cannabis seeds australia

Frosty . Never let me down, backlogged usually. about a 2 week wait to Perth ( eXpress) just ordered widow white tits fem - see diary coming weeks.

I have ordered through cavemanseeds, after I put my order in I looked at the Google reviews and there was a real mix bunch of comments.

It was a little late to come, the seeds weren't the most mature that I've ever seen but seem to be growing alright. Hard to tell this early on though. Next order I will likely go FF tbh.
Yeah I have seen caveman seeds reviews and they are not good. However at the same time you will find bad ones for Frosty as well.
Anyway I have just placed an order with Frosty and hope it is going to be ok.
Let me know how they look! Keen to see what they have to offer.

In all honesty I thought it was alright for in Aus seeds like we have trash laws in regards to pot.
I got the seeds a week ago. They seem small and immature(at least four out of 6) and it has taken three days for them to germinate without using any heat mat.

I usually do it on a window seal in closed plastic container with a wet paper towel. And the sunlight heats it up and create a right environment inside the container.

Now since all 6 geminated 4 of them has been put in coco fiber in DWS already and I have two left that I will transplant into soil today. When I was using my own seeds I could just throw extra geminated seeds into my garden but with these at $14/seed it is kind of stupid. So it is going to be four in DWS and 2 in soil growing in the same room.

As for delivery from frosty flowers it has come quite fast. They could post it straight away as I paid with OSKO. However they say they post with three business days and that what they have done. No complaints so far.
I thought Cannapot seedbank was located in Australia?
No reputable seedbank is located in Australia. Cannabis seeds are illegal. Its a customs offence to be in possession of them. Even in the ACT that has semi legal rec growing.

Much cheaper getting better genetics from overseas. Plus if you buy seeds from old mate in Aus and they get raided you would hope to hell he hasn't kept any of your details...
I go to for my seeds they usually source who can actually deliver to Australia and they will point you in the right direction.
I have also just started using it says guaranteed delivery so i hope so.
No reputable seedbank is located in Australia. Cannabis seeds are illegal. Its a customs offence to be in possession of them. Even in the ACT that has semi legal rec growing.

Much cheaper getting better genetics from overseas. Plus if you buy seeds from old mate in Aus and they get raided you would hope to hell he hasn't kept any of your details...
Not true. Only illegal if they can prove you have intent on growing them you can collect seeds.
It’s my understanding it’s legal in the ACT. Illegal everywhere else including seeds. Which is odd because they can’t prove they’re not hemp. They’re negative for THC.
I will also vouch for DC Seeds I ordered from them and had my seeds the next week pretty sure they are in AUS. I will say though a few seeds did not pop and I usually have 100% rate with seeds but I usually buy from overseas suppliers as quality is usually better.
LOL not against the law
“Individuals who unlawfully import products containing cannabis may face large fines or even imprisonment. These products are controlled under the Customs Act to help ensure the safety of the Australian public.”5 July 2021

Any consignments sent to Australia must be accompanied by a valid copy of the import permit if required under the import conditions. Failure to present a valid import permit will result with the seeds being directed for export or destruction.16 Feb 2022

One only has to head over to the Aussie thread to see people talking about seeds seized by customs.
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And ill add that the semi legal new laws in the ACT are now worse than the older laws. They tried to make the laws decent but they got watered down and silly. Share a J with someone and its a decent fine.
And of course remember that the ACT is policed by the Federal Police and as Cannabis is illegal Federally a person can still be charged even if complying with the ACT legal requirements. Very strange set up.

"When the man appeared before Magistrate Jennifer Tregent, she was surprised he wasn’t charged with obtaining financial advantage by deception. As he was allegedly sourcing 1kg of seeds for $20.99, then selling six seeds for $50, plus $10 shipping. "
