’t as fortunate so I totally get why people will take it. My dad took the vaccine and was 10x worse in the following week than when he actually had covid. So I won’t be taking it.

there’s also a lot of cases of blood clots in adults that have had the jab

I really wanna go get some super silver haze hash from boerejongens in Amsterdam but they won’t let my wife into Amsterdam without a vaccine or proof of recovery, she didn’t get a pcr test when we both had the virus, I did and apparently I can use those test results as proof of recovery.

but as far as people saying that the shots are hitting arteries I call bs. The only artery it could possibly hit from an intramuscular deltoid shot would be the anterior numeral circumflex artery which sits close to the bone and only wraps horizontally around the top of the arm, and this would have to be on someone with an absurdly thin upper arm with a long needle, something longer than they use for deltoid intramuscular shots.
That is how you risk frantically looking for your car keys until you happen to look in a mirror.

Car Keys? I'm already running down the street screaming incoherently. Covid! Covid! Covid!

I'll likely get the additional booster when it's convenient but I'm moving on. I've been to a concert at the Moda Center and didn't wear a mask. I tested negative 5 days later.

Time to get back to living. Covid isn't going away. But it's nothing like it was when it first surfaced.
Car Keys? I'm already running down the street screaming incoherently. Covid! Covid! Covid!

I'll likely get the additional booster when it's convenient but I'm moving on. I've been to a concert at the Moda Center and didn't wear a mask. I tested negative 5 days later.

Time to get back to living. Covid isn't going away. But it's nothing like it was when it first surfaced.
I’m still distancing. I’m gonna get my #4 next month.
Car Keys? I'm already running down the street screaming incoherently. Covid! Covid! Covid!

I'll likely get the additional booster when it's convenient but I'm moving on. I've been to a concert at the Moda Center and didn't wear a mask. I tested negative 5 days later.

Time to get back to living. Covid isn't going away. But it's nothing like it was when it first surfaced.
I haven't been infected yet. I'll stick with what is working for me. I agree with you that it's time to be out and about. There isn't much risk right now in Oregon. An N95 mask isn't a big deal. I don't understand why one would go into a large indoor event without one but I don't care if people do. I'll wear one.

I have a funeral to attend in Florida, so I'm getting boosted as soon as possible.
Hey doc, how many is “a lot of cases”?
Unfortunately we’ll never know the true number due to the fact that different agencies in different countries have different specifications when it comes to determining what I’ll effects can and can’t be attributed to various vaccines. Some of these countries and agencies have a lot of influence on the media where as others have hardly any. And more often than not the agency with the media influence will be seen as the agency with the greatest knowledge and most trustworthy information which causes all sorts of problems when it comes to transparency of information. Often when an agency or organisation are paying for the very networks that are relaying the information to us you find alot of censorship of conflicting information.

there are cases that might be considered not to be attributed to the vaccine by one agency in one country, but the same case reported to another agency in another country might be considered to be I’ll effects of the vaccine. I guess it depends where you sit, how much u trust the media and also what networks you have available to you.

not trying to dodge the question but it’s really one that can’t be answered correctly. That’s why I just said a lot.
It comes to something when the worlds leading minds on virology and anthropology are pushed aside in favour of these “celebrity doctors” that have vested interests and get paid huge amounts of money for pushing one treatment over another. Show me a celebrity doctor who’s paid for speaking on tv and I’ll show you the doctors I don’t trust.
It comes to something when the worlds leading minds on virology and anthropology are pushed aside in favour of these “celebrity doctors” that have vested interests and get paid huge amounts of money for pushing one treatment over another. Show me a celebrity doctor who’s paid for speaking on tv and I’ll show you the doctors I don’t trust.
Which leading minds are being pushed aside? Or are we supposed to just take your word for it like the vaccine side effects bullshit.
Hey doc, how many is “a lot of cases”?
you beat me to it.

With tens of millions of people vaccinated, the raw numbers might seem to be "a lot". If "a lot" of blood clots are found in vaccinated than a super dee dooper number are found among the unvaccinated who get infected.

For the technically challenged,

"super dee dooper" is a much much greater amount than "a lot"

For those who can understand technical detail,

8.1 people per million vaccinated may develop blood clots after vaccination with Astra-zenica vaccine and the rate is lower for those vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.

The risk increases to about 80 per million for people who get Covid. Vaccination cuts the risk of sever Covid by 2/3.

Bottom line: @Blue brother is at best, confused and at worst a lying sack of shit.
Unfortunately we’ll never know the true number due to the fact that different agencies in different countries have different specifications when it comes to determining what I’ll effects can and can’t be attributed to various vaccines. Some of these countries and agencies have a lot of influence on the media where as others have hardly any. And more often than not the agency with the media influence will be seen as the agency with the greatest knowledge and most trustworthy information which causes all sorts of problems when it comes to transparency of information. Often when an agency or organisation are paying for the very networks that are relaying the information to us you find alot of censorship of conflicting information.

there are cases that might be considered not to be attributed to the vaccine by one agency in one country, but the same case reported to another agency in another country might be considered to be I’ll effects of the vaccine. I guess it depends where you sit, how much u trust the media and also what networks you have available to you.

not trying to dodge the question but it’s really one that can’t be answered correctly. That’s why I just said a lot.
^^This poor work of logic is very common among the mundane. It is called "arguing from ignorance". Also false. We do know that vaccines protect people from severe illness. We do know that the covid vaccines do not cause anything near the risk of illness that a SARS-2 coronavirus infection causes. You are not only wrong when you say "we will never know" you are showing your lack of initiative to find out. If I were a lesser person, I'd call you an ignorant lazy ass.
Which leading minds are being pushed aside? Or are we supposed to just take your word for it like the vaccine side effects bullshit.
Why are you asking me questions that require 10 page replies. If they’re being pushed aside then I can’t possibly know them all. Are you just looking for an argument. Here’s one Jesse d bloom. And as for the vaccine side effects being bullshit, do I need to just report one case that most agencies agree to be caused by the vaccine to prove my point ? Because AstraZeneca actually mention it throughout the controlled western media?
you beat me to it.

With tens of millions of people vaccinated, the raw numbers might seem to be "a lot". If "a lot" of blood clots are found in vaccinated than a super dee dooper number are found among the unvaccinated who get infected.

For the technically challenged,

"super dee dooper" is a much much greater amount than "a lot"

For those who can understand technical detail,

8.1 people per million vaccinated may develop blood clots after vaccination with Astra-zenica vaccine and the rate is lower for those vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.

The risk increases to about 80 per million for people who get Covid. Vaccination cuts the risk of sever Covid by 2/3.

Bottom line: @Blue brother is at best, confused and at worst a lying sack of shit.
Show me where I lied if ur so fucking clued up
^^This poor work of logic is very common among the mundane. It is called "arguing from ignorance". Also false. We do know that vaccines protect people from severe illness. We do know that the covid vaccines do not cause anything near the risk of illness that a SARS-2 coronavirus infection causes. You are not only wrong when you say "we will never know" you are showing your lack of initiative to find out. If I were a lesser person, I'd call you an ignorant lazy ass.

there are places all over the world where vaccines are being dished out where they don’t have anywhere near the infrastructure to report never mind investigate side effects. Look at Africa and the polio vaccine, can u hand on heart say that every death caused by it is documented?
there are places all over the world where vaccines are being dished out where they don’t have anywhere near the infrastructure to report never mind investigate side effects. Look at Africa and the polio vaccine, can u hand on heart say that every death caused by it is documented?
Oh, I didn't know you live in Somalia. I live in the US where we have a decent medical reporting system. By US data, you are not only wrong but willfully ignorant.