What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
They'll be free range and they don't mind picking at the deer I bring back for the other animals.
LOL I'm just busting your chops. I had them for a while. They shit everywhere, fucked up the garden.......I grew to hate them lol

We had this one go missing for about 20 days. I found her sitting on just as many eggs. Middle of the hottest part of the summer too......that smelled great :spew:


Virtually Unknown Member
I would but I hate dealing with people lol. I usually mix them in my dog food to help reduce that cost. I have 3 large dogs that cost almost more than me to feed.
Do you ever give them hard boiled eggs? I had a Rott that would hold the egg in her front paws and peel all the shell off of it. The Doberman would just crunch down the whole thing if I let him.


Well-Known Member
There are shiit-tons of old estates throughout area that have online auctions.....I'm sure the Erie Canal in its hey day , north of me, is responsible for all the vast estates. Back in the day, the Canal made tons of money for people with businesses there. In this auction, like so many, items for sale are ridiculously cheap...............................
Picked up some old crocks for 2$ a pice , an old wooden bucket 4$ ( the craftsmanship is spectacular), a pocket knife I thought 5$, turned out to be a York, PA forged blade toad sticker, and an old WWII Era RCA Victor radio...that works 12$......Hell, driving through a McDonalds would of cost me more.....I think.....no fast food around these parts.

