Coco Coir

Sounds like a solid mix!! If you have a weed Wacker, gas or electric... put the hay/straw in a round trash can and turn it into little bits. When wet they lock together much denser than un-cut longer strands, and you can get a more effective mulch layer.

I can tell aside from the context of this thread, you've put alot of careful and meaningful thought into your next round. Don't overthink it tho, follow your intuitive nature and applied experience. Your gonna have a nice crop!!

thanks man appreciate your input

the hay i have is pasteurized mushroom substrate kind of hay and it seems like its already been shredded so i’m good on that front i guess :)

and yeah i did put some thought in to this because i was planning on going with bigger pots for a while now but the timing was never right couldnt find the right equipment and inputs and have been busy with house renovations etc etc so now its time.

i’m growing sativas and hybrids mostly and i’m guessing the sativas will love this setup. i’m having a hard time keeping them happy in 5 gallon pots especially near the end.

fingers crossed! :D