Best set up for plant count in a 4x4


Well-Known Member
So I planned on 4 5 gallon containers, but that was before I had to change plans and I will be doing coco perlite mix, or possibly just coco in 3 gallon pots. Will I be able to pack a few extra in with the smaller pots? Or will the plants reach the same size in the smaller pots with coco instead of soil or hydro?


Well-Known Member
There isn't a best setup. Some people will train one plant for awhile and fill up the tent with a SCROG. Others will grow 3-4 plants. Some grow many small plants in a SOG style. You have to decide how you want to grow. Coco can use smaller containers and grow the same size or larger plants than plants grown in soil using larger containers.

Lots of options and neither is the best way just different.


Well-Known Member
5 gal is overkill for coco

Plant count can vary depending of veg length, strain, etc., but 4 in a 4'x4' is probably the most common
Yeah I was made aware of that, I’m going to do 3 gallon pots. I wasn’t going to do coco at all when I planned the 5 gallon buckets I was going to do hydro, but cooling will be an issue soon. So I would like to do 2 or 3 gallon pots, whatever will maximize my yield in a 4x4. Probably going to SCROG especially if I can secure a decent auto feed system. But now I’m scrambling so the chips will fall where they fall, may be hand watering this time around


Well-Known Member
I really like 4 of the 3.5 gal air pots in a 4x4 vegged to 6 weeks, you get a nice full canopy and great yields. I'm trying out 4 2 gal pots of coco in a 4x4 now, just for a comparison.
I’m interested to see how that looks in comparison…I think I will do 6 3 gallon pots this go round and see how that goes.

I am looking at the flora flex pot pro pots because they have been good to me on nutes and whatnot and I’m loyal, and they also have all the irrigation accessories that are just plug and play with it, but would fabric pots be better with like a bottom feed system? I am rooting my clones now, so I have a little time…but not much.


Well-Known Member
I’m interested to see how that looks in comparison…I think I will do 6 3 gallon pots this go round and see how that goes.

I am looking at the flora flex pot pro pots because they have been good to me on nutes and whatnot and I’m loyal, and they also have all the irrigation accessories that are just plug and play with it, but would fabric pots be better with like a bottom feed system? I am rooting my clones now, so I have a little time…but not much.
I don't like fabric pots in general, I use the rigid plastic "air" pots (nipples) so I can't really help with a bottom feed system. If you go with 6 pots in a 4x4, I wouldn't veg them very long or you'll end up quite overgrown. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Ok this helps! I was confused as to the 5 gallons is too much for coco, so I wasn’t sure if the benefit to the less coco was in that you could raise plant count or just get the same size plants out of a smaller pot as you could with the 5 gallon. I see now that you just don’t need the volume of substrate, it doesn’t mean you can jam 9 pots in a 4x4 cause they fit lol


Well-Known Member
Ok this helps! I was confused as to the 5 gallons is too much for coco, so I wasn’t sure if the benefit to the less coco was in that you could raise plant count or just get the same size plants out of a smaller pot as you could with the 5 gallon. I see now that you just don’t need the volume of substrate, it doesn’t mean you can jam 9 pots in a 4x4 cause they fit lol
9 plants can most certainly fit in a 4 x 4 space, it just depends on your growing style. Hell I know guys that run 16 1 gallon pots in a 4 x 4 and they do just fine. What does the rest of your set up look like what light will you be running in the 4 x 4 hid? Led? wattage?


Well-Known Member
9 plants can most certainly fit in a 4 x 4 space, it just depends on your growing style. Hell I know guys that run 16 1 gallon pots in a 4 x 4 and they do just fine. What does the rest of your set up look like what light will you be running in the 4 x 4 hid? Led? wattage?
I will be running a timber cypress 3 for veg and a cypress 6 for flower, possibly both (but I don’t think I’ll need that kind of light, maybe have them both but the 6 slightly dimmed)
I’m looking into the Floraflex matrix auto water setup, but may hand water this first run. I have decent control of my RH and temp thus far, will need AC soon but I’ll have it when I need it. I’m in a tent, sufficient air movement I think. I think that’s it.


Well-Known Member
Definately four in 3 gal pots I'd say.

This is two autos in 2.5 gal pots of Coco in a 2x4x6. Three would have been straight impossible and they are only short vegging autos. They pre flowered week three, this was taken after a heavy defoliation of the lowers around week 6.5 from a seed. It was still night time at pot level lol.


Well-Known Member
3 in a "triangular" pattern if light is undersized.

4 in a " square" pattern if you have wall to wall lighting
That's exactly how I run my 4x4. Three in 3-5 gallon pots if I'm just running my COB and 4 if I throw in another LED to add in extra spread. Here it is with three in the triangle layout just to show you what that looks like. I do daily light moving as well half way through the day so the front and back sort of get equal exposure.IMG_20220414_190014308.jpg